Today's announcements
As many of you know, Gary Willman, one of our bus drivers, has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. He is unable to drive bus while he goes for treatment. Many of you ordered a shirt in support of Gary (profits from the shirts went to Gary)....please wear your shirt this Friday in support of Gary.
JH football took on MVP and TDA/AC/DC last night. JH lost to MVP 20-8 and defeated TDA/AC/DC 31-0. JV defeated TDA/AC/DC 42-0.
Join us this evening for a Volleyball game at Woony vs. Harrold-Highmore (7,8,JV,V.) The 7th grade will start at 4:30. Tune in this evening to
JH & HS FB practice @ Woony
All seniors will be taking the National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) exam today, at 8:15 am in the middle school lab. Please bring your chrome-books fully charged, chrome-book charger, a calculator, and a pen or pencil. The NCRC certifies skills that are necessary for workplace success. The three sections of the test are workplace documents, graphic literacy, and applied math.
Senior's don't forget to turn your order form for your senior graduation gear, cap, gown & graduation ring order into Mr. Siemsen by today. SOPHOMORES: Class Ring Orders are due 9-28. Order your class jewelry on in school order day and receive a class of 2024 hoodie & companion ring, along with your choice of a custom Woonsocket Backhawks performance hoodie, back pack or cleer goal wireless buds.
Breakfast options-Pick one breakfast item-Mini Donuts, Smoothies, Scrumptious Coffee Cake-Pick 2 Breakfast Items-Cereal: Reeses-Cinnamon Toast Crunch-Trix
Today's Lunch-Beef & Cheese Burrito, Refried Beans, Mixed Berry Cup
Monday's Fresh Fruit-Clementine
Tomorrow's Lunch-Sloppy Joe, Steamed Green Beans, Oven Roasted Ranch Potato Wedges, Fresh Green Grapes
Tomorrow's Fresh Fruit-Red Grapes
Upcoming Announcements
Tutoring will be offered on an as-need basis on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 3:15-5:15 starting October 5th. The cost will be $3 per hour. If interested please call SC school (495-4183) before noon on the days your child will attend.
If you are interested in a Dig Pink Shirt please pick up an order form in the office. Orders are due back by Friday, October 1st.
Dig Pink Shirt
Register at...
*Current Positives-4
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-
High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-
Wednesday-September 29th-Orange Day
JH & HS FB practice @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ WoonyVB 7-8 @ SCCC Colman-Egan
WWTS (3:45-5:30)
Rock Solid 6:30
Thursday-September 30th-Blue Day
JH & FB practice at Woony
VB (9-12) @ Woony
VB (7-8) @ SC
5/6 G & B b-ball
Friday-October 1st-Orange Day
FB vs. Winner @ WS
VB (9-12) @ Woony
VB (7-8) @ SC
Dig Pink Forms Due
Saturday-October 2nd
281 VB Tourney @ Wolsey (V)
Monday-October 4th-Blue Day
JH/JV FB vs. Winner @ WS
NO Varsity FB Practice
JH VB vs. MVP @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ SC
CC @ Howard
FAFSA night
Tuesday-October 5th-Orange Day
VB game at Sunshine Bible
JH/HS FB practice @ Woony
5th & 6th b-ball G & B Girls @ Woony Boys @ SC