Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday, November 22

Friday November 22, 2019

Blue Day
It’s student day at Sanborn Central and our elementary students are still in their pajama’s!!!! All students will be enjoying movies this afternoon and the Booster Club is providing pop and popcorn!  Enjoy your afternoon of fun!

Any HS student interested in taking part in one act play please talk to Mrs. Miller before next Tuesday.

Creative Web sports order forms due back today.
Blackhawk apparel order forms are due back Monday, November 25th

We hope to see you at Xena the Zebra on Saturday Nov 23rd with performances at 1:00 and 7:00.  Audience members will be asked to pay for each performance and these ticket sales will help reserve the 2021 production.  Adults $5 and Students $3

Cast members, please read through the letter that was given to you 

X Is For Zebra shirts and music download cards will be sold following rehearsals and each performance.  The cost of each t-shirt is $13.00 and each music download card is $11.00 or you can buy them together for $22.
View complete information for Friday/Saturday.

Band students that are gone November 26th it is your responsibility to get your assignments in line for that day.  As always assignment sheets are in the office.
Brighten Hitchcock
Sidney Salas
Dana Schelske
Alexis Kelly
Lucy Nicholson
Jessie Kruger
Dayton Easton
Reed Senska-Thompson
Kaden Nicholson
Casady Dean
Harley Kneen

December Breakfast Menu-
December Lunch Menu-
December Calendar-

Stop Violence- Be informed, Be prepared! 
Every day we read of scary situations around the country (attempted kidnappings, assaults, etc) and some of these are hitting close to home. As part of my senior project I, Katie Schmit, wanted to do something to help keep safe the people in our schools and communities. Help protect yourself and your loved ones by attending an informational and demonstrational presentation. This will be presented to middle school and high school students on Monday, November 25 at 12:30 pm at the Woonsocket High School and 2 pm at Sanborn Central High School. The presentation will include information on violent crimes, sexting, and demonstrations on how to protect yourself. Presenters will include Sanborn County Sheriff Tom Fridley, Detective Toby Russell from the Mitchell Police Department, and Bobbi Aulne with Damsel in Distress. If you do not wish your child to attend, please contact the school. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. Along with the presentations, you will be able to order self-defense/ safety products from Damsel in Defense. Proceeds from these orders will be donated to the Mitchell Area Safe House. 


Third and fourth girl’s b-ball practice tomorrow at 9AM in Woony

There is a mandatory boys basketball meeting next Monday night at 6:15 for grades 7-12 in Woony. At least 1 parent must be in attendance.

The Blackhawk Football potluck and awards night is on Monday, November 25th at Woonsocket at 7:00 pm this is for players in grades 7-12.  
For the potluck we are asking parents to bring the following:
7th Grade – Main Dish
8th Grade – Dessert
9th Grade – Salad
10th Grade – Main Dish
11th Grade – Dessert
12th Grade – Salad

Counselors Corner
Seniors or juniors interested in taking a dual credit class next semester, please come see Mrs. Foxley! Dual credit registration for the Spring 2020 semester opened the beginning of November.  

Children’s Theatre Performance 1:00 and 7:00
Third and fourth girls b-ball 9:00 AM at Woony

FB Awards Night (7:00 in Woony)
Blackhawk order forms due
Stop Violence Pres. 12:30 Woony 2PM SC
Girls b-ball @ SC 7-12
Boys b-ball mtg 6:15 (Woony)                             

Declaim grades 5-7 (8:30 AM)
HS Regional Music Fest. (Gregory)
WWTS (3:45-5:30)
Oral Interp. Deadline

Wednesday(11-27)NO School
Thursday(11-28) NO School

Friday(11-29)NO School

Monday Breakfast-French Toast Sticks, SF Maple Syrup
Monday's Lunch-Taco Burger on WW Bun, Black Bean & Salsa, Tortilla Chips, Tropical Fruit Salad

Feel free to e-mail us at if you would like something included in our e-news.