Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thursday, November 17th 2022-Blue Day

To the true superhero's!!!  Today is teacher Day-It had been said that teaching in not a job, but a lifestyle...and most teachers have been practicing for that lifestyle since playing school as kids!  From writing lesson plans and correcting papers to acting out the story with all the crazy voices and making up songs to remind kids hoe the water cycle works, teaching is a passion.  Thank a teacher today!
"Educators are the only people who lose sleep over other People's kids." Nicholas A Ferroni

Friday-Student Day-Students are our business!  Without students, schools would not exist.  Students will enjoy a movie and snack provided by the Booster Club today.  Students may wear their favorite warm and cozy pj's and bring a pop, juice, water or sports drink (20 oz. or smaller)labeled with their name to drink during the movie!  Thank You students.

For American Education Week the staff has been having some fun of their own.  Staff that might be the class clown, energizer bunny, and early bird award but the list goes on and on.  The votes have been cast and we would like to highlight some deserving staff:)
*The Gordon Ramsay Award (most likely to have a lunch that we all want to try)- Laura Conrad and Mrs. Welch.  
*Mr./Mrs. Worldwide (most likely to respond to messages when you don’t expect them to) -Mrs. Vermeulen, Mrs. Moore, and Mr. Siemsen.  
*The Sipper Award (most likely to be drinking something during a meeting)- Mrs. Reimer and Mr. Steele.  
*The Office Clown (most likely to make us all laugh)- Mr. McCain. 
*The Early Bird Award (most likely to be first to school)- Mrs. (Robin) Moody.  
*The Energizer Bunny (most likely to be the most upbeat)- Ms. Amundson.
*Ice Breaker Award (most likely to start a debate)- Mr. Steele
*The Snacker Award (most likely to be snacking during a meeting)- Mrs. Reimer!
*The Interior Designer Award (most magazine worthy classroom)- Ms. Farrell-Poncelet.  
*On Fleek Award (best dressed) - Mrs. Vermeulen!

*Technical Difficulties Award (most likely to have technical difficulties)- Mr. Petersen.

*Photographer Award (most likely to take and share the best photos)- Mrs. Farrell-Poncelet 

*The Geek Squad (most likely to fix tech issues) - Mr. Olsen. 

*Green Thumb Award (most likely to have plants in their workspace)- Laura Licht. 

*Friendly Award (most likely to say hi in the hallway) -Ms. Amundson.

The VB State A Tourney happens today!  Catch the action with the following link

Today we will run eligibility!

Creative Web basketball order forms are going home with PK-5th grade students today.  If you would like a printed version some will be located in the office.  Creative Web Order Forms
Forms are due back November 22nd.

Mrs. Selland will be here on Monday, November 21st.  Students, if you have an instrument at home please remember to bring it!!!  Laura will not be making phone calls for parents to bring instruments!

The Christmas Concert will take place on Tuesday, December 6th at 6:30

Declaim for 4th and 5th grade students will take place Monday, November 21st in the gym.  Parents are welcome to attend.  Please enter through the front door.

The High School Music Festival will take place on Tuesday, November 22nd.  Students will depart from Sanborn Central at 6:25 am. Depart Woonsocket at 6:40 am. Return approximately 10:00 pm.  There is a public concert at the Gregory gymnasium at 6:30 pm.  Admission is $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for students. All are welcome.  Students bring music folders & pencil, water bottle, and extra money in case we stop.  Students attending are; Cami Edwards, Tori Hoffman, Casady Dean, Aubrey Moody, Clay Moody, Parker Ettswold, Evan Easton, and Payton Uecker.

Extra Curricular
Mrs. Farrel-Poncelet will be taking Alex S, Bryce L, Payton U, Caleb K, Evan E, Temperance S, Miley A and Hudson F to the DWU Oral Interp. Competition.  These students will dismiss at 9:35.

GBB schedule Changes:
Due to the newly scheduled Football Banquet on Monday Night and the Region Music festival on Tuesday, GBB practice will be at Sanborn Central Monday after school.  Also the GBB parent & player meeting will be Monday Night at Sanborn Central at 6:15pm. I apologize for the changes.
Coach Baruth

View the 2022-2023 Basketball Schedule

There will be GBB open gym this week for the 9-12 girls.  We will go right after school. Should be done by 4:30-4:45 time frame. Schedule below:
Friday at woonsocket
Coach Baruth

Information regarding the HS Music Festival
Depart Sanborn Central at 6:25 am. Depart Woonsocket at 6:40 am. Return approximately 10:00 pm.  There is a public concert at the Gregory gymnasium at 6:30 pm.  Admission is $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for students. All are welcome.  Students bring music folders & pencil, water bottle, and extra money in case we stop.
Students attending-Cami Edwards, Tori Hoffman, Casady Dean, Aubrey Moody, Clay Moody, Parker Ettswold, Evan Easton, and Payton Uecker.

From the Kitchen
Thursday-Pizza Burger on WW Bun, Sweet Cinnamon Squash, Mixed Vegetables, Choice of Fruit, Banana Bar*

Friday-Thanksgiving Diner
FFV-Pink Grapefruit

Monday-Blackhawk Chicken Bowl, WG Dinner Roll & Jelly**, Mixed Fruit Cup
FFV-Broccoli, Baby Carrot, Cauliflower Blend

Tuesday-Cheesy Chicken Tortilla Soup, Seasoned Black Beans, Baked Tostito Chips, Choice of Fruit

*Applies to 6-8th & 9-12
**Applies to 9-12

Notes from Ms. Amundson
College Access Campaign:
Seniors have until November 30 to fill out college applications for FREE at participating colleges here in South Dakota. Please take advantage of this opportunity! College applications are online and can be found on each college's website. Each college and major/program have different deadlines for admission, so make sure to submit your application on time. Once you have submitted a college application, make sure to let Ms. Amundson know what colleges you have applied to so she can send them your transcript.
Ms. Amundson updates her scholarship website weekly with many scholarship opportunities for students - you can check it out here:

T-hugs, a group of Woonsocket quilters, is in need of any
cancer related shirts you may no longer wear.  They use the graphics and turn them into cuddly quilts to brighten area cancer patients' days.
If you are willing to donate to this cause, the SC office will act as a drop off until December 2, 2022.
Questions contact Mary -
Thank you for supporting this cause. 

Hello! Mrs. Rodriguez and I (Mrs. Deinert) are looking forward to establishing a new opportunity for our high school students to develop their relationship with Jesus. We are working to provide a group similar to FCA, however, our study group will be called Devoted Students. Our first night will be December 5th. We will meet in the Woonsocket commons at 6:00 (after basketball practice) with supper, games, and a study provided. Any high school student (9th - 12th grade) is welcome to come! However, we do ask that you please fill out the following form so we can plan accordingly with food, etc. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there! 🙂

Friday, November 18th-Orange Day
VB State A Tourney
Oral Interp. Comp.

Saturday, November 19th
VB State A Tourney

Monday, November 21st
4th and 5th Declaim
WWTS (3:50-5:30)
Girls B-Ball starts-@ SC
Parent-Player meeting girls b-ball @ SC

Tuesday, November 22nd-Orange Day
HS Redion Music Fest. in Gregory
girls b-ball @ Woony

Wednesday, November 23rd-Thanksgiving Break
Senior Youth-Letcher
Girls B-Ball @ Woony

Thursday, November 24th-Thanksgiving

Friday, November 25th

Sunday, November 27th
Girls B-ball @ Woonly-HS Only

Monday, November 28th-Blue Day
Boys B-Ball Starts-AM @ SC PM @ Woony
Girls b-ball @ SC

Tuesday, November 29th-Orange Day
G B-Ball @ SC
B B-Ball @ Woony

Wednesday, November 30th-Blue Day
Sonshine Club
WWTS 3:50-5:30
Boys B-Ball AM @ SC PM Woony
Girls B-Ball @ SC

Thursday, December 1st-Orange Day
G B-Ball @ SC
B B-Ball @ Woony

Friday, December 2nd-Blue Day
Boys B-Ball @ SC AM PM Woony
Girls B-Ball @ SC