Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tuesday-September 14th-Orange Day

Congratulations to the Middle School Student Council Reps-Ava Bornitz, Olivia Conrad, Ian Octavo, and Cami Edwards.

Calling all who love a sweet, salty, or creamy treat! SC Juniors have begun their fall fundraising for prom. They have Walnut Grove Fudge, Gaylen’s Gourmet Popcorn, and Dimock Cheese to tantalize your taste buds. They will be selling until September 24. If you are interested and don’t hear from your favorite junior, email susan.farrell-poncelet@k12.sd.us to place your order.

Yesterday's 8th grade FB game saw Miller win 8-6 and 7th grade game ended in a 6-6 tie.

HS & JH FB practice in Woony from 4:00-6:15. Full pads

Get ready for some more Volleyball action this evening in Wessington Springs.  The seventh grade will begin at 3:45 followed by 8th, C, JH JV,and V.  The bus will leave SC at 2:45.  Tune into the games this evening via http://wessingtonspringsspartans.liveticket.tv/index.php?page=volleyball-game&id=10694

Thursday, September 16th we will have a 12:30 dismissal, with parent teacher conferences to follow from 1-7.  Friday, September 17th will be a no school day.

The middle school students and staff are in need of a trailer and pickup for the parade on September 25th in Woonsocket.  Volunteers may contact Mrs. Vermeulen at 495-4183

If you are interested in buying your high school or middle school student a planner for $3.50 please contact Mrs. Vermeulen at 495-4183

Congratulations to our 2021/2022 Homecoming Court- Hannah Dickson, Teya Moody, Reed Senska, Mason Moody, Trace Slykhuis and Noah Wormstadt.  Coronation will take place on Monday, September 20th at 7PM.
Get ready for 2021 Homecoming!  The dress up days include;
Monday- Dress like your favorite Disney character
Tuesday-Wear your favorite pajamas
Wednesday-Wear college gear
Thursday-Dress in your Hawaiian gear
Friday-Wear your favorite Blackhawk Colors (or parade attire)
The parade theme will be Fairy Tales/Storybook

View the latest school board synopsis

Extra Curricular  
FB Schedule for the week.
Wednesday: HS & JH practice in Woony from 4:00-6:00. Full pads
Thursday: HS & JH practice in Woony from 4:00-5:30. HS in just helmets. JH in full pads.
Friday: Varsity game in Wagner with 7:00 kickoff. 4:00 leave time from 34/281 Junction. Woony & SC will transport players to junction to get on a Springs' bus.
Wagner will be hosting a Football Game Tailgate from 5:30-7:00 with a burger or brat plate with chips-bar-water for $6.00 a plate.

5th/6th grade girls and boys basketball will be starting at the end of September. Forms and a schedule will be sent home with the students and are due back to the office by Friday, September 24th. Our first practice will be September 27th at Sanborn Central. If you have any questions contact Kayla Olson (605) 999-3560. 

Its Marching season!  Mr. Garry would like to have a few joint practices this week.  One Wednesday Sept 15th and the other Thursday Sept 16th. Sanborn Central students will leave at 9:30 for Woonsocket.  Woonsocket students will leave class at 9:40 for rehearsal.  Rehearsal will conclude at 10:50 where Woonsocket students return to class.  Sanborn Central students will be back by 11:00 for lunch. This means students will miss 2nd period both days. These students are:
Sanborn Central - (8th)Teagan Moody (9th) Alex Schelske, Bryce Larson, Caleb Kneen, Evan Easton, Payton Uecker, (11th) Casady Dean (12th)Dana Schelske, Dayton Easton
Go Blackhawks!

Dean of Students Announcement
The next ACT test is October 23, 2021. The deadline to register is September 19, 2021 and must be done online. The closest testing locations are Mitchell and Huron.
Juniors, seniors, and parents - if you have any issues registering for the ACT, please email me or stop by my office.

The juniors and seniors will be attending the college and career fairs in Mitchell on Wednesday, September 22nd. We will be leaving at 8:15 am and should hopefully be back by around 1:00 pm.  Please bring around $15 for lunch - we will be eating at Pizza Ranch following the fairs. We will arrive back to school at around 12:30-1:00 in the afternoon.

All seniors will be taking the National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) on Tuesday, September 28 in the middle school lab at 8:15 am. Seniors - please bring your chrome-book fully charged, a calculator, and a pencil to the exam. 

The financial aid (FAFSA) night will be held in Woonsocket this year on Monday, October 4th at 5:30 pm. All seniors and parents/guardians are invited to come and learn the step-by-step process to filling out the FAFSA form. All seniors who are planning on going to college should fill out the FAFSA. Morgan Huber from MTC will be there to answer any questions and to lead the presentation. If you are not able to attend the FAFSA night, please reach out to Miss Amundson for any questions regarding the FAFSA.

Juniors - ASVAB:
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is scheduled for Wednesday, October 6 at 8:15 am in the middle school lab. All juniors are required to take this test and should come with their chromebooks fully charged. This test provides career information and determines whether you are qualified to join the military service. The ASVAB does not count towards a class grade. For more questions regarding this exam, please contact me.
-Miss Amundson 🙂

Letcher Community Church is kicking off Sunday School and youth programs for the 2021 - 2022 school year! We welcome you to join us for Sunday Services and Youth Programs! 
9/15 - Rock Solid (grades 9-12) and Jr Youth (grades 6-8) will have a grill out and clean up night. Meet at the Letcher ballpark at 6:30 PM. Please bring a friend! We are excited to kick off the year. Questions call Amy Moody 770-6016 or Roxann Larson 770-2077. 
9/22 - SonShine Club (grades K-5) will meet at the Letcher Community Church from 3:45 - 5:30 PM (meal / snack provided). Forms to ride the bus to SonShine club will be available in the office or at the Letcher Community church. Questions call Tim Pulkrabek 770-9663 or Jessica White 261-8647. SonShine Club is held every other Wednesday. 
9/22 - Confirmation (grades 6-8) will meet at the Letcher Community Church from 6:30 - 8:00 PM (meal / snack provided). Questions call Tim Pulkrabek 770-9663. Confirmation is held every other Wednesday. 

Wednesday-September 15th-Blue Day
Marching Band Practice
JH & HS FB practice @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ SC
VB 7-8 @ Woony
Blood Drive
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Rock Solid 6:30

Thursday-September 16th-Orange Day-12:30 Dismissal
Marching Band Practice
Parent teacher Conf. (1-7)
JH/HS FB practice @ Woony 4-6
No VB Practice
CC Chamberlain Invite (2:30?)

Friday-September 17th-NO SCHOOL
FB vs. Wagner @ Wagner
VB 9-12 @ SC
NO 7-8 VB

Saturday-September 18th
VB game vs ORR @ Rutland-7,8,JV,V

Monday-September 20th-Blue Day (Homecoming Week)
Disney Day
Coronation-7 PM
Jostens talk to Soph. and Seniors
JH FB game vs Wagner @ Wagner
JV FB game vs Wagner @ SC
V FB practice @ SC
VB (7-8) @ Woony
VB (9-12) @ SC

Tuesday-September 21st-Orange Day
Favorite Pajama's
VB game @ SC vs Wolsey/Wess (7,8,C,JV,V)
JH/HS FB practice @ Woony

Wednesday-September 22nd-Blue Day
College Gear
JH/HS FB practice @ Woony
VB (9-12) @ SC
VB (7-8) @ Woony
Dell Rapids CC
Junior/Seniors to College Fair
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Sonshine Club (3:45-5:30)
Confirmation-Letcher 6-8

Thursday-September 23rd-Orange Day
Hawaiian Gear
VB game @ Iroquois (7,8,C, JV,V)4:00
JH/HS FB practice @ Woony

Friday-September 24th-Blue Day
Spirit Day
5-6 B-Ball Forms Due
FB vs. Tripp/Delmont/Armour ACDC @ SC
No VB practice

This Weeks Breakfast Option-Pick one breakfast item-Grape or Strawberry Uncrustable Sandwich, Chocolate, Banana Muffin, Banana Chocolate Chunk BeneFIT, Breakfast Bar
Pick two items-Cereal, Reeses-Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix

Tuesday's Lunch-Pork Rib on a WW Bun, Tri-Tator, Baked Beans, Fresh Apple Wedge
Wednesday's Lunch-Macaroni & Cheese, Steamed Peas, Chilled Mandarin Oranges
Wednesday's FFVP-Green Beans