Thursday, July 30, 2020

Thursday, July 30th

Thursday, July 30th

Due to the current world situation a traditional back to school night will not be held this year.  If you would like to get in touch with your child's teacher/teachers please visit out website directory at
*Under menu you will find our directory with staff e-mails.

Please encourage those around you to sign up for e-news if they have not done so.
During the school year you will receive an e-mail with the latest SC News! It's absolutely the best to stay informed of happenings!
***Below are the instructions to join.  Forward to a friend that you know is not part of this group***
To SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications by email from this group, send a blank email message to Check your inbox for a message with further instructions.

Have you purchased your back to school supplies yet?  Here is your back to school supply list

Backpack Buddies
The Spirit of Faith Church would like to sponsor any student/family who may need help purchasing school supplies this fall.  Any one who is interested in utilizing this program can contact Mrs. Vermeulen at the Sanborn Central School (605-495-4183).  The appropriate information (girl or boy and grade level; the rest will stay anonymous) will be given to the church.  They will purchase the appropriate items for your child/children.  You will be contacted for pick-up or delivery of the supplies before the school year starts.

A Booster Club Meeting will take place Wednesday, August 5th at 7PM in the student parking lot at Sanborn Central.  Bring lawn chairs if you wish.

The Sanborn Central Booster Club may assist different groups within the Sanborn Central Community with a special request.  If you or your group wish to apply for funds from the Sanborn Central Booster Club, please fill out this updated Booster Club application.

Sports Information
Seventh graders and sophomores don't forget about your sports physicals.  They need to be completed before the 1st day of practice.
The paperwork necessary from the sdhsaa and school can be found with the link below and must be filled out by the first day of practice.

On August 4th, we are having a 7-12 Football meeting in Wessington Springs at 6 PM and Sanborn Central at 7:15 PM. Parents and players are strongly encouraged to attend. We are unable to have a meeting at Woonsocket due to the gym floor being refinished, so parents and players from Woonsocket can attend either meeting.
Equipment for SC and Springs players will be handed out after the meeting for 7-12 players. Woonsocket players will be contacted by Coach Rodriguez on a different time that works for him and the players. If a player is unable to attend the meeting to get equipment, talk to your school's coach to arrange another time.
Many new requirements will be discussed for practice and game protocol that pertain to our current situation with Covid-19 and district/state regulations. Both meetings will be held in the schools' gyms. SC is having new tiles placed in the school and the entrance to gym may be unusable. The entrance through the locker rooms on the east side of the school may have to be utilized. We ask that you and your family practice social distancing in the bleachers or wear a mask. Player participation packets, schedules, and other information will be handed out.  Again, have physicals done prior to the start of the season which is August 6th.
Thanks, Coach Flatten

There will be a volleyball player/parent meeting in the SC gym on Aug. 4th at 6pm.  Please sit with your family in the bleachers and use social distancing between families.  Masks are also recommended. 

The Hanson volleyball tournament has been cancelled for August 25 and August 27.

We will play Hanson in Alexandria on August 25 with a "C" match beginning at 5:00 followed by the JV and Varsity matches.

View the 2020 Blackhawk Foothball Schedule
JH-JV Football Schedule 2020
FB Practice Schedule 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Wednesday, July 29th

Wednesday, July 29th

Backpack Buddies
The Spirit of Faith Church would like to sponsor any student/family who may need help purchasing school supplies this fall.  Any one who is interested in utilizing this program can contact Mrs. Vermeulen at the Sanborn Central School (605-495-4183).  The appropriate information (girl or boy and grade level; the rest will stay anonymous) will be given to the church.  They will purchase the appropriate items for your child/children.  You will be contacted for pick-up or delivery of the supplies before the school year starts.

Need a refresher course on how Zoom works?  Follow this step-by-step guide on how to navigate through a Zoom meeting.

On August 4th, we are having a 7-12 Football meeting in Wessington Springs at 6 PM and Sanborn Central at 7:15 PM. Parents and players are strongly encouraged to attend. We are unable to have a meeting at Woonsocket due to the gym floor being refinished, so parents and players from Woonsocket can attend either meeting.
Equipment for SC and Springs players will be handed out after the meeting for 7-12 players. Woonsocket players will be contacted by Coach Rodriguez on a different time that works for him and the players. If a player is unable to attend the meeting to get equipment, talk to your school's coach to arrange another time.
Many new requirements will be discussed for practice and game protocol that pertain to our current situation with Covid-19 and district/state regulations. Both meetings will be held in the schools' gyms. SC is having new tiles placed in the school and the entrance to gym may be unusable. The entrance through the locker rooms on the east side of the school may have to be utilized. We ask that you and your family practice social distancing in the bleachers or wear a mask. Player participation packets, schedules, and other information will be handed out.  Again, have physicals done prior to the start of the season which is August 6th.
Thanks, Coach Flatten

There will be a volleyball player/parent meeting in the SC gym on Aug. 4th at 6pm.  Please sit with your family in the bleachers and use social distancing between families.  Masks are also recommended. 

Seventh graders and sophomores don't forget about your sports physicals.  They need to be completed before the 1st day of practice.
The paperwork necessary from the sdhsaa and school can be found with the link below and must be filled out by the first day of practice.

A Booster Club Meeting will take place Wednesday, August 5th at 7PM in the student parking lot at Sanborn Central.  Bring lawn chairs if you wish.

The Sanborn Central Booster Club may assist different groups within the Sanborn Central Community with a special request.  If you or your group wish to apply for funds from the Sanborn Central Booster Club, please fill out this updated Booster Club application.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Sports Physical

Seventh graders and sophomores need to complete physicals before the 1st day of practice.

The paperwork necessary from the sdhsaa and school can be found with the link below and must be filled out by the first day of practice.

Friday, July 17, 2020

July Board Meeting Proposed Agenda

The July 2020 proposed school board agenda can be viewed by following the link:

Also, a copy of the agenda, and the first draft of the "Start Well" back to school document will be available on the SC website (  This is a working document and will likely have a number of alterations made before and during school this year, depending on how things go.  Please be assured that the SCSD is working hard to provide a safe environment for the students and staff to begin, and hopefully, continue school in a traditional way, with adjusted considerations being made when necessary.  Question may be directed to Justin Siemsen or Connie Vermeulen via email or through a phone call to the school.

On the website: Go to the documents tab, Parental Information and Documents, Start Well Fall 2020

Monday, July 13, 2020

Quick Update

Hello Sanborn Central Families!  I hope this note finds you all happy, healthy and enjoying the summer, at least a little bit!  As we move through July, the upcoming school year is approaching quickly.  I know that everyone has many thoughts and questions with how school will start and function this year.  As a district, we have the same questions.  That being said, it is our job to figure out the answers to those questions.  With input from the State Departments of Health and Education along with district members, we are working on our plan for return to school.  It has been a long process, as I am sure you can imagine.  Our team will have a draft of the proposed Start Well document to present to our school board at the July 20th meeting.  Once it has been reviewed, and approved, it will be made available to you all.  Hopefully the plan will provide answers to the many questions that you have and give insight to how we will proceed August 19th and beyond.  Be looking for notification of the published plan here on the blog as well as on our district's web page sometime during the week of July 20.  At that time, should you still have questions, we will be happy to provide answers to the best of our ability.  Until then, take care and be safe!

Justin Siemsen
Sanborn Central School District

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

SC Booster Club Meeting

The SC Booster Club will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, July 8th at 7:30 pm in the commons area of the school in Forestburg.  Please make plans to attend to see what the club has planned for the upcoming school year.