Want to find out how fantastic the Oral Interp. students are? Visit the Sanborn Central Facebook page to read Mrs. Farrel-Poncelet's updates. https://www.facebook.com/sanborncentralschool
Parents...reminder that Trista Jensen's Volleyball camp is tomorrow in Woonsocket. Kindergarten- 3rd grade will be from 8:00 am- 10:00 am. 4th grade- 6th grade will be from 10:00 am - 12:00.
We have had MANY cases of strep throat at school this week. Signs and symptoms of strep throat include: throat pain that usually comes on quickly, painful swallowing, red and swollen tonsils (sometimes with white patches), tiny red spots on the back of the roof of the mouth, swollen/tender lymph nodes in your neck, fever, headache, rash, nausea/vomiting (especially in younger children), and body aches. Don't forget to wash water bottles daily. Also, if you have not sent a water bottle with your child, please consider doing so. Unfortunately, water fountains carry an abundance of germs even when cleaned daily
Today the 5/6 b-ball boys and girls teams will be at Woonsocket vs. WS. The girls will tip off at 6:00 followed by boys at 7:00
A reminder regarding Ellie Evans Sr. project. She is conducting a Food Drive/ Kids Winter Accessories Drive. If you are interested in donating, she has a boxes located at Sanborn Central, Letcher Community Church, and CorTrust Bank in Letcher. This project ends Friday! She will also be doing an in person drive on Saturday, November 5th from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the Letcher Community Center if you would like to drop off at that time!
Food Driver Information
Winter Apparel Drive
MS Updates
Extra Curricular
View the 2022-2023 Basketball Schedule
The FFA (CDE) will be in Mitchell November 7th at MTI. It starts at 3:30
The following kids will be participating
Aubrey Moody-Ag Broadcasting 3:30-4:00
Teagen Moody-Ag Broadcasting 4:00-4:30
Bailey Feistner-Ag Broadcasting3:50-4:20 Prepared Public speaking 5:30
Ag Sales 4:30-4:50-5:05 Ellie E, Cody S, Brady L
Raily Munoz-Martinez-Prepared Public speaking 6:30
Seventh and eighth grade girls will be participating in the Hanson Early Bird JH tournament on Saturday November 12th at Hanson School. We have participated in this tournament for many years. I know the Cancer Tournament will be the same day as is always the case. We will be sure to have rides for any of the girls in case you are unable to attend the JH tourney.
We will have 7/8 girls bb practice next week in preparation of the JH tourney at Hanson Nov. 12. A letter is going home with the girls today.
Friday Nov. 4 at WoonsocketZ
Monday November 7 at Sanborn Central
Tuesday November 8 at Woonsocket
Thursday November 10 at Sanborn Central
Friday November 11 at Woonsocket
Schedule is subject to change.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 605-354-2699 or email me at baruthag@santel.net.
-Coach Baruth
2022 Hanson JH Girls B-Ball Tourney
They will be using the main gym at the main street auditorium
Admission prices for the tourney are as follows:
Adults - $3.00
Students - $2.00
The JH music fest will be in Platte on Tuesday, November 15th. The concert will start at 2:30 in Platte and the bus will leave SC at 6:25 AM from SC.
**Applies to 9-12
There will be a winter golf league meeting for High School students held at The Back 9 in Woonsocket this Sunday (Nov. 6) at 6PM. Sign up and free golf will be offered to try out the golf simulators. You can bring your own clubs or there are clubs for you to use. The league will be starting Dec. 4 on Sunday early evenings through February. A 2-man best ball format will be used so players will need a partner which is open to both girls and boys. The cost will be $75 per student for winter league and spots may be limited
Saturday, November 5th
FB Semifinals
Trista Jensen VB Camp
Monday, November 7th-Orange Day
VB 9-12 @ Woony
5-6th B-Ball @ Woony vs. Wolsey
District LDE (FFA) in Mitchell
Tuesday, November 8th-Blue Day
VB So-Dak 16
5/6 b-ball @ Iroquois
Wednesday, November 9th-Orange Day
VB @ Woony
Senior Youth-Letcher Church
WWTS 3:50-5:30 @ Artesian
Thursday, November 10th
FB State (Vermillion)
VB @ Woony 9-12
Friday, November 11th
FB State (Vermillion)
No VB practice
Saturday, November 12th
FB State Games
Cancer Tournament
7/8th girls JH Tourney-Alexandria
Monday, November 14th-Orange Day
School Bd. Mtg
Tuesday, November 15th-Blue Day
Oral Interp-Regions
JH region Music Fest in Platte
Wednesday, November 16th-Orange Day
Sonshine Club
WWTS 3:50-5:30
Thursday, November 17th-Blue Day
VB State A Tourney
Friday, November 18th-Orange Day
VB State A Tourney
Oral Interp. Comp.
Saturday, November 19th
VB State A Tourney