Friday, October 28, 2022

Friday October 28th 2022-Orange Day

Congratulations to the students at Sanborn Central that have excelled and placed themselves on the Honor Roll.  Keep up the great work!
Sanborn Central High School Quarter 1 A and B Honor Roll October 15th, 2022
“A” Honor Roll – GPA 3.495 – 4.0+
Freshman: Cameron Edwards, Victoria Hoffman, Teagan Moody
Sophomore: Caleb Kneen, Bryce Larson
Junior: Allie Applegarth, Isabella Bitterman, Keaton Fridley, Cooper Goldammer, Aubrey Senska, Kara Wormstadt
Senior: Edgar Acosta, Casady Dean, Ellie Evans, Kenlie Fridley, Jessie Krueger, Sidney Salas“B” Honor Roll – GPA 2.995 – 3.494
Freshman: Aubrey Kroop
Sophomore: Thanrada Chukasem, Evan Easton, Payton Uecker
Junior: Carter Hitchcock, Trey Moody, Cody Slykhuis
Senior: Jaxon Applegarth, Brooklyn Johnson, Brady Larson
Freshman – Cameron Edwards Sophomore – Caleb Kneen Junior – Aubrey Senska Senior – Ellie Evans

Sanborn Central Middle School Honor Roll 1st quarter.
"A" 6th-Carley Edwards, Ramsey Fouberg, Kaidence Fridley, Brooklyn Larson
"A" 7th-Sean Bitterman, Olivia Conrad, Jason Moran, Evie Olson, McKenzie Uecker, Weston White
"A" 8th-Miley Adams, Carter Edwards, Hudson Fouberg, Cole Wilson

"B" 6th-Chloe Salathe, Landree Zoss, Shania Lamb
"B" 7th-Lucy Applegarth, Ledoux Bracha, Madi Morris
"B" 8th-Riley Kneen, Ian Octavo, Temperance Salathe, Layton Zoss

We will start eligibility on Thursday, November 3rd.

5/6 b-ball games @ Ethan both girls and boys

VG practice at Woonsocket

If your student is related to a veteran and you would like to include that person in this year’s slide show, please email that information and a picture of the veteran to If your veteran was included last year, no need to resend that information.

High school football players -- please turn in your football equipment to Mr. McCain by TODAY!!

The 1st round of region volleyball will be played at Sanborn Central on Monday, October 31 vs. Chamberlain at 6:30.
The winner of this match will play on Tuesday night at Wagner with a 6:00 7:30 start.  The 4th and 5th seeds play at 6:00
Passes will not be accepted for this event.
Admission prices are $6 for adults and $4 for students.
Mr. Welch is looking for concession stand volunteers for the VB game on Monday, October 31st starting at 6:30.  Please call the school at 495-4183  or e-mail Mr. Welch at
Are you following the VB standings?  Visit to follow along.

October 31 in Forestburg

(Officials - Shane Thill and Bridgette Muller) 

6:30 Game 1 Seed #8 SCW vs Seed #9 Chamberlain

November 1 in Wagner

(Officials - Shane Thill and Bridgette Muller)

6:00 Game 2 Seed #4 MVP vs Seed #5 Parkston 

7:30 Game 3 Seed #1 Wagner vs SCW/Chamberlain

November 1 in Platte 

(Officials - Cherilyn Dykstra and Annika Russell-Manke)

6:00 Game 4 Seed #3 KWL vs Seed #6 Bon Homme

7:30 Game 5 Seed #2 P/G HOSTS Seed #7 Hanson

November 3 at Higher Seed

(Officials - will be assigned)

7:00 Game 6 Winner of Game 3 VS Winner of Game 2

November 3 at Higher Seed

Officials - will be assigned

7:00 Game 7 Winner of Game 4 VS Winner of Game 5

November Calendar

A breakdown of Halloween Festivities this weekend.
The FFA will be hosting a Halloween Carnival at the Sanborn Central School on Saturday, October 29th from 4-6.  The cost is $5 for a family.
Halloween Flyer
The 8th graders who are going to New York in 2024 will be selling caramel apples, pizza and hot dogs during the FFA carnival on Saturday! Come hungry!

Sunday, October 30th the Artesian CIA is hosting Trunk or Treat at 3:00 PM. 
All are welcome to join us for some fun and safe Trunk or Treating!
If you are interested in decorating a trunk, come early to set up and be ready to see all of the ghosts and goblins!
We're excited to see all of your fun costumes and trunks!

Town N Kountry Kids 4-H Blue Group is hosting a Trunk or Treat event.

When:  Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 5 pm sharp

Where:  Letcher Ball park

What to do: You are invited to come and decorate your trunk and pass out treats to the kids.

Top 2 Trunks win $10 gift certificates.

If questions please contact, Teagen Moody ( Jerilyn at 770-8824) or Hudson Fouberg ( Jen at 270-2739)

Following trunk or treat, the kids will trick or treat the town of Letcher!

Extra Curricular
Anyone interested in Basketball Cheer please get ahold of Shelley by November 1st.
Email is: or text/call  605-354-4231
Go Blackhawks!!!!!

The following students will be attending All-State Chorus this weekend: Cami E, Aubrey M, Payton E, and Evan E.  The bus will leave Sanborn Central at 1:00 pm on Thursday and these students will also be gone on Friday.

Are you looking for some All State Apparel? Order your item and receive it before the event begins or have it delivered to your after the All State Event.

Watch this year's All-State Chorus & Orchestra concert live this Saturday on PBS at 7:00 pm.
Link to order All-State Chorus tickets:

The 7th/8th girls will be having practice the following dates to prepare for the Hanson Tournament on November 12th:
Wednesday, November 2nd @ Woonsocket
Thursday, November 3rd @ SC
Friday, November 4th @ Woonsocket
Monday, November 7th @ SC
Tuesday, November 8th @ Woonsocket
Thursday, November 10th @ SC
Friday, November 11th @ Woonsocket
Schedule is subject to change.

Seventh and eighth grade girls will be participating in the Hanson Early Bird JH tournament on Saturday November 12th at Hanson School. We have participated in this tournament for many years.  I know the Cancer Tournament will be the same day as is always the case.  We will be sure to have rides for any of the girls in case you are unable to attend the JH tourney. 
We will have 7/8 girls bb practice next week in preparation of the JH tourney at Hanson Nov. 12.  A letter is going home with the girls today.
Wed. Nov. 2  at Woonsocket
Thursday Nov. 3 at Sanborn Central
Friday Nov. 4 at WoonsocketZ
Monday November 7 at Sanborn Central
Tuesday November 8 at Woonsocket
Thursday November 10 at Sanborn Central
Friday November 11 at Woonsocket
Schedule is subject to change.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 605-354-2699 or email me at
-Coach Baruth

From the Kitchen
October Lunch
Friday-Stuffed Crust Pizza, Roasted Cauliflower, Choice of Fruit
Pea Pods
Monday-Chicken Drumsticks, Baked Beans, Creamy Coleslaw, Diced Pears, **Warm WG Biscuit & Honey

Tuesday-Beef, & Cheese Nachos, Lettuce, Sour Cream, Seasoned Black Beans, Chilled Diced Pears **Mexicali Corn **Mixed Fruit **Cinnamon Puff

Wednesday-Sloppy Joe, Steamed Green Beans, Fresh Melon Bowl *WW Oatmeal Cookie **String Cheese
FFV-Cucumber Slices

Thursday-Country Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Steamed Corn, Diced Apricots *Warm WG Dinner Roll & Jelly

Friday-Meatball Marinara Pizza, Steamed California Blend, Choice of Fruit **Frozen Sidekick
*Applies to 6-8th & 9-12
**Applies to 9-12

Notes from Ms. Amundson
 I will be taking the following seniors to LATC in Watertown on Wednesday, November 2 to the Senior Tech Day:
Casady Dean
Brooklyn Johnson
Kenlie Fridley
Brady Larson
Toby Kneen
Michael Hoffman
We will be leaving the school at around 7 AM and we will not return until the end of the day, so these students will be not be in any classes on Wednesday, November 2nd.

Hello, my name is Ellie Evans. I am doing a Food Drive/ Kids Winter Accessories Drive. If you are interested in donating, I have boxes located at Sanborn Central, Letcher Community Church, and CorTrust Bank in Letcher. I will also be doing an in person drive on Saturday, November 5th from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the Letcher Community Center if you would like to drop off at that time! Thank you for supporting my Senior Project!
Food Driver Information
Winter Apparel Drive

The next food pantry giveaway will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd at 4:30 until gone.  No Parking in the bank lot or on the highway please!  Come in from the south and west of the courthouse.  One box per family. Food Pantry-November

The America’s Famers Grow Communities program is a singular effort seeking to give $5,000 grants to a variety of rural nonprofits, education efforts and rural initiatives in a streamlined way. We believe farmers know best which institutions and programs in their communities deserve funding, so we partner with them to direct the grant money.

Since 2010, the America’s Farmers programs has awarded over $65 million to nonprofits, schools and ag youth organizations across rural America. From 3D printers and STEM education for small schools, to funding food banks in underserved areas, the America’s Farmers programs help lift up and support rural communities, one grant at a time.

ROCS Community Closet is a non-profit thrift store opening soon in Mitchell.  This store offers a wide variety of merchandise including clothing, shoes, coats and more.  Students, to join the Volunteer Team click the following link

Saturday, October 29th
FFA Carnival
All State Chorus in SF
SC/W Oral Interp @ Woony

Sunday, October 30th
All State Chorus in SF

Monday, October 31st-Blue Day
VB 9-12 @ SC
High School Health Screenings
All State Chorus in SF

Tuesday, November 1st-Orange Day
VB Regions
5/6 b-ball practice G @ Woony B @ SC

Wednesday, November 2nd-Blue Day
Oral Interp. Mitchell
7/8 girls practice
Sonshine Club
WWTS 3:50-5:30

Thursday, November 3rd-Orange Day
VB Regions
LDE (FFA) Brookings
7/8 girls b-ball @ Woony

Friday, November 4th-Blue Day
VB @ Woony
5/6 b-ball vs. WS @ Woony

Saturday, November 5th
FB Semifinals
Trista Jensen VB Camp

Monday, November 7th-Orange Day
VB 9-12 @ Woony
5-6th B-Ball @ Woony vs. Wolsey
District LDE (FFA) in Mitchell

Tuesday, November 8th-Blue Day
VB So-Dak 16
5/6 b-ball @ Iroquois

Wednesday, November 9th-Orange Day
VB @ Woony
Senior Youth-Letcher Church
WWTS 3:50-5:30 @ Artesian

Thursday, November 10th
FB State (Vermillion)
VB @ Woony 9-12

Friday, November 11th
FB State (Vermillion)
No VB practice