Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Orange Day
Thank you FFA for the wonderful donuts
this morning!
Congratulations to the FFA Coloring
contest Winners – Pre-K Adalie Enfield, Kdg Carson Miller, 1st grade
Landree Zoss, 2nd grade Sophie Kelly, 3rd grade Carter
Edwards, 4th grade Cami Edwards, and 5th grade Morgan
Hoffman! The winners received a free
donut this morning!
Pennies, Pennies, Pennies
Everywhere! Which class will enjoy
eating with the SCW FFA?
Mrs. Easton will be leaving at 11:45 today. HS vocal will report to her. At 1:53 the 7th grade will report
to Ms. Farrell-Poncelet’s room for study hall and the 8th grade to
the vocal room for study hall. 2:39 the
6th grade will report to the vocal room for study hall.
Girls will practice at Woonsocket today and Boys at SC.
WWTS meets in Artesian today.
Sonshine Club/Confirmation will meet in Letcher today.
Due to the
short week – No Eligibility this week!!!!!
The Junior Class will be leaving at approximately 9:15 on Friday,
February 23rd to travel to Mitchell.
The Vietnam Veterans are hosting a history lesson for them. Juniors should return around 12:30 – Bring
Lunch Money!!!!
Do you know a teacher who is dedicated,
inspiring, and making a difference? The classroom teacher is the backbone
of the American educational system. No one person has a greater impact on the
education of a child than does the teacher who creates the primary learning and
instructional environment. Nominate a teacher for the Sanborn Central
Teacher of the Year. Forms are available in the office and due February
Interested in
Law Enforcement? The South Dakota Youth Trooper Academy will be
held June 25 - 29, 2018 (All expenses paid by SDHP and SD American
Legion). Application deadline is March 23, 2018. See Mrs. Johnson for an
Lady Blackhawks on your win last night – 47-22 winners over Elkton/Lake
Benton. Leaders were Tristan Ziebart 11 points, 7 rebounds, 2 assists and 6
steals; Abby Doering 8 points, 11 rebounds, 3 assists; Abby Vermeulen 6
points, 1 steal; Madi Moody 6 points, 2 rebounds; Megan Poyer 5 points, 11
rebounds, 7 assists, 3 steals; Sarah Morgan 5 points, 6 rebounds, 1
assist; Tesa Jensen 2 points, 3 rebounds; Kaylee White 2 points, 3 rebounds, 2
assists; and Erica Howard 2 points, 2 rebounds, 1 steal. Blackhawks will advance in region play and
meet Hanson at 6:30 on Thursday.
We will send the Lady Blackhawks off with a pep rally at 2:30 at Sanborn
Central on Thursday, February 22nd. Since the Winter Olympics are going on let’s fill the
stands with an Olympic Theme! Bobsled teams, skiers, curlers, snowboarders, ice
skaters and any other Olympic sports you can think of!
Friday the guys head to Springs with games beginning at 4:45. Their FCCLA Chapter Service Project will be hosting a benefit with proceeds
going to the Wessington Springs American Legion Youth programs. Events include a supper consisting of tacos,
nacho's, enchilada's, root beer float and bars; a bake sale; and a silent
auction. Make plans to support the Wessington Springs Seniors and our Military
PLAYERS that have t-shirt orders either bring the forms to me on
Friday night at the basketball game or email me the order. Money can be
collected upon delivery. We need to place the order on Monday in order to receive a
discount from the company. Coach Nathan Hainy
The Mitchell
Kernels are hosting a Summer Boys Basketball League as well as a camp for
grades 4-8. More information can be found at
will practice Thursday, February 22nd at 5:30 and Friday February 23rd
at 3:30.
The SC lunchroom is in need of substitute help. You would be on a "Call as Needed" basis. For more information, please contact Joyce Everhart at 495-4183. FYI - a great way to see young, energetic people with smiling faces!!!!!
A group of Woonsocket Quilters have donated their time and
thumbs to making quilts/throws out of cancer related T-shirts. These
ladies have quilted 50+ throws and donated them to the Avera Cancer Center in
Mitchell for patients beginning their journey with the dreaded “C”! However they are in need of cancer related T-shirts!
They don’t care where they come from just - that they are somehow cancer
related! If you have any that you would be willing to donate, please do
so. They can be dropped off at the Woonsocket Library, the Sanborn
Central School in Forestburg, Zesto – 212 West 1st Ave – Mitchell, or Mary
Ackman – 214 West Main – Letcher.
Money donations can also be made to assist in covering the cost of
backing and stabilizer. For more information please contact Mary Ackman – or 605-248-2446.
Thursday –
Feb 22nd - Blue: GB Regions
Pep Rally 2:30 SC
BB @ Woony
No Tutoring
Informal Greenhand Ceremony
Winterguard 5:30 @ SC
Friday – Feb
23rd – Orange: BB @ Springs
4:45 – Bus @ 3:45 JH (A & B)/JV/V
Blue & Gold Day
Jr Class to Mitchell
Winterguard 3:30 SC
Saturday – Feb 24th: Winterguard @ Irondale
Monday – Feb 26th – Blue: BBB Regions
5:30 SC
Tuesday – Feb 27th – Orange: BB Regions
Winterguard 5:30 SC
Teacher Mtg 7:45
Wednesday – Feb 28th – Blue: TOY Forms Due
WWTS @ Artesian
Rock Solid @ SC
Today’s Menu: Hot Dog on a Bun – Potato Wedges – CA Blend –
Salad Bar – Fruit choice – Milk Choice
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Mini Cinni’s – Fruit Cup – Juice
Choice – Milk Choice
Menu: Spaghetti
w/Meat Sauce – Green Beans – Salad Bar – Fruit Choice – Milk Choice
is often difficult to recognize; we usually expect it to beckon us with beepers
and billboards. ~William Arthur Ward
If there is
something you would like included in our e-news, please send the information to