Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3, 2013

The start time for Saturday’s basketball games against Mt. Vernon/Plankinton (MVP) at Plankinton has been moved up to 12:00 noon. Due to a lot of JH players from MVP, there will be an additional quarter added to the JH girls and boys’ games. Game times are approximate.
12:00 – JH Girls with 5th quarter running clock
1:00 – JH Boys with 5th quarter running clock
2:30 – JV Boys
4:00 – Varsity Girls
5:30 – Varsity Boys
No transportation will be provided for JH players on Saturday. If a ride is needed, please contact a coach. The JV and Varsity girls/boys bus will leave Sanborn Central at 12:45 p.m. and pick up the Woonsocket players at 1:00 p.m. before heading to Plankinton.
The SCW Blackhawks had basketball games against Hitchcock/Tulare last Saturday at Hitchcock. The JH girls won, 31-25. The JH boys won, 38-26. The JV girls won, 42-17. The JV boys won, 45-31. The Varsity girls won, 78-40. The Varsity boys won, 74-68.
Leaders for the JV girls’ game: Ashley Schmit had 9 points and 4 rebounds; Myah Selland had 9 points and 6 steals; and Tayla Weber had 8 points.
Scoring in the Varisty boys’ game: Tyler Krueger – 7, Todd Stekl – 20, Nick Miller – 28, Davion Brooks – 9, Drew HInker – 2, Jaedyn Ford – 3, Tucker Kingsbury – 3, Brady Tiede – 2. Leading rebounds: Nick – 14, Davion – 9. Leading steals: Nick – 5. Leading assists: Tyler – 3, Tucker – 2, Nick – 2. The team was 23 of 50 for field goals (46%) and 24 of 43 for free throws (56%).
Stats from the other Saturday games were not available.
Mary still has Blackhawk window decals for sale in the office for just $3.00.
High School Honor Roll and December Student of the Month assemblies will be held today.
The boys have basketball games against Andes Central tonight at Woonsocket. The JH boys will play at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Varsity boys. There will not be a JV boys game tonight as Andes Central does not have enough JV players.
Basketball practice: Girls at SC
The Pep Band is scheduled to play tonight in Woonsocket. Band members need to be ready to start by 7:00 p.m.
Friday is School Pride Day. Everyone should dress accordingly.
Basketball practice: Girls at SC, Boys at W
There will be a Community Bridal Shower on Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Letcher Community Center for Kelsey Price. Kelsey will be marrying Shawn Ruml on January 25 in Mexico.
The JV girls will be playing in the CBH JV Girls Basketball Jamboree at Mt. Vernon on Saturday. The jamboree starts at 9:00 a.m. The SCW Lady Blackhawks will play their first game at 9:35 a.m. against Wagner in the old Mt. Vernon Gym. Here’s the complete schedule:
There are double-header basketball games against Mt. Vernon/Plankinton at Plankinton on Saturday.
12:00 – JH Girls with 5th quarter running clock
1:00 – JH Boys with 5th quarter running clock
2:30 – JV Boys
4:00 – Varsity Girls
5:30 – Varsity Boys
No transportation will be provided for JH players on Saturday. If a ride is needed, please contact a coach. The JV and Varsity girls/boys bus will leave Sanborn Central at 12:45 p.m. and pick up the Woonsocket players at 1:00 p.m. before heading to Plankinton.
The Salem/Storla/Trinity Lutheran Youth Group will be sponsoring a “5th Quarter” on Saturday following the Titans/Blackhawks basketball games until 11:00 p.m. This is a chance for all area high school youth to gather after the game for the 3 F’s – Fellowship, Fun and Food. Youth advisors Dave and Dawnette Anderson will open their home (108 Northview Road in Mt. Vernon) following the game with the cost being covered by the youth group. There will be a pool and hot tub (bring your own suit and towel), video games, a pool table and food. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact Dave or Dawnette Anderson at 605-236-5480.
January is the Character Month of Responsibility. Everyone is encouraged to wear green on Monday in support.
Basketball practice: Girls at W, Boys at SC
Cheer practice at Woonsocket
The JH girls and boys have basketball games at Kimball on Monday. The JH girls will play at 6:00 p.m. and the JH boys at approximately 7:00 p.m.
The Blackhawks have double-header basketball games on Tuesday against Kimball/White Lake at Woonsocket. The boys will be playing first. Games start at 4:00 p.m. in the following order: Boys JV, Girls JV, Boys Varsity, Girls Varsity.
Friends of the Library will be having a Used Book Sale in the Woonsocket School Commons on Tuesday during the basketball games.
Basketball practice: Girls at W, Boys at SC
The Glass Slipper event will once again be held at the First United Methodist Church in Mitchell the second weekend in February, 2013. They are taking donated prom dresses, jewelry and shoes for girls who are in need of prom dresses for this school year. If you would like to donate prom dresses, jewelry or shoes, they can be dropped off with Mary in the Sanborn Central School office and she will make sure they get to the Glass Slipper event. Donations may also be dropped off at the church office at 310 N. Rowley in Mitchell, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
More information on Sanborn Central’s mobile app can be found at
Love they neighbor as thyself, but choose your neighborhood.
- Louise Beal
(The links below lead to many of the items that were contained in last year’s e-News, plus a few more worthwhile sites.)
ASK’s Question of the Day:
NASA’s Image of the Day:
(after 30 second ad)
The New York Times Learning Network:
Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day:
Math Buddy’s Question of the Day:
National Geographic’s Daily GeoBee:
Questions, comments, additions: Sherri at or to
Sanborn Central e-News blog/archives: