Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday, January 31 2023-Blue Day

Thank you to Ed and Laurie Grassel for the donation of Kleenex's and Clorox Wipes.

Sidney Salas is having a fundraiser today to raise money for her senior project which involves adding pad/tampon dispensers with products (free to students) to the bathrooms and locker rooms.  Each class will be able to help the cause with a purchase today during her bake sale.

Today at Sanborn Central the basketball teams will be back in action.  The JH girls will tip-off at 4PM followed by the JV boys.  The girls V will start at 6:30 and then the V boys will strut their stuff.  Watch the game on our Blackhawks Live channel at https://blackhawks.liveticket.tv/

The Sanborn Central Elementary will be selling donuts and hot cocoa as a fundraiser for the playground equipment and elementary projects.

Anne Huber's dance teams will perform for this game.
The junior team will perform at halftime of the girls game and the senior team will perform at halftime of the boys game.

Both the boys and girls games will be broadcast on Q107

The pep band will not play for the game today.

In collaboration with Creative Web the soccer program is getting a head start on the 2023 soccer orders as a fundraiser. Forms will be handed out to K-5th grade, and are also located in the office. If you would be interested in ordering please return by Friday, February 3rd.
*Please note this is only for fan gear, this is not for soccer sign up yet
Blackhawks Soccer Form

Candy Grams are going home this week. Copies will be available in the office if you have misplaced yours and are due back by Tuesday, February 2nd.

Sanborn Central band lessons will be on 
Tuesday, January 31st 
Wednesday, February 8th. 
Tuesday, February 14th
Wednesday, February 22nd
Tuesday, February 28th
Wednesday, March 8th
Tuesday, March 14th
Wednesday, March 22nd
Tuesday, March 28th
Wednesday, April 5th
Wednesday, April 19th
Tuesday, April 25th
Tuesday, May 2nd
Wednesday, May 10th
Please mark your calendar and bring your instrument.

I am looking forward to another year of 5th and 6th grade volleyball.  I am working on scheduling a few games and practices.  Depending on how many girls participate, we may also set up some scrimmages.  I am planning on two or three practices or games a week.  This will run through the months of March and the first part of April. If your child is interested in playing please fill out the attached form or the google form link. Coach Dayna Rodriguez
Volleyball Form

Extra Curricular
February 3rd the basketball teams will be at Corsica vs Corsica-Stickney for a rescheduled game.
Girls JV (El Gym 5:00)
Boys JV (El gym 5:00)
Girls V 6:00
Boys V 7:00
The JH girls and boys will be at Wolsey vs. Wolsey-Wessington with the bus leaving at 4:30
Girls 6PM
Boys 7PM

Saturday, February 4th the JV girls will have a 12PM game and the boys 1:00 game vs. Wolsey Wessington at Woonsocket.  The girls V will play at 2:30, and the boys V at 4:00.  This is a rescheduled game from Jan 28th.
*Woonsocket will be having our annual book sale during the double-header basketball games.  The books are donation only. If you have questions please contact Tracey Steele at tracy.steele@k12.sd.us

The boys will be at a rescheduled game in Irene on February 4th.
12:00 Freeman vs. AC/DC
1:30  Baltic vs. Menno
3:00 Scotland vs. SC/Woonsocket
4:30  I-W vs. Wolsey/Wessington
Lost Hill City and SF Lutheran.  More details to come.  First team listed will wear white and be the home team.

February 24 Boys BB vs W. Springs at Sanborn Central.
Updated Game Schedule-
C- 5PM
V- 7:45PM

The JH girls and boys games this Saturday have been moved to next Saturday.  The schedule will remain the same.  https://5il.co/1nocp

The Boys C team will play at 4PM vs. Parkston on Feb. 7 at Parkston
4:00PM- Boys C game
5:15PM- JV Girls-  Gym 1
5:15PM-  JV Boys- Gym 2
6:30PM- V Girls
8:00PM- V Boys

Another Added C game
Feb. 9 at SC (make up game vs B-E)
3:15PM- Boys C game
followed by 
Girls JV
Boys JV
Girls V
Boys V

From the Kitchen
Check out your Childs Breakfast and lunch menu's with the following link https://www.myschoolmenus.com/

MS Updates
6th-8th Grade

News from Ms. Amundson
SDSU College Representative Visit:
On February 8th at 9:00 AM in the middle school lab, Emma Mudgett from SDSU will be here to talk with prospective students about SDSU. Juniors and seniors are welcome to attend.
Upcoming Scholarships:
Bankwest - February 13
Basin Electric - February 1
Jay Headley (Central Electric) - February 1
Elks - February 6
DAR (children and grandchildren of veterans) - February 11
POET - February 13
You can access this scholarships and many more on my website: https://sanborncentralcounselor.weebly.com/scholarships.html

Summer Drone and Code Camp:
Students in grades 3-8 are invited to attend Lake Area Technical College's Summer Drone and Code Camp on June 2, 2023 at 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. The cost is $50 per person and includes lunch and a t-shirt, and there are scholarships available. You must register by May 1, 2023 if you are interested in this opportunity. You can register at https://lakeareatech.wufoo.com/forms/latc-drone-code-camp/

The next food pantry giveaway will be February 1st at 4:30 until gone a the Sanborn County Courthouse (weather permitting)
Food Pantry Flyer

The Glass Slipper
Friday, February 3rd from 4PM-8PM and Saturday, February 4th from 9AM-12PM at River Tree Church in Mitchell, SD (Corner of 6th and Sanborn) come shop for a prom dress, accessories and shoes.  East student will receive individual assistance from a volunteer personal shopper.

Our next Devoted Students night will be on Monday, February 13th!  We will meet in the Woonsocket commons at 6:00 again (after basketball practice) with supper, games, and a study provided. Any high school student (9th - 12th grade) is welcome to come! Please RSVP at the link below, so we can plan an appropriate amount of food. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there! 🙂https://forms.gle/E4pPZrcQr1C1E3zp7

Wednesday, February 1st-Orange Day
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC
Rock Solid in Letcher
WWTS (3;50-5:30)

Thursday, February 2nd-Blue Day
G B-Ball @ Woony 
B B-Ball @ SC
Cooper G-wrestling tourney @ Miller

Friday, February 3rd-Orange Day
JH G/B B-Ball vs. Wolsey-Wess. @ Wolsey
Rescheduled Game vs. Corsica-Stickney @ Corsica (JV,V)

Saturday, February 4th
B/G B-Ball vs Wolsey-Wessington @ Woony
JH girls tourney @ Corsica
Dress Swap in Deubrook
Mitchell Area Spelling Bee (Grades 3-6)-Local Winners

Monday, February 6th-Blue Day
JH G/B B-Ball vs. Iroquis-Lake Preston
G B-Ball @ SC
B B-Ball @ Woony

Tuesday, February 7th-Orange Day
B/G B-Ball vs. Parkston @ Parkston (2 gyms) G JV B JV at 5:00-B C Games JV, V G & B

Wednesday, February 8th-Blue Day
Dress Swap at Duebrook
Girls B-Ball @ SC
Boys B-Ball @ Woony
Sonshine Club
Letcher Confirmation
WWTS 3:50-5:30

Thursday, February 9th-Orange Day
JH G/B B-Ball vs. MC @ Woony
G/B B-Ball vs. Bridgewater-Emery @ SC-Dbl header (C games at SC also)

Friday, February 10th-Blue Day
B/G B-Ball vs. Harrold-Highmore @ Woony JV/V-Girls Sr. Night

Saturday, February 11th
Dress Swap in Duebrook
Wrestling @ Huron

Saturday, February 12th
Dress Swap in Duebrook
Wrestling in Huron-Cooper Goldammer

Monday, February 13th-Orange Day
School Bd. Meeting
JH G/B B-Ball vs. JVC @ Woony
Girls @ Woony
Boys @ SC

Tuesday, February 14th-Blue Day
B/G B-Ball vs JV, G JV B, V girls