Sanborn Central/Woonsocket defeated Mitchell Christian in straight sets on Thursday night. Set scores were 25-5, 25-7 and 25-9. Sanborn Central/Woonsocket (6-1): Brooke Doering had eight kills for the Blackhawks while Teya Moody had 12 assists and six digs. Kennadie Ochsner led the team in ace serves with five. Sanborn Central/Woonsocket travels to Wessington Springs on Sept. 14.
Come cheer the football team on this evening in Forestburg at 7PM vs Jim River (Scotland/Menno.) Black Jerseys will be worn.
Tune in to Santel 108 or
*All home FB games at SC, Woonsocket, or WS will broadcast on Santel 108 or the Spartans Liveticket
VB 9-12 @ Woony (3:45-6)
VB 7-8 @ SC (3:45-6)
2021 Warbird Volleyball Tournament Information for Saturday, September 11th. The ladies will compete with SBA at 11:00 followed by Langford at 12:00 and Leola Frederick at 3:00. Players will leave SC at 9:20. All games that are in the Main Gym (Pool A Games and the 1st Place Game) will be streamed on: Wolsey-Wessington You-Tube Channel
Reminder-Picture retake day will be Monday, September 13th between 1PM and 2PM. There is a retake fee of $5 and we ask that you return the original packet of prints. If your child hasn’t been photographed yet this year, please stop in the office and get a picture order form and have your student bring that to Mark, the photographer, on retake day.
Activity passes are available through the school.
Student pass (Kdn - 12th) $25.00
Adult pass $45.00
Family pass $85.00
HELP NEEDED!!! SC School lunchroom needs a person/persons interested in subbing in the lunchroom. If interested, please contact Laura Conrad by calling the school line or emailing her directly at
Looking forward-Thursday, September 16th we will have a 12:30 dismissal, with parent teacher conferences to follow from 1-7. Friday, September 17th will be a no school day.
Get ready for 2021 Homecoming! The dress up days include;
Monday-wear college gear Dress like your favorite Disney character
Tuesday-Wear your favorite pajamas
Wednesday-Dress like your favorite Disney character wear college gear
Thursday-Dress in your Hawaiian gear
Friday-Wear your favorite Blackhawk Colors (or parade attire)
The parade theme will be Fairy Tales/Storybook
September Breakfast
September Lunch
September FFVP
September Calendar
The Sept 13th JV game vs Miller/Highmore-Harrold in Wessington Springs has been cancelled due to low numbers on MHH side. The junior high game is still on for that date. We tried to find another JV game but were unable to.
Dean of Students Announcement
The juniors and seniors will be attending the college and career fairs in Mitchell on Wednesday, September 22nd. We will be leaving at 8:15 am and should hopefully be back by around 1:00 pm.
The financial aid (FAFSA) night will be held in Woonsocket this year on Monday, October 4th at 5:30 pm. All seniors and parents/guardians are invited to come and learn the step-by-step process to filling out the FAFSA form. All seniors who are planning on going to college should fill out the FAFSA. Morgan Huber from MTC will be there to answer any questions and to lead the presentation. If you are not able to attend the FAFSA night, please reach out to Miss Amundson for any questions regarding the FAFSA.
Juniors - ASVAB:
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is scheduled for Wednesday, October 6 at 8:15 am in the middle school lab. All juniors are required to take this test and should come with their chromebooks fully charged. This test provides career information and determines whether you are qualified to join the military service. The ASVAB does not count towards a class grade. For more questions regarding this exam, please contact me.
-Miss Amundson 🙂
The next ACT test is October 23, 2021. The deadline to register is September 19, 2021 and must be done online. The closest testing locations are Mitchell and Huron.
Juniors, seniors, and parents - if you have any issues registering for the ACT, please email me or stop by my office.
Letcher Community Church is kicking off Sunday School and youth programs for the 2021 - 2022 school year! We welcome you to join us for Sunday Services and Youth Programs!
9/12 - Sunday School begins at the Letcher Community Church. Praise and worship for kids will start at 10 AM and classes will be available for the following age groups: Pre K, K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. Questions call Janet Maeschen 770-4959.
9/15 - Rock Solid (grades 9-12) and Jr Youth (grades 6-8) will have a grill out and clean up night. Meet at the Letcher ballpark at 6:30 PM. Please bring a friend! We are excited to kick off the year. Questions call Amy Moody 770-6016 or Roxann Larson 770-2077.
9/22 - SonShine Club (grades K-5) will meet at the Letcher Community Church from 3:45 - 5:30 PM (meal / snack provided). Forms to ride the bus to SonShine club will be available in the office or at the Letcher Community church. Questions call Tim Pulkrabek 770-9663 or Jessica White 261-8647. SonShine Club is held every other Wednesday.
9/22 - Confirmation (grades 6-8) will meet at the Letcher Community Church from 6:30 - 8:00 PM (meal / snack provided). Questions call Tim Pulkrabek 770-9663. Confirmation is held every other Wednesday.
Saturday-September 11th
V VB Tourney @ Wolsey
Monday-September 13th-Blue Day
School Board Mtg
JH/JV FB vs. Miller/HH @ WS
V FB practice @ WS
VB (9-12) @ SC
CC @ Arlington
Picture Retake Day
Tuesday-September 14th-Orange Day
VB game @ WS (7,8,C,JV,V)
JH/HS FB practice @ Woony
Wednesday-September 15th-Blue Day
JH & HS FB practice @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ SC
VB 7-8 @ Woony
Blood Drive
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Rock Solid
Thursday-September 16th-Orange Day-12:30 Dismissal
Parent teacher Conf. (1-7)
JH/HS FB practice @ Woony 4-6
No VB Bractice
CC Chamberlain Invite (2:30?)
Friday-September 17th-NO SCHOOL
FB vs. Wagner @ Wagner
VB 9-12 @ SC
NO 7-8 VB
Saturday-September 18th
VB game vs ORR @ Rutland-7,8,JV,V
Today's Lunch-Cheese Breadsticks, Marinara Sauce, Steamed Carrots, Fresh Plum
Next Weeks Breakfast Option-Pick one breakfast item-Grape or Strawberry Uncrustable Sandwich, Chocolate, Banana Muffin, Banana Chocolate Chunk BeneFIT, Breakfast Bar
Pick two items-Cereal, Reeses-Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix
Monday's Lunch-Blackhawk Chicken Bowl, Mixed Fruit Cup