Monday, November 28, 2022

Monday, November 28th 2022-Blue Day

Girls b-ball at Sanborn Central today
Boys B-Ball Starts today-AM @ SC PM @ Woony
Girls b-ball @ SC

December Calendar

The Christmas Concert will take place on Tuesday, December 6th at 6:30
Here is a tentative schedule for dress rehearsal on Dec. 6th:
12:30-1:15  7th-12th Chorus
1:30-2:00  3rd-6th Grades
2:15-2:45  PK-2nd Grades

Fruit and butter Braids will be ready for pick up on Nov 30 after 3:00 in the AG shop.

Extra Curricular

From the Kitchen
Monday-WG Corndog, Fresh Cucumber, Breaded Cheddar Potato Munchers, Choice of Fruit, Homemade Monster Cookies**
Tuesday-Cheese & Chicken Quesadilla, Southwest Salsa, Mexicali Corn, Fresh Granny Smith Apple
Wednesday-Chicken Alfredo, Roasted Broccoli, WG Garlic Breadstick, Strawberry Cup
FFV-Butternut Squash
Thursday-Flame Broiled Steakburger, Lettuce & Tomato, Potato Smile Fries, Fresh Kiwi
Friday-Homemade Meatlovers Pizza, Steamed Mixed Vegetables, Banana, Strawberry Jelly Cubes**

*Applies to 6-8th & 9-12
**Applies to 9-12

Notes from Ms. Amundson
College Access Campaign:
Seniors have until November 30 to fill out college applications for FREE at participating colleges here in South Dakota. Please take advantage of this opportunity! College applications are online and can be found on each college's website. Each college and major/program have different deadlines for admission, so make sure to submit your application on time. Once you have submitted a college application, make sure to let Ms. Amundson know what colleges you have applied to so she can send them your transcript.
Ms. Amundson updates her scholarship website weekly with many scholarship opportunities for students - you can check it out here:

T-hugs, a group of Woonsocket quilters, is in need of any
cancer related shirts you may no longer wear.  They use the graphics and turn them into cuddly quilts to brighten area cancer patients' days.
If you are willing to donate to this cause, the SC office will act as a drop off until December 2, 2022.
Questions contact Mary -
Thank you for supporting this cause. 

Hello! Mrs. Rodriguez and I (Mrs. Deinert) are looking forward to establishing a new opportunity for our high school students to develop their relationship with Jesus. We are working to provide a group similar to FCA, however, our study group will be called Devoted Students. Our first night will be December 5th. We will meet in the Woonsocket commons at 6:00 (after basketball practice) with supper, games, and a study provided. Any high school student (9th - 12th grade) is welcome to come! However, we do ask that you please fill out the following form so we can plan accordingly with food, etc. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there! 🙂

Join in on the fun at the Letcher Community Center Saturday, December 10th, 2022 for Turkey Bingo/Santa Night.  Dinner will be served and Santa will arrive at 6:30PM.  Bingo will start at 7:00 PM.  Dinner is a freewill offering.  Bingo is $5 a card for 20 games with winners getting a turkey and in the event of a tie a package of bacon.  The Legionaires will have raffle tickets that will be sold in advance or at the door for cash prizes.

Tuesday, November 29th-Orange Day
G B-Ball @ SC
B B-Ball @ Woony

Wednesday, November 30th-Blue Day
Sonshine Club
WWTS 3:50-5:30
Boys B-Ball AM @ SC PM Woony
Girls B-Ball @ SC

Thursday, December 1st-Orange Day
G B-Ball @ SC
B B-Ball @ Woony

Friday, December 2nd-Blue Day
Boys B-Ball @ SC AM PM Woony
Girls B-Ball @ SC

Sunday, December 4th
State FFA Pierre

Monday, December 5th-Orange Day
G B-Ball @ W
B B-Ball @ SC
State FFA Pierre

Tuesday, December 6th-Blue Day
Christmas Concert
G B-Ball @ Woony 6:30AM
B B-Ball @ Woony after school
NO JH Practices

Wednesday, December 7th-Orange Day
Sonshine Club 
WWTS (3:50-5:30)
G B-Ball @ Woony
Boys B-Ball @ SC
Brooklyn Johnson Science Fair

Thursday, December 8th
Woony Concert
Winter Sports Pictures @ SC
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC-AM
No JH B-Ball practice

Friday, December 9th-Extra Help Day
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC

Saturday, December 10th
G/B B-Ball @ Woony vs SBA (G/B JV, G/B V)

Sunday, December 11th
Senior Youth Christmas Program Letcher
Sonshine Club Christmas Program

Monday, December 12th-Orange Day
School Bd. Mtg.
JH G/B B-Ball @ SC vs Howard
G b-ball practice @ SC
B b-ball practice @ Woony