Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday-September 27th-Orange Day

Today's announcements
The boys brought home the victory for Homecoming. The coaches are very proud of the effort put forth. There are some areas we need to improve as a team, but our effort is not one of them. We have Winner coming to Springs this Friday for a big conference game.

For Monday, we have had a change in the FB schedule. MVP JH is coming to Forestburg to make up for a lost JH game vs TDA-ACDC. So, JH will be taking on both teams in jamboree style games. The schedule is below.

Varsity practice in Forestburg: 3:45-6:00 Half pads for varsity. If varsity boys cannot wait for JV game to finish, they will need to drive themselves to practice. Springs JH players will need to be dismissed at 2:45 and leave by 3:00. Woony will dismiss at 3:00 and take a minibus to game. HS will travel with JH to game if not driving themselves.

Junior High Games
4:00 MVP vs. Blackhawks
4:45 MVP vs Thunderhawks
5:30 Thunderhawks vs. Blackhawks
JV Game
6:15 Thunderhawks vs Blackhawks

Congratulations to the following parade winners:
Woonsocket Elem
First place-Kindergarten
2nd place-third grade
3rd place-5th&6th grades

Woonsocket 7-12
First place-freshmen
2nd place-juniors
3rd place-seniors

Sanborn Central
First place-5th grade
2nd place-4th grade
3rd place-2nd grade

First place-Kelsey Service Agency
2nd place-Woonsocket Clinic
3rd place-Central Electric

VB 9-12 @ Woony
VB 7-8 @ SC Due to the start of 5th and 6th grade BB, VB practice will be in Woonsocket for grades 7-12 today and Thursday. 
5/6 G & B B-Ball @ SC

Breakfast options-Pick one breakfast item-Mini Donuts, Smoothies, Scrumptious Coffee Cake-Pick 2 Breakfast Items-Cereal: Reeses-Cinnamon Toast Crunch-Trix

Today's Lunch-Baked Chicken Drumstick, Savory Rice, Steamed Broccoli, Chilled Sliced Peaches, Dinner Roll & Jelly
Tomorrow's Lunch-Beef & Cheese Burrito, Refried Beans, Mixed Berry Cup
Monday's Fresh Fruit-Clementine


Upcoming Announcements
The volleyball team has a few extra boxes of cookie dough if anyone would be interested in purchasing a box.  The cost is $22 a box and we have the following: 4 boxes of Chocolate Chip, 2 boxes of Peanut Butter, 7 boxes of Snickerdoodle, 4 boxes of Oatmeal Raisin, 5 boxes of Candy Delight, 4 boxes of White Macadamia Nut.  If interested let me or any of the volleyball players know. Thanks, Coach Olsen.

Senior's don't forget to turn your order form for your senior graduation gear, cap, gown & graduation ring order into Mr. Siemsen by Tuesday, September 28thSOPHOMORES: Class Ring Orders are due 9-28.
Order your class jewelry on in school order day and receive a class of 2024 hoodie & companion ring, along with your choice of a custom Woonsocket Backhawks performance hoodie, back pack or cleer goal wireless buds.

Tutoring will be offered on an as-need basis on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 3:15-5:15 starting October 5th.  The cost will be $3 per hour.  If interested please call SC school (495-4183) before noon on the days your child will attend.

The Cross Country bus will leave at 10:30 on Wednesday, September 29th for a 1:00 meet at Colman.

Extra Curricular  
JH vb will not have practice on Wednesday, September 29th.  

Friday Oct 1 - Marching in Chester
Woonsocket - Dress/Load 7:30, Leave 7:45
Sanborn Central - Dress/Load 7:45 Leave 8:00
Arrive at Chester - 9:10ish
Parade Starts at 10:00
(We are band 12 of 27)
Leave Chester - 12:30-1:00
Arrive at Sanborn Central - 2:15
Arrive at Woonsocket - 2:35

The Sanborn Central/Woonsocket Blackhawk Volleyball Seniors are hosting a dig pink night on October 14 in the Woonsocket Gym.  If you would like to donate a silent auction/raffle item please have it at the Woonsocket school by October 13 or contact a Volleyball player.
If you are interested in a Dig Pink Shirt please pick up an order form in the office.  Orders are due back by Friday, October 1st.
Dig Pink Shirt

The registration date for the 2022 Spring baseball season is fast approaching for grades 8-12.  Based off last Spring's numbers, I'm not sure we will have enough for a team.  I don't want to pay the  $250 registration fee if we can't field a team. To know for sure, would each of you be able to put a sign-up sheet or just ask the kids to let you know if they are interested in playing?  I would like to have the rough numbers by next Friday, September 24th if possible.  Thank you for your assistance.  A sign up sheet will be in the office for any interested students.
Nathan Hainy

Dean of Students Announcement
All seniors will be taking the National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) exam tomorrow morning, September 28, at 8:15 am in the middle school lab. Please bring your chrome-books fully charged, chrome-book charger, a calculator, and a pen or pencil. The NCRC certifies skills that are necessary for workplace success. The three sections of the test are workplace documents, graphic literacy, and applied math. 

The financial aid (FAFSA) night will be held in Woonsocket this year on Monday, October 4th at 5:30 pm. All seniors and parents/guardians are invited to come and learn the step-by-step process to filling out the FAFSA form. All seniors who are planning on going to college should fill out the FAFSA. Morgan Huber from MTC will be there to answer any questions and to lead the presentation. If you are not able to attend the FAFSA night, please reach out to Miss Amundson for any questions regarding the FAFSA.

Juniors - ASVAB:
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is scheduled for Wednesday, October 6 at 8:15 am in the middle school lab. All juniors are required to take this test and should come with their chromebooks fully charged. This test provides career information and determines whether you are qualified to join the military service. The ASVAB does not count towards a class grade. For more questions regarding this exam, please contact Ms. Amundson

Educators Rising
All high school students (9th-12th grade) have the opportunity to attend the education career learning expo's available at USF or DWU. This is a FREE opportunity for students to explore a career in education. 
Oct 12th- University of Sioux Falls  (Deadline to register is Oct. 4th)
Nov 10th – Dakota Wesleyan University (Deadline to register Nov 1st)
Register at...
For more information, please watch this video

The Letcher Community Church Rock Solid and Jr Youth group will meet at the Letcher Church on Wednesday, September 29th from 6:30pm-7:30pm.  These groups are open to anyone in grades 6-12, you do not have to be a member of the Letcher Community Church.  Bring a friend and your appetite!!

Sanborn Central District Covid-19 Update 21-22 School Year
Elementary (Grades PK-5)
*Current Positives-4

Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-

High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-

Tuesday-September 28th-Blue Day
VB Game @ Woony vs. Harrold-Highmore (7,8,JV,V)
JH & HS FB practice @ Woony

Wednesday-September 29th-Orange Day
JH & HS FB practice @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ Woony
VB 7-8 @ SC
CC Colman-Egan
WWTS (3:45-5:30)
Rock Solid 6:30

Thursday-September 30th-Blue Day
JH & FB practice at Woony
VB (9-12) @ Woony
VB (7-8) @ SC
5/6 G & B b-ball

Friday-October 1st-Orange Day
FB vs. Winner @ WS
VB (9-12) @ Woony
VB (7-8) @ SC
Dig Pink Forms Due

Saturday-October 2nd
281 VB Tourney @ Wolsey (V)

Monday-October 4th-Blue Day
JH/JV FB vs. Winner @ WS
NO Varsity FB Practice
JH VB vs. MVP @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ SC
CC @ Howard
FAFSA night