Monday, October 24, 2022

Monday, October 24th-Orange Day

The Varsity VB Ladies brought home a victory on Friday vs. Bridgewater/Emery with a final score of 22-25, 21-25, 25-22, 25-21, 15-12
Bella Fry 2 aces
Lizzy Bochee 19 kills and 16 digs
Kennadie Ochsner 13 kills
Kenlie Fridley 28 assists
Bailey Feistner 12 assists
Kam Ochsner 3 blocks and 26 digs

MS Honor Roll  and Student of the quarter will take place today at 3:00 in the music room.

VB 9-12 @ SC
There will be no junior high volleyball practice today.

The 5-6 grade b-ball teams will take the court this evening with girls starting at 6:00 and boys following at 7:00 vs. Mitchell Christian at Sanborn Central.

If your student is related to a veteran and you would like to include that person in this year’s slide show, please email that information and a picture of the veteran to If your veteran was included last year, no need to resend that information.

Mr. Welch is looking for concession stand volunteers for a projected VB game on Monday, October 31st starting at 6:30.  Please call the school at 495-4183  or e-mail Mr. Welch at

Parents and students please remember that we are a FISH FREE school.  Please do not send your child with lunches that contain tuna, shrimp, lobster, crab, oysters, salmon, cod,  fresh or salt water fish of any kind.  Thank You!

Extra Curricular
Anyone interested in Basketball Cheer please get ahold of Shelley by November 1st.
Email is: or text/call  605-354-4231
Go Blackhawks!!!!!

The junior high volleyball team will have practice/pizza party Thursday after school in Woonsocket.

The following students will be at an Oral Interp. competition on Tuesday, October 25th.  The bus will depart SC at 12:30
Isabella Bitterman, Sidney Salas, Brock Edwards, Carter Edwards, Layton Zoss, Cole Wilson, Ian Octavo, Riley Kneen, Caleb Kneen, Evan Easton, Bryce Larson, and Payton Uecker.

The VB ladies will be on the road for a last regular season game vs. MVP on Tuesday at Mt. Vernon.  The 7th will start at 4:00 followed by 8th, C, JV and V.

The following students will be attending All-State Chorus this weekend: Cami E, Aubrey M, Payton E, and Evan E.  The bus will leave Sanborn Central at 1:00 pm on Thursday and these students will also be gone on Friday.

Are you looking for some All State Apparel? Order your item and receive it before the event begins or have it delivered to your after the All State Event.

Watch this year's All-State Chorus & Orchestra concert live this Saturday on PBS at 7:00 pm.
Link to order All-State Chorus tickets:

The Cancer Tournament will take place at Sanborn Central on Saturday, November 12th beginning at 9AM.  Visit the following link for bracket information.  2022 Cancer Tourney

The 7/8th GBB team will be participating in the Hanson Early Bird JH tournament on Saturday Nov. 12 at Hanson School in Alexandria.  We will be having a few JH girls bb practices after their  VB season is complete. We will get them posted next week and sent out to parents

Please make the change on your 5/6th BB schedule-  The Iroquois/Lake Preston game will now be played in Iroquois.

The FFA will be hosting a Halloween Carnival at the Sanborn Central School on Saturday, October 29th from 4-6.  The cost is $5 for a family.
Halloween Flyer

Notes from Ms. Amundson
Libby Flemming will be here tomorrow to talk with the juniors (and seniors if they would like to) about the National Guards. Seniors are not require to attend, but juniors must be there. If any seniors would like to attend, they most certainly can.
Also, a representative from LATC will be here tomorrow morning right away in the morning around 8:15/8:30 to talk with any juniors or seniors who would like to learn more about LATC.

From the Kitchen
October Lunch
Monday-All Beef Hot Dog on a WW Bun, Steamed peas, Fresh Honeydew
Tuesday-Beef Totchos, Spanish Rice Sautéed Zucchini, Fresh Green Grapes
Wednesday-Italian Chicken (P-5) Italian Chicken Sandwich (6-12) Sidewinder Fries, Steamed Chateau Blend Vegi
Thursday-WG Soft Pretzel, Mucho, Queso Cheese or Marinara Sauce, Calico Beans, Orange Wedges, Yogurt Cup
Friday-Stuffed Crust Pizza, Roasted Cauliflower, Choice of Fruit
Pea Pods

Hello, my name is Ellie Evans. I am doing a Food Drive/ Kids Winter Accessories Drive. If you are interested in donating, I have boxes located at Sanborn Central, Letcher Community Church, and CorTrust Bank in Letcher. I will also be doing an in person drive on Saturday, November 5th from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the Letcher Community Center if you would like to drop off at that time! Thank you for supporting my Senior Project!
Food Driver Information
Winter Apparel Drive

The next food pantry giveaway will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd at 4:30 untill gone.  No Parking in the bank lot or on the highway please!  Come in from the south and west of the courthouse.  One box per family. Food Pantry-November

Town N Kountry Kids 4-H Blue Group is hosting a Trunk or Treat event.

When:  Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 5 pm sharp

Where:  Letcher Ball park

What to do: You are invited to come and decorate your trunk and pass out treats to the kids.

Top 2 Trunks win $10 gift certificates.

If questions please contact, Teagen Moody ( Jerilyn at 770-8824) or Hudson Fouberg ( Jen at 270-2739)

Following trunk or treat, the kids will trick or treat the town of Letcher!


Monday, October 24th-Orange Day
VB 9-12 @ Woony 
VB 7-8 @ SC Woony
5-6 b-ball game @ SC vs MC

Tuesday, October 25th-Blue Day
VB vs. MVP @ Plank MV
Oral Interp. @ Lennox
Lake Area Rep @ SC
School nurse @ Colony
Libby Flemming Presentation
5/6 b-ball practice B @ SC G @ Woony

Wednesday, October 26th-Orange Day
No VB practice
WWTS (3:50-5:30)
Senior Youth-Letcher
8th CPR (MS Lab)

Thursday, October 27th-Blue Day
FB Quarterfinals
VB 9-12 @ Woony SC
All State Chorus
Tom Fridley Presentation
El. Health Screenings

Friday, October 28th-Orange Day
VB 9-12 @ SC
K-5 Halloween Parties
5/6 b-ball game @ Ethan G/B
All State Chorus in SF

Saturday, October 29th
FFA Carnival
All State Chorus in SF
SC/W Oral Interp @ Woony
5/6 B-Ball vs. MVP @ MV

Sunday, October 30th
All State Chorus in SF

Monday, October 31st-Blue Day
VB 9-12 @ SC
High School Health Screenings
All State Chorus in SF

Tuesday, November 1st-Orange Day
VB Regions
5/6 b-ball practice G @ Woony B @ SC

Wednesday, November 2nd-Blue Day
Oral Interp. Mitchell
Sonshine Club
WWTS 3:50-5:30

Thursday, November 3rd-Orange Day
VB Regions
LDE (FFA) Brookings

Friday, November 4th-Blue Day
VB @ Woony
5/6 b-ball vs. WS @ Woony

Saturday, November 5th
FB Semifinals
Trista Jensen VB Camp