Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27, 2013

Congratulations to Kelsey Henson, Abby Vermeulen and Zsakiah Smith for knowing that Nick Miller was yesterday’s Mystery Senior. They’ll each win a skip assignment pass for their correct guess.
Those interested in participating in the all school play should sign up in Mrs. Danek’s room. This year’s production is “The Boyfriend Project”.
Mitchell Christian School is proud to present a speaking engagement by Coach Don Meyer on Friday, April 12 at 2:00 p.m. in the MCS Baas Auditorium. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. To learn more about Coach Meyer and his inspirational message, visit
The Genetics Class will be travelling to Ethan today.
Eligibility and Homework Club will be calculated today.
Senior Experience Project presentations will take place on Thursday.
Applications for the Codi Meier scholarship are due from Seniors by Thursday.
The deadline for prom-goers to sign up for the Grand March and for Post-Prom is Thursday.
The JH girls will have basketball practice at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday at Sanborn Central with Emily.
There will be JO volleyball practice at Woonsocket on Thursday.
School will dismiss early on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. for Easter Break.
No school on Friday for Easter Break.
The Artesian CIA Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. at the Artesian Community Center.
In conjunction with the CIA Easter Egg Hunt, the First Lutheran ladies of Artesian will be having their annual Easter Bake Sale at the Artesian Community Center on Saturday morning from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
Letcher’s Bountiful Baskets delivery will be on Saturday morning at the Letcher Community Center at 10:30 a.m.
The 26th Annual 3-Class Shootout All-Star games will be held on Saturday at the McCook Central Auditorium in Salem. Play begins at 2:00 p.m. with the Class AA girls facing the Class A girls, with the winner facing the Class B girls at 3:45 p.m. The Class B boys will face the Class A boys at 5:15 p.m., followed by a dunk contest and the Class AA boys against the winner of the A-B matchup at 7:00 p.m. SCW’s Rachelle Moore will be representing the Lady Blackhawks on the Class B girls team.
No school on Monday for Easter Break.
Mary has some tickets in the school office for the Huron Shrine Circus performances on Monday at 4:00 and 7:30 p.m. The only cost is a thank-you written to the sponsor.
Wear Yellow on Tuesday for Respect.
FFA members will be attending a CDE in Miller on Tuesday. The participant bus will leave at 7:20 a.m.
The Wessington Springs HS Early Bird Track Meet will be held in Wessington Springs on Tuesday. It starts at 12:00 noon.
Tanna Kingsbury, an 8th grader at Sanborn Central, is currently at St. Mary’s Hospital with Mayo Clinic in Rochester. She has been diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma. A Caring Bridge page has been set up to keep everyone informed on what’s going on. Her address while she’s there is: St. Mary’s Hospital, Patient: Tanna Kingsbury, Room 2-151, 1216 2nd St. SW, Rochester MN 55905.

An account for donations has being established at Home Federal Bank in Mitchell, SD in Tanna’s name.
Lynell Jessen has started a prayer vigil in the Sanborn Central gym every morning from 7:45 – 8:00 a.m. for Tanna and her family. This is totally volunteer and students will not be asked to participate. This is not a school facilitated activity, but any interested parties are welcome to attend.
The Town of Letcher is looking to hire someone for year-round maintenance. Wages to be determined. Send a letter of interest by Monday, April 1 to: Town of Letcher, 214 W. Main, Letcher SD 57359. Call 605-248-2242 for more information.
Paige Mehling, a student at Dakota Wesleyan University, is putting together a 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament on Saturday, April 6 at the DWU Wellness Center as a community service project for a civic values and engagement class. Proceeds will benefit Bella’s Butterfly Garden in Mitchell. For complete information, follow this link:
The Mid-Central Educational Cooperative is offering iPad classes to students, teachers, staff, parents and community members. These will be held on Tuesdays in April in Room 212 of the Mitchell Middle School from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Cost is only $15 per session. April 9 – iMovie and photography apps; April 16 – Dropbox, Google Drive, Kindle and eBooks; April 23 – Vocabulary, math and geography apps for fun, practice or education in the classroom; April 30 – Pinterest and game apps. Pre-registration is required by going to this link: There must be at least 10 people signed up for a class to be held, so if you’re interested at all, please don’t hesitate to register so they can plan for the classes. For more information, contact
A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.
- Wade Boggs
(The links below lead to many of the items that were contained in last year’s e-News, plus a few more worthwhile sites.)
ASK’s Question of the Day:
NASA’s Image of the Day:
(after 30 second ad)
The New York Times Learning Network:
Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day:
Math Buddy’s Question of the Day:
National Geographic’s Daily GeoBee:
Questions, comments, additions: Sherri at or to
Sanborn Central e-News blog/archives: