Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday, November 26

Tuesday November 26, 2019
Blue Day
Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you.  May you have a safe and happy Turkey Day!!

December Breakfast Menu-https://5il.co/baw4
December Lunch Menu-https://5il.co/baw3
December Calendar-https://5il.co/bi83
*Please note Friday December 6th is an extra help day.

Blackhawk Basketball is in the air and we are excited!!!  Do you want to add the schedule to your personal calendar?
On your phone in the app.
       Click menu
           Then you can either go to Events or Athletics
              If you go to Events Choose Basketball and click the calendar to save

                    If you go to Athletics - Go to 19-20 Basketball and at the bottom of each game there is a calendar to click and save.

WWTS at 3:45-5:30 in Artesian.

There will be a cast party today at 2:00 in the MS lab!

Any HS student interested in taking part in one act play please talk to Mrs. Miller before the end of the day.

The HS Regional Music Fest has been rescheduled to Monday, December 2ndThe bus will leave SC at 6:30 and Woonsocket at 6:45 on Dec 2nd.  The bus will return at approximately 10:00 PM.  Students if you are ineligible this week  will carry over to the Dec. 2nd date.

Senior Citizen's Sanborn Central would like to invite you to our Holiday Lunch Friday, December 13th at 12:30PM.  Cost is $5.00 a person and we would like you to RSVP by Friday, December 6th.  Please call the school at 495-4183 or e-mail Laura Conrad at laura.conrad@k12.sd.us https://5il.co/bkey

The Winter Concert is coming soon!  Please join up Tuesday, December 3rd at 7PM to enjoy the band/choir as they perform all of our Christmas favorites.

The Junior Duck Stamp Program is offering it's annual drawing contest:
The actual art competition begins when students submit their artwork to their state or territory
contest. At this level, students are judged in four groups according to grade level: K-3, 4-6,
7-9 and 10-12. Three first, three second, and three third place entries, along with 16
honorable mentions, are selected from each age group. Contest judges select one “Best of
Show” from the 12 first place winners. Each state or territory “Best of Show” is then entered in

the National Junior Duck Stamp Contest which occurs in April.  
To further the interdisciplinary goals of the Program, students are encouraged to include an
original conservation message along with their artwork. The message should explain
something about what the student has learned about wetlands, conservation, or waterfowl
and wildlife. It may also be a statement encouraging others to learn about and participate in
In some states, the conservation messages are judged separately to determine a winner,
which is submitted to the national contest. Otherwise, at the national level, the conservation

messages accompanying each Best of Show art entry are judged and a winner chosen.
For additional information and rules please visit the following web site

There has been a JH Girls and Boys BB game added to the schedule.  
Jan. 10 vs MVP starting at 6PM with the girls at Sanborn Central. 

Counselors Corner
Seniors or juniors interested in taking a dual credit class next semester, please come see Mrs. Foxley! Dual credit registration for the Spring 2020 semester opened the beginning of November.  

There will be an online presentation on the Build Dakota Scholarship on Monday, December 9 at 2:00 pm in Mrs. Foxley's room for sophomores - seniors. Build Dakota is a full-ride scholarship for some programs offered at technical schools in South Dakota. 

The Artesian Community Improvement Association will be holding their annual Ham Drawing/Membership Drive on Saturday, December 7th, 2019 at the Artesian Community Center. Supper will be served at 6:30pm, followed by drawings and a visit from Santa! Membership dues are $20 per family and go towards summer youth programs and community events.

Wednesday(11-27)NO School
Thursday(11-28) NO School
Friday(11-29)NO School

GB @ Woony Boys b-ball at SC
HS Music Fest

Tuesday(12-3) Blue
Winter Concert @ SC 7:00
G & B B-ball @ Woony

FFA fruit arrives

Monday's Breakfast-WW Biscuits & Gravy
Monday's Lunch-Blackhawk Chicken Bowl, Steamed Corn, Mixed Fruit
Feel free to e-mail us at sanborncentral@gmail.com if you would like something included in our e-news.