Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday– October 17, 2018
Orange Day

Going on today/tonight

Mr. Siemsen has declared Thursday (FB Playoffs) and Friday (Cancer Awareness) as spirit day

7-12 VB practice at Woonsocket tonight

HS FB practice at Woonsocket today

WWTS meets in Artesian today

It's Sonshine Club/Confirmation at Letcher today

Middle school students and families are invited to meet with Dr. Farney and Dr. Lubben to view the night sky on Wednesday, October 17 at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm at the Sanborn Central Soccer field. Expect to get an up-close look at our moon, planets and distant galaxies with lunar and planetary telescopes. Dr. Farney and Dr. Lubben are a wealth information regarding astronomy and always bring other surprises for us to look at! EXTRA CREDIT for those that are able to attend!  Park on the paved lot in the back of the school and walk to the Sanborn Central Soccer fields. The school building will not be open so use bathroom facilities before you arrive! Leave cell phones at home or in your car - the bright light from phones reduces a person’s night vision abilities. Bring a low light flashlight keeping it pointed at the ground and DRESS FOR A BLIZZARD! It is always colder than you think it is going to be...winter coat, hats, mittens, boots or warm shoes!

Oct 18-The football playoff game will be played at Bridgewater.  The bus will leave SC at 4:00 and the game will start at 7:00.  The game will be broadcast on Q107.3 and Kool 98.3  It will also be 
broadcast on

The BE CTE is hosting a roast beef tailgate beginning at 5:30 on Thursday.  More information can be found  at 

October 20th-State Cross Country (2:00) in Sioux Falls

We've had a great year with our cross-country team, and to sum it up from the words of coach Schlicht...Congrats to Hannah Terkildsen  for qualifying for State Cross Country in Sioux Falls on October 20th.  Through cold, rain, snow, and ice the cross country runners competed in the Region meet in Gettysburg.  There 30 runners in the girls varsity race, 63 in the boys varsity race, and 28 in the JV race.   At times they were running through 3-5 inches of snow, through slush, and even on slippery, icy spots.  There was slipping, pushing, shoving, and falling.  Hats off to these young runners---I am very proud of all of you!!  Thanks for the memories!!!!!! 

October 20th SCW-A VS MC at 9:00AM SCW-B VS MVP-A at 10:00AM CBH 5th and 6th boys basketball brackets can be found at 

October 20th JH VB tourney @ Iroquois SCW will play JVC @ 9:00

October 22nd oral interp will have a competition in Bookings and will meet at the school between 12:45-1:00

Cheerleading sign up sheet is in the office for the basketball season deadline is October, 24th

All-State Chorus & Orchestra tickets will be sold through the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center and are on sale now.

MS and EL Grades are due on report cards by today.

HS  Grades are due on report cards by Thursday October 18th.

It has been brought to our attention that several of our students have food allergies.  We are able to offer alternate foods, meals, drinks to meet your child’s needs if the proper documentation is provided.  Forms were sent home with students who indicated allergies on the medical information form.   If your child has allergies we would be willing to see what can be done to provide a healthy school lunch.  Feel free to fully complete (including the doctor signature) the form below and return to us.

Cancer Awareness Nights
SCW's Cancer Awareness Night has been scheduled for October 19th when we play BEE at Sanborn Central.   Some of the special events are chili bowls, luminaries, T-shirts, and an bake sale.  All proceeds will be donated to Children's Miracle Network.  Silent auction basket auction proceeds will be donated to SC second grade teacher, Mrs. Reimer, who is currently receiving treatments for cancer.


It is time to dig out the winter coats and if you find any winter coats that no longer work for your family, consider donating them to the Sanborn Central Coat Drive. We will be collecting new and gently used coats, hats, mittens and boots starting Monday, October 8th until November 8th. A collection box will be available at Sanborn Central school.

Michael Hoffman 8th grader at SC has built a Little Free Library. This Library will be placed on Letcher's Main St. In front of financial office. Please join us Sunday October 21st 2pm. For ribbon cutting and Hot cocoa & cookies while you learn How a Little Library works. Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization. That aims to inspire a love for reading, build community, and Spark creativity by fostering neighborhood  Book Exchange around the world.

The Artesian CIA is hosting Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 28 from 3:00-4:00pm in the Artesian Community Center parking lot.  Anyone interested in decorating a trunk is invited to come early to set up and join in on the Halloween fun!

October 28th The Town and Kountry Kids Blue group is hosting a trunk or treat for the kids starting at 5PM on Letcher's main street, trunk participants be ready before 4:45 Please contact Stacy Zoss or Jerilyn Moody.  Visit this link for the flyer

The Union Farmhands 4H Club needs your assistance in updating their Birthday and Anniversary Calendar.  Please get any changes or additions to Gayle Bechen by October 
29th at or 605-495-4183. 

Saturday November 3rd at 10 a.m. a county Legion Auxiliary meeting will be held at the Letcher Community center, all area Auxiliary members are welcome.

Sunday Nov 11 at 6 p.m. a pot luck Veterans day supper for all area veterans and their families.  Short program to follow with Karen Klinkner to tell us about her Honor Flight to DC. Bring a dish to share and come to Letcher. 

Celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, 2018 at 12pm at the Artesian Community Center.  The meal is free to veterans and the American Legion Auxiliary is asking for  free will donation for other guests.  Please call Laura Pearson by November 5, 2018 605-999-2139 so that we can have enough food prepared.  The meal is prepared by the American Legion Auxiliary.The snow date will be November 18, 2018.


Wednesday -  October 17th – Orange:  MS/EL Grades Due      
             7-12 VB @ Woony 
             DSU Rep  @ 11:35
             WWTS @ Artesian     
             Sonshine/Confirmation @ Letcher
Thursday-October 18th Blue Day:7-12th V-ball at SC   
             FB Playoffs begin          
             5/6 Practice @ Woony Flu shot Make up Day              
             HS grades are due
Friday-October 19th VB@SC 7-V 
             5/6th practice @ Woony,
             Pep Band, Tutoring
Saturday – Oct 20th:  State Cross Country        JH VB @ Iroquois Tourney JVC 9:00
              5/6th Boys CBH Tourney – 9:00 SCWA vs. MC  10:00 SCWB vs. MVPA
Monday – Oct 22nd: NO SCHOOL PHEASANT MONDAY   9-12 VB @ Woony 9:30 
               HS FB @ Woony     5/6th Ball @ Iroquois 6:00 Girls followed by Boys     
               Oral Interp @ Brookings – Leave 12:45
Tuesday – Oct 23rd – Blue:  HS FB @ Woony     VB vs. MVP (Plank)n 7/8/C/JV/V Bus 2:30                         5/6th @ SC Quiz Bowl

Tomorrow's menu: Chicken Fritter Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, with Steamed Corn
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Cheese Omelet, Graham Cracker Sticks

If there is something you would like included in our Rebel e-news, feel free to e-mail the information to