Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5, 2013

A huge thank you to Big J for reading to the elementary students this morning as part of the school’s Read Across America celebrations this week.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at about 8:45 a.m. the staff and students will be wishing the Lady Blackhawks team good luck in a “Blackhawk Pride” human tunnel as they leave for the State B Tournament. The public is invited to attend to show their support for these young ladies, coaches, cheerleaders and statisticians!
Here’s a link to the 2013-2014 SCW Athletic Schedule (subject to change) if you’re interested:
Lost: A little red bag with a string for iPods. Please return to the office if found.
Lost: A pair of black size 6X snow pants, possibly left on Judy’s bus. Please return to the office if found.
Found: A Pioneer Seed insulated lunch bag in Joyce’s cooler. See Joyce if it’s yours.
Here is an updated practice schedule for the Boys Willie Mac Frosh and Sophomore players:
Wednesday, March 6 – 3:30 p.m. in Woonsocket
Tuesday, March 12 – 3:30 in Woonsocket (changed due to football meeting)
Monday, March 18 – 5:30 p.m. at Sanborn Central
Thursday, March 21 – 5:30 p.m. at Sanborn Central
Following is some Girls’ State B Tournament information:
The Sanborn Central and Woonsocket Booster Clubs have chosen the following themes:
Thursday – Black/We’re Back in Black
Friday – White/Retro Day
Saturday – Black/Tutu Day
The Booster Clubs will once again be providing a hospitality room for all three days from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. at the Crossroads in the Dakota Ballroom (attached to the Huron Arena). Free will donations will be taken for the food and beverages. Thursday is pizza, Friday is sub sandwiches, and Saturday will be meat and cheese trays. All SCW fans are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The Huron Arena has established the following rules in regards to the bleacher area: The bleachers behind the north basket will be reserved for the tournament band only and team personnel if space is available. The bleachers on the east and west side of the main court will be reserved for the spectators of the two teams playing. The tournament director will designate which side the spectators will be seated on. The main floor bleachers will be reserved seating for the teams playing in Sessions 1-2-4-6 (Thursday afternoon and evening, Friday evening, Saturday evening). After the first game in each of those sessions, the bleachers will be cleared out so the spectators of the second game in each session can move into the bleachers. Spectators are asked to exit the bleachers to the south after the players/officials have exited the floor from the first game and the players/officials from game two have entered the court for warm-ups. In other words, you will not be able to save seats in the bleachers during the game ahead of yours in the sessions referenced above as they will be completely clearing the bleachers between games.
Tournament passes can be purchased at the Huron Arena, or you can pay per session.
On Sunday, the Booster Clubs will be hosting a Welcome Home Celebration at the Woonsocket Gym about noon. If you want to join the welcome home caravan, please meet at the 3 mile corner at 11:45 a.m. Weather permitting, the girls will board fire trucks at the VanDyke parking lot like they did last year.
Here is a link to the tournament bracket from the SDHSAA website:
The Blackhawk Cheerleaders would like to remind fans to review the SDHSAA Tournament Rules, under Reminders below, about what you can and can’t bring with you to the tournament.
Also, the Blackhawk Cheerleaders would be so honored to receive the Spirit of Six Award during this year’s tournament. This award is given out annually in recognition of the six Rapid City cheerleaders who were killed in a 1968 plane crash, 45 years ago this year. Please dress up and cheer loud in a positive manner. Sportsmanship and crowd control are big parts of this award. CHEER LOUD AND BE PROUD! GO BLACKHAWKS!
FFA members did not attend the Howard CDE today because of the weather and late start.
Boys’ Region basketball championship games are being played tonight. At the Corn Palace in Mitchell, James Valley Christian will be playing Kimball/White Lake for the Region 5 championship at 6:00 p.m., followed by South Central vs. Ethan for the Region 6 championship.
Eligibility and Homework Club will be calculated on Wednesday.
Boys Frosh and Sophomore Will Mac practice will be on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in Woonsocket. Players need to bring their parent permission sheets.
Due to the Lady Blackhawks playing in the State B Basketball Tournament, school will dismiss at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday. Busses will run at 11:00 a.m. No lunch will be served.
Thursday is the end of the 3rd Quarter.
Eligibility and Homework Club will be calculated on Thursday.
The Lady Blackhawks will be playing Sully Buttes at 1:45 p.m. in the 2nd game of the afternoon session of the State B Girls Basketball Tournament at the Huron Arena on Thursday.
SCW Blackhawk Hospitality Room (Dakota Ballroom in Huron Arena): 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Pizza will be served. Free will donations will be accepted.
No school on Friday.
The Girls State B Basketball Tournament continues on Friday at the Huron Arena.
SCW Blackhawk Hospitality Room (Dakota Ballroom in Huron Arena): 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Sub sandwiches will be served. Free will donations will be accepted.
The first day of the certification clinic for soccer referees will be held on Friday at the Huron High School from 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. See below, under Reminders, for more information.
The Girls State B Basketball Tournament concludes on Saturday at the Huron Arena.
SCW Blackhawk Hospitality Room (Dakota Ballroom in Huron Arena): 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Meat and cheese trays will be served. Free will donations will be accepted.
The second day of the certification clinic for soccer referees will be held on Saturday at the Huron High School from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon.
On Sunday, the Booster Clubs will be hosting a Welcome Home Celebration at the Woonsocket Gym about noon. If you want to join the welcome home caravan, please meet at the 3 mile corner at 11:45 a.m. Weather permitting, the girls will board fire trucks at the VanDyke parking lot like they did last year.
The District Soil Conservation Speech Contest will be held on Monday at 1:00 p.m. in Woonsocket.
There will be Smarter Balance Pilot Testing for Grades 7 and 8 Math on Monday.
From Coach Kolousek: There will be a football meeting on Monday at 4:00 p.m. at the Woonsocket School. The meeting will take about 2 hours. All of next year’s high school players for next year are asked to attend. That would be current 8th – 11th grade football players.
The School Board will have their March meeting on Monday at 7:00 p.m.

Soccer coaches are needed! If interested, please see Mary in the school office.
The High Plains Soccer League (Sanborn Central, Woonsocket, Wessington Springs) is looking for soccer referees. There will be a certification clinic on Friday, March 8 from 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. and on Saturday, March 9 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon at the Huron High School. After attending both sessions, there will be a quick test and participants will become certified as Grade 8 soccer referees. These are paid positions. If interested, contact the school office for more information.
With the basketball tournaments upon us, the Blackhawk Cheerleaders would like to remind everyone of the following Tournament Rules that are set by the South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA). These rules apply to all district, region and state events.
1. Banners and signs of all kinds are prohibited
2. All types of noisemakers are prohibited
3. Paper confetti and silly string are prohibited
4. Balloons are prohibited
5. Megaphones are prohibited except by a Cheerleader
6. Human tunnels created by students and/or adults are prohibited
7. Laser pointers are prohibited and will be confiscated
8. Students are asked not to stand on the seats
9. All fans must wear shirts – Body paint is not allowed for either students or adults
10. The following ARE permitted: Face paint, pennants, number one fingers, foam noodles, homer hankies, rooter poms, etc.
Please help support our cheerleaders and players by using good sportsmanship in cheering our teams to a victory. Good luck Blackhawk cheerleaders, players and coaches!
The Young Hearts Cardiac Screening is coming up on Wednesday, March 20. Screening America, the organization that sponsors these screenings, has provided the following information links:
Forms needed for screening:
A featured story about heart screenings on KELO:
Informational heart screening websites:
More information on Sanborn Central’s mobile app can be found at www.sanborncentral.com.
The Sanborn Central School District has the following vacancies for the 2013-2014 school year: Head Volleyball Coach for SCW Coop; Assistant Football Coach for WWSSC Coop; Head Football Coach for WWSSC Coop. Applications will be taken until Monday, March 4. Send resume and letter of application to Supt. Linda Whitney, Sanborn Central Schools, 40405 SD Hwy 34, Forestburg SD 57314. For more information call 605-495-4183 or email linda.whitney@k12.sd.us. The Sanborn Central School District is an equal opportunity employer.
The Wessington Springs School District announces the following staff vacancies (appropriate certification is required): Assistant Track Coach; Head Volleyball Coach; Assistant Volleyball Coach; Head Football Coach; Assistant Football Coach; Head Wrestling Coach; Assistant Wrestling Coach. Send a letter of application indicating the position or positions interested in and what skills make you a quality candidate to: Supt. Lance Witte, P.O. Box 449, Wessington Springs SD 57382 by Monday, March 4. The Wessington Springs School District is an equal opportunity employer.
Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.
- Zig Ziglar
(The links below lead to many of the items that were contained in last year’s e-News, plus a few more worthwhile sites.)
ASK’s Question of the Day: http://www.ask.com/questionoftheday
NASA’s Image of the Day: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD
(after 30 second ad)
The New York Times Learning Network: http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com
Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day: http://www.merriam-webster.com/word-of-the-day
Math Buddy’s Question of the Day: http://www.mathbuddyonline.com/common/mbqad.html
National Geographic’s Daily GeoBee: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/geobee/quiz/today
Questions, comments, additions: Sherri at stekl@santel.net or to sanborncentral@gmail.com.
Sanborn Central e-News blog/archives: http://sanborncentralenews.blogspot.com