This Friday, January 27 will be one year since one of our fellow Blackhawks, Kyle Hohn, passed away. In honor of Kyle, our high school staff and students will gather in the gym Friday morning to do a memorial walk, coordinated by Ms. Amundson. The memorial walk will take place right away Friday morning in the gym during first block after attendance is taken. Friends, family, or community members are welcome to attend the memorial walk to celebrate and reflect on the life of Kyle Hohn.
Congratulation to the SC/W boys that rallied together last night to defeat Hanson by a score of 55-49. Jeff Boschee was 3-3 from the 3 point line and a contribution of 22 points! Bryce Larson followed with 10 point and was 3-5 from the 3 point line. Brady Larson, Payton Uecker, and Cody Slykhuis each added 5 points.
boys b-ball @ Woony
Sonshine Club
WWTS 3:50-5:30
The Blackhawk Soccer Program in collaboration with Creative Web is getting a head start on the 2023 soccer orders as a fundraiser. Forms will be handed out to K-5th grade, and are also located in the office. If you would be interested in ordering please return by Friday, February 3rd.*Please note this is only for fan gear, this is not for soccer sign up yet
Blackhawks Soccer Form
*Mrs. Selland is not here today!
Sanborn Central band lessons will be on
Tuesday, January 31st
Wednesday, February 8th.
Tuesday, February 14th
Wednesday, February 22nd
Tuesday, February 28th
Wednesday, March 8th
Tuesday, March 14th
Wednesday, March 22nd
Tuesday, March 28th
Wednesday, April 5th
Wednesday, April 19th
Tuesday, April 25th
Tuesday, May 2nd
Wednesday, May 10th
Please mark your calendar and bring your instrument.
Middle School parents and students, Infinite Campus is available for you to check grades, assignments and attendance. If you do not have a login username and password please let Laura in the office know.
Today a missing assignment list will go out to parent e-mails. Tomorrow we will run eligibility.
Extra Curricular
The girls b-ball teams will be at Wessington Springs on Thursday.
JH 5:15
V 8:00
The bus will leave SC at 4:15
The girls bb game vs. Wessington Springs Thursday night will be broadcast on KOOL 98.3 fm and KORN 92.1 as the area game of the week.
Friday, January 27th the JH girls and boys will have games in Woony vs. Hitchcock-Tulare.
JH Girls 6PM
(1 Girls game 2 boys games)
B Boys 7PM
A Boys to follow
Saturday, January 28th the V boys will be at the Irene Classic. They will hit the court at 7:30 vs. Irene Wakonda.
Saturday, January 28th the 7th and 8th grade girls will be at Corsica-Stickney. The ladies will be playing in game 2 vs. Mitchell Christian.
Monday, January 30th the boys and girls JR teams will be at Ethan. The bus will leave Woony at 4:00
Girls 6:00
B Boys 7:00
A Boys
Monday, January 30th both the boys and girls C teams will travel to Mount Vernon (downtown gym.) The bus will leave SC at 12:50
4:00-C girls
5:00-C boys
6th-8th Grade
St. Charles Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition will be held on Sunday, Jan. 22, January 29th 2023at Sanborn Central School gym. Warmups start at 12:00, Competition at 1:00; Boys & Girls age 9-14 as of Jan 1st. Entrants may compete in only one local competition. Contact John Bechen 605-999-1370 with questions.
The next food pantry giveaway will be February 1st at 4:30 until gone a the Sanborn County Courthouse (weather permitting)
Food Pantry Flyer
The Glass Slipper
Friday, February 3rd from 4PM-8PM and Saturday, February 4th from 9AM-12PM at River Tree Church in Mitchell, SD (Corner of 6th and Sanborn) come shop for a prom dress, accessories and shoes. East student will receive individual assistance from a volunteer personal shopper.
Thursday, January 26th-Orange Day
Girls B-Ball (JH, JV,V)vs. WS @ WS
Boys B-Ball V @ SC
Boys B-Ball JH @ Woony
JH G/B b-ball vs. Hitch-Tulare @ Woony
Girls B-Ball @ SC
Boys B-Ball @ Woony
Boys B-Ball vs. Irene Wakonda @ Irene
JH girls b-ball Tourney @ Corsica (TBA)
JH G/B B-Ball @ Ethan
Girls @ Woony
Boys @ SC
B & G JH and V vs Ethan @ SC
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC
Cooper G-wrestling tourney @ Miller
Friday, February 3rd-Orange Day
JH G/B B-Ball vs. Wolsey-Wess. @ Wolsey
Rescheduled Game vs. Corsica-Stickney @ Corsica (JV,V)
B/G B-Ball vs Wolsey-Wessington @ Woony
Dress Swap in Deubrook
Mitchell Area Spelling Bee (Grades 3-6)-Local Winners
JH G/B B-Ball vs. Iroquis-Lake Preston
B B-Ball @ Woony