Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wednesday, November 13th

Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Orange Day
Have you turned in your consent form for “X is for Zebra” – today is the deadline!
Practices will take place Nov 18-22 and a performance will take place Saturday November 23rd at 1:00 and 7:00PM.  The link for information regarding this years children's theater production, "X is for Zebra" can be found at
The consent form (Due today) can be found at

Calling all family and community members - Wednesday, November 20th starting at 7:45 AM in the SC Cafeteria.  There will be free coffee or cider for our visitors with coffee cake, yogurt, and juice/milk available for purchase.  Contact the school if you if you have any questions in regards to meal prices.  Feel free to stay and walk with the students after breakfast until 8:25AM.
Please RSVP by Wednesday, November 13th to Laura Conrad at

7-12 GBB players have open gym at SC today.

WWTS meets in Artesian today at 3:45.

Rock Solid in Letcher at 6:15 tonight. Thanksgiving Supper will be served. Junior youth will be joining them tonight.

The following people still need to stop in and pay Ms. Farrell-Poncelet: Shania Cornelius, Alexis Kelly, Sidney Salas, Mason Moody, Brighten Hitchcock, Isabella Bitterman, Tryce Slykhuis, and Noah Wormstadt.

Thursday, November 14th - Seniors will have privileges for Mr. Flatten’s class 3rd block.  Friday, November 15th Seniors are required to be in Mr. Flatten’s room.

Tutoring is available tomorrow, November 14th for interested students.

Friday, November 15th, 5/6th practice should be girls at Woony and the boys will practice at SC from 3:45-5pm.

The Cancer Tourney will be held at SC on Saturday, November 16th.  Students please remove your personal belongings by Friday from the locker rooms.

3/4th GBB forms are due Friday, November 15th.

6-8 boys - Mentoring forms for boys basketball are due back to Mrs. R Moody Friday, November 15th.

Due to Children's Theatre there will be no after school activities in the gym November 18-23 

American Education week kicks off November 18th starting with Administration Day on Monday.  Tuesday will brings us taco’s in the lounge for Support Staff Day, and Wednesday is Community Day.  We can’t forget about Thursday with Teacher Day and Friday Student Day!

Seniors or juniors who need to take the Accuplacer test for dual credit or college acceptance, talk to Mrs. Foxley TODAY. She will be proctoring the exam this Friday, November 15 in the afternoon, and you need to register 2 days in advance

Stop Violence- Be informed, Be prepared!
Every day we read of scary situations around the country (attempted kidnappings, assaults, etc) and some of these are hitting close to home. As part of my senior project, I, Katie Schmit, wanted to do something to help keep safe the people in our schools and communities. Help protect yourself and your loved ones by attending an informational and demonstrational presentation. This will be presented to middle school and high school students on Monday, November 25 at 2 pm at Sanborn Central High School. The presentation will include information on violent crimes, sexting, and demonstrations on how to protect yourself. Presenters will include Sanborn County Sheriff Tom Fridley, Detective Toby Russell from the Mitchell Police Department, and Bobbi Aune with Damsel in Distress. If you do not wish your child to attend, please contact the school. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. Along with the presentations, you will be able to order self-defense/ safety products from Damsel in Defense. Proceeds from these orders will be donated to the Mitchell Area Safe House.   The link to purchase:

Cancer Tourney – November 16th @ Sanborn Central

SC Booster Club Concession Stand Work Schedule for the Cancer Tournament Saturday, November 16th.

The following FFA members will be competing at the District 4 LDE's on Monday November 18th at MTI.  Ag Issues: Katie, Sam, Megan, Josie, Carter, Aiden and Devyn; Employment Skills: Katie and Morgan; Creed Speaking: Brady and Sidney; Extemp Speaking: Carter and Mason; Ag Sales: Mason, Tryce, Xavier and Noah W.; Prepared Public Speaking: Bailey and Ellie; and Ag Broadcasting: Brylee and Bailey.  Wish them luck! 
The bus will leave Woonsocket at 12:30 and SC at 12:45. Bring money for supper.

 Students who will be attending the Region 5 JH Band/Choir Festival in Platte include Alex Schelske, Caleb Kneen, Bryce Larson, Evan Easton, Aubrey Senska, Kara Wormstadt, Morgan Hoffman, Isabella Bitterman, Cooper Goldammer, Karter Rolston. Please remember to come to school dressed in your concert clothes. The bus will depart from Sanborn Central at 6:30am. Students will be returning around 5:15-30pm.

The Booster Club is selling stadium chairs, tumblers, yard signs, and window decals!!!  It's the right time of the year to start your Christmas shopping.

The Junior & Senior Youth Groups at the Letcher Community Church are raising money to take to The Banquet a homeless shelter in Sioux Falls. They will be serving at this shelter on December 4th .  Sunday, November 17th 11:30 am-1:30 pm at the Community Center in Letcher, SD will host a FREE WILL DONATION, sponsored by the Jr. and Sr. Church Youth Group.

Thurs (11/14) Blue: Eligibility & Updates due at noon   
    Open Gym: BB @ SC GB @ W
Fri (11/15) Orange: 5/6th GB @ W   5/6th BB @ SC 
    3/4th GBB forms due  
    6-8th BB Mentoring forms due
Sat (11/16): Cancer Tourney @ SC
Mon (11/18) Blue: 8th Declaim 8:30  Ms. Farrell-Poncelet's room
  FFA District IV LDE’s 2:00 MTI
  Children’s Theater Try Outs 3:30    
Tues(11/19) Orange: JH Music Fest @ Platte  
  DWU Rep 12:00   
  Children’s Theater practice   
  GBB @ Woony
Wed(11/20) Blue: Children’s Theater Practice 
  WWTS/Sonshine Club    SDSU Rep 12:30
Today’s Menu: Chicken Ala King – WW Biscuit - Seasoned Peas – Pumpkin Bar – Fruit Salad
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Mini Cinnis    Menu: Hard Shell Taco

Correction does much, but encouragement does more.
John Wolfgang von Goethe

Feel free to e-mail us at if you would like something included in our e-news.