Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday, February 25th-Orange Day

Aloha from the sunny building of Sanborn Central!  It's not quite the tropical climate we are all wishing for, but it is Friday and that somewhat comparable right?  The 7th-12 graders from both Woonsocket and SC are invited to attend Ag. Olympics today starting at 2:00PM to wrap up FFA week.

Congratulation to Henry Fridley, Kenzie Uecker, Ava Bornitz, and Jared Edwards for receiving awards for the "Fairness" pillar for the month of February.  You good character in the hallway, on the court or field, and in life will show everyone the best version of yourself.

Follow along with the Class A Brackets.  Girls state A basketball will be held at Frost Arena in Brookings March 10th-12th.

Today the boys basketball team will travel to Wessington Springs.  
Two JH boys games will take place today starting at 4:30. 

Bus leaves SC at 3:30PM and Woony at 3;45PM

*The Springs Senior class will be serving a beef sandwich meal with chips and bars as well as pretzels at the game Friday night? It's a fund raiser for Post Prom.
Watch live on or Santel 108

JH girls practice

Friday at Woonsocket after school until 4:45pm
Saturday is Iroquois tourney. 

Spring baseball forms are due today for grades 7-12th

Contact by texting: Clover Herdman


Today is the last day to nominate a teacher for the Sanborn Central Teacher of the Year Award!  If you have a teacher in mind for this award please fill out the attached form and e-mail to or mail to Sanborn Central, 40405 SD Hwy 34, Forestburg, SD 57314 by February 25th.

Attention High School Parents:  We are planning a fun night of entertainment for this year’s after prom party!  Some parents met recently to get some details worked out. To cover the cost of prizes, food, and entertainment, we will be providing the concessions at a 5&6 grade girls basketball tournament on Sunday, February 27 at Sanborn Central. We are looking for the following donations:  Freshman and sophomores a case or two of bottled water, Juniors and Seniors:  one case of pop. You can bring these items to the school and set them in the concession stand. If you would prefer to make a cash donation, that is fine too!  Just give it to the office in an envelope labeled after prom concessions. We need all items at the school by Thursday, Feb 24. Thanks for your help!  If you have any questions contact Angie Meier at 605-630-0240. 

Juniors have extra popcorn available for purchase ($6). They have the following flavors: white cheddar, gourmet cheddar, parmesan garlic, caramel corn, strawberry delight, peanut butter chocolate, cherry chocolate delight, and caramel cinnamon roll. Email if you are interested.

Save The Date

Thursday, March 10th is the MS lockin from 3:30-6:30, coronation will follow at 6:00.

March 25th-PreK-5th grade are able to partake in a Family Literacy Lock-In

Read Across America Week-February 28th-March 4th
Monday-Hats off to reading
-Wear a favorite hat

Tuesday-Read my shirt day
-Wear a shirt that others can read

Wednesday-Crazy sock day
-Wear your crazy or mismatched socks

Thursday-Reading rainbow
-Wear a rainbow of colors

Friday-Cozy up with a good book.

-wear your jammies for a P.J. reading day

Parents keep the ball rolling forward on Book-It!  Pre-K-5th will have their party on May 12th in the SC gym from 1:00-3:00.

Jalyn's Cheer Team Updates

Next up, in support of Jalyn and her family-
Saturday, March 5th at the Stekl Shop (40512 240th St. Letcher) a bean bag tournament, auction, and supper will take place.  The supper will start at 5:00 with BBQ, hot dogs, chips, sides and cake.  Close to 100 items are up for bid during the silent auction.  Please view the Silent Auction Roster

If you are interested in donating, please contact Brenda Schmit or Sherri Stekl with a description of your donation so it can be added to the list.
Drop-off locations for auction items:
Forestburg: Sanborn Central School (Megan Wilson ~ 605-999-4209)
Woonsocket: Horizon Health Care (Bobbi White)
Artesian: Artesian Seed Service (Brenda Schmit ~ 605-999-2109 or
Letcher: Stekl Shop (Sherri Stekl ~ 605-999-1104 or
Mitchell: Fischer Rounds (Laura Neugebauer ~ 910-916-1951)
Mitchell: Moody's Western Wear (Diane Moody ~ 605-995-5879)
Howard: Howard Elevator (Allissa Mette ~ 605-270-7701)
Huron: Farm Credit Services (Laura Feldhaus ~ 605-999-2942)

There is a Venmo account set up for donations for Jalyns medical expenses- @prayersforJalyn
An account has been set up at First National Bank in Woonsocket. You may choose to drop off donations at the bank, or mail a check to FNBO c/o Jalyn Bender Benefit, PO Box 98, Woonsocket SD 57385, or use this link
to give a donation via credit/debit credit card that will flow directly into the account. To give a donation through Venmo, use @prayersforJalyn (code 1962) and this will also flow into the benefit account. If you would like to send a donation and/or a card directly to the Benders, mailing address is 22495 408TH AVE FORESTBURG, SD 57314.  The Modern Woodmen of America Woonsocket Chapter will provide matching funds up to $1250 for this benefit. 

Extra Curricular
March 23rd some of the HS students will partake in a large group music fest in Mitchell.  Student that will be gone for the day are Teagen M, Alex S, Bryce L, Caleb K, Evan E, Payton U, Dana S, and Dayton E.

March 29th students that will be gone for the elementary band festival in Michell are as follows.  Chloe S, Kaidence F, Ramsey F, Landree Z, Carley E, Brooklyn L and Sean B.

Saturday, February 26th Iroquois will host the boys and girls "Big Slam" BB Tournament. 

Friday, March 4th the following students will start off the CDE season by traveling to Redfield.  Zachary Jones-Nelson, Toby Kneen, Keaton Fridley, Alex Schelske, Cody Slykhuis, Brady Larson, Trey Moody, Bryce Larson, Casady Dean, Averie Johnson, Kenlie Fridley, Ellie Evans, Teagan Moody, Trinity Harford, Malorie Mattke, Morgan Hoffman, Aubrey Senska, Kara Wormstadt and Brooklyn Johnson. 
Additional dates are as follows.
March 15 Tyndal (districts)
March 22- Howard
March 28 - Try-valley
FFA State- April 24-26@SDSU

Tuesday, March 10th the Music Contest at SC will take place.  Please view the following schedule for times.

Spring sports pictures will be held at Woonsocket on Wednesday, March 30th.  Music Contest Schedule

Siouxland Oral Surgery is giving back to the community by offering to make free mouth guards to all the local student athletes at no charge.  If you are in need please call 605-335-1080 Ext 214   Defend Your Mouth

Follow our home games along as the Woonsocket and SC home games will be streamed again this year on our Santel Channels (Woonsocket 104 & SC 107) as well as on the Blackhawks live link

Menu-Notes from the kitchen
Breakfast-Pick 1 Breakfast Item: Chocolate, Banana, or Blueberry Muffin, Banana Chocolate Chunk BeneFIT Breakfast Bar
Pick 2 Breakfast Items-Cereal, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, Fruit Loop

Friday-Walking Taco or Hotdog-Thank You Booster Club!

Middle School Updates
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade

Dean of Students Announcement
ACT Prep Sessions:

The next test date for the ACT is April 2nd, 2022. The deadline to register for this ACT is Friday, February 25. Make sure to get registered this week to avoid late fees!! 
Girls State:
For any junior girls interested in attending Girls State this summer, the application form is due Tuesday, March 1st. Please see Ms. Amundson if you have any questions regarding this opportunity.

Sanborn Central District Covid-19 Update 21-22 School Year
Elementary (Grades PK-5)
*Current Positives-

Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-

High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-

*Staff not associated with a particular grade, currently positive-
*Staff recovered and not associated with a particular grade-2


The next food giveaway will take place Wednesday, March 2nd at 4:30 until gone at the Sanborn County Courthouse March Food Drive

There will be a parent meeting for all soccer parents on Monday, March, 7th at 6:30 pm in the SC gym.  There will also be an equipment swap.  If you have any cleats/shinguards that your child has outgrown, and you are willing to swap/exchange please bring them that night. If you did NOT receive the remind message about this meeting, please contact  

Iroquois will be hosting a 3 on 3 basketball tournament Saturday, March 26th for anyone interested.  Entry fee is $40 per team and the deadline to enter is Monday, March 21st.

3-3 in Iroquois

Grades 3-9 are invited to partake in a spring basketball tourney April 9th.  Cost is $100 per team with a three game guarantee.  If you are interested please e-mail

Antigen Covid tests are available in the office.  Please contact Laura at if you would like one sent home.

Monday, February 28th-Blue Day
Boys B-Ball @ Woony

Tuesday, March 1st-Orange Day
Boys b-ball regions (TBA)
5/6 VB practice @ Woony (3:50-5:00)

Wednesday, March 2nd-Blue Day
CBH Academic Fest
WWTS (3:45-5:30)

Thursday, March 3rd-Orange Day
Girls So Dak 16
Dakota Assembly
5/6 VB practice

Friday, March 4th-Blue Day
Boys B-Ball (TBA)

Saturday, March 5th
Powerlifting State

Monday, March 7th-Orange Day
School Bd. Mtg
Conservation District Speech Contest

Tuesday, March 8th-Blue Day
Boys B-Ball So-Dak 16
5/6th VB practice @ SC
6-12 Assembly

Wednesday, March 9th-Orange Day
Sonshine Club 
WWTS (3:45-5:30)

Thursday, March 10th-Blue Day
End of the 3rd Quarter
Middle School Lock-In
Girls B-Ball State

Friday, March 11th-No School
Girls B-Ball State