We have some top-notch spellers in the building! Way to go Ledoux Bracha who placed 1st among sixth graders, winning with "suddenly." Colton Nelson placed 2nd among 4th graders. Thanks for representing Sanborn Central at the Mitchell Spelling Bee.
Congratulation to the ladies basketball teams on wins for both JV and V on Saturday!
SC/W 37 Wolsey/Wessington 26
Jaycee Baruth 10 points
Kennadie Oschner 8 points
Kamryn Oschner 7 points
Liz Boschee 6 points
Brooke Doering 3 points, 9 reounds and 3 assists
Results of the JH girls games from Friday at Woonsocket vs. Wolsey-Wessington
Aubrey Moody 9 pts
Tori Hoffman 6 pts
Addy Baruth 4 pts
Kenzie Baruth 4 pts
Cami Edwards 4 pts
Kali Hofer 2 pts
Samantha Grosz 2 pts
Won the extra quarter 4-2
Samantha Grosz 2 pts
Wavy Hagman 2 pts.
Nominate a teacher for the Sanborn Central Teacher of the Year Award! If you have a teacher in mind for this award please fill out the attached form and e-mail to justin.siemsen@k12.sd.us or mail to Sanborn Central, 40405 SD Hwy 34, Forestburg, SD 57314 by February 25th.
The games will be Live Streamed on the following page...Iroquois Booster Club Facebook Live
Concession stand workers for February are as follows.
February 14th – DH w/ James Valley Christian 4:00pm-
Stacy & Ivy Senska, Kyle & Stephanie Edwards, Daniel & April Kneen, Mike Salathe & Sara Berscheid
A combined instrumental and ensemble contest is scheduled for February 16th at the Chamberlain HS. Attached is the student names and performance times. The bus will load SC at 7:00 and return at 4:30.
Combined Music Schedule
Teachers students that are going to be gone for the day are Bryce L, Evan E, Teagen M, Dana S, Alex S, Caleb K, Dayton E, and Payton U
February 17th - DH w/ Mitchell Christian 6:30pm-
Quentin & Tana Slykhuis, Clark Slykhuis, Kurt & Jann Dickson,
Perry & Tracy Moody, Jennifer Sheldon
We will also need help during the JH Game on Tuesday, Feb 15 at SC. Please contact Mr. Welch at todd.welch@k12.sd.us to help out.
Follow our home games along as the Woonsocket and SC home games will be streamed again this year on our Santel Channels (Woonsocket 104 & SC 107) as well as on the Blackhawks live link http://blackhawks.liveticket.tv
Jalyn's Cheer Team Updates
There is a Venmo account set up for donations for Jalyns medical expenses- @prayersforJalyn
An account has been set up at First National Bank in Woonsocket. You may choose to drop off a donation at the bank, or mail a check to FNBO c/o Jalyn Bender Benefit, PO Box 98, Woonsocket SD 57385, or use this link https://square.link/u/tR2OegSH
to give a donation via credit/debit credit card that will flow directly into the account. To give a donation through Venmo, use @prayersforJalyn (code 1962) and this will also flow into the benefit account. If you would like to send a donation and/or a card directly to the Benders, mailing address is 22495 408TH AVE FORESTBURG, SD 57314. The Modern Woodmen of America Woonsocket Chapter will provide matching funds up to $1250 for this benefit.
The Sanborn Central Community will be raising money at the basketball games on Monday, February 14th in support of Jalyn. All proceeds from the following will be donated to the Bender family. We hope to see you there.
*Chilli and Chicken Noodle Soup feed
*Bake Sale
*Live Auction
Breakfast-Pick 1 Breakfast Item: Dutch Waffle, Fruit & Yogurt Parfait, Cinnamon or Strawberry Cream Cheese Bagel Mini
Pick 2 Breakfast Items: Cereal-Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops
Tuesday-Beef Super Nachos, Lettuce, Sour Cream, Fiesta Black Beans, Chilled Pear Halves
Wednesday-Breakfast for Lunch, Biscuits & Gravy, Scrambled Eggs, Red Skin Oven Roasted Potatoes, Assorted Juice
Thursday-Chicken Spaghetti, Steamed Green Beans, Warm Breadstick, Fresh Raspberries
Friday-Cheese Pizza Crunchers, Mixed Vegetables, Chilled Diced Pears
Middle School Updates
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Dean of Students Announcement
ACT Prep Sessions:
Preparing for the ACT can be tough. Make it easy with DSU's 5 week long ACT Prep Course. These sessions will help you become more comfortable with the ACT test format, improve important test-taking strategies, and learn test content subject matter from faculty who specialize in the test material.
Session dates:
Monday, February 28 - English
Monday, March 7 - Science
Monday, March 14 - Reading
Monday, March 21 - Math
Monday, March 28 - Tips, Tricks, & Test Prep
Scrubs Camp:
There will be a scrubs camp in Huron, SD on March 22, 2022. This camp is from 8:30-3:00 pm. Ms. Amundson has the registration forms for students who are interested in attending. Forms are due by March, 15, 2022.
2/8/22: Last day to pay tuition & fees. (Students can pay anytime between January 10-February 9. Online payment is available through the portal or they can pay by calling 882-5284 Ext 298 with a credit card or mail a check.)
Girls State & Boys State:
Ms. Amundson talked with the junior boys and girls, as well as the senior boys about Girls State and Boys State. For Girls State, only juniors are able to apply. For Boys State, junior and senior boys are able to apply. For Girls State, the applications are due on Tuesday, March 1st. For Boys State, the applications are due on May 1st. Please let Ms. Amundson know if you have any questions about this opportunity.
Sanborn Central District Covid-19 Update 21-22 School Year
Elementary (Grades PK-5)
*Current Positives-
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-
High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-
*Staff not associated with a particular grade, currently positive-
*Staff recovered and not associated with a particular grade-2
Any 5th – 8th grade student interest in trying out for Ambush Basketball, there is a sign up sheet in the office as well as available on our website (follow this link: Documents | Sanborn Central )
Grades 3-9 are invited to partake in a spring basketball tourney April 9th. Cost is $100 per team with a three game guarantee. If you are interested please e-mail josh.davies@k12.sd.us
Tuesday, February 8th-Blue Day
B & G b-ball vs. Iroquois @ Woony (G JV @ 4:00, B JV, G V, B V)
Wednesday, February 9th-Orange Day
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC
Sonshine Club-Confirmation
WWTS (3:45-5:30)
Thursday, February 10th-Blue Da
JH G/B B-Ball vs. MS @ SC (G JH 6:00 B JH 7:00)
G B-Ball @ SC
B B-Ball @ Woony
Friday, February 11th-Orange Day
B/G B-Ball vs. Highmore Harrold @ Highmore
G JV 4:00
B JV 5:00
G V 6:30
B V 8:00
The bus will leave SC at 1:45
Monday, February 14th-Blue Day
School Bd. Meeting @ Colony
Jalyn Benefit Fund.
B/G DH vs. JVC @ SC (G JV 4:00, B JV 5:00, G V @ 6:30)
Tuesday, February 15th-Orange Day
JH G/B b-ball fame vs JVc @ SC (G @ 6:00, B @ 7:00)