Monday, January 23, 2023

Monday, January 23rd 2023-Blue Day

Sanborn Central Food Service Director Laura Conrad, applied for and was awarded a grant from the SD School Nutrition Program for equipment within their kitchens.  The grant award amount was for $25,000, which will be used to purchase and install a new convection oven, to replace the existing 2 ovens that have served the district well.  Congratulations
 to Laura for winning the grant award!  The link provided is to an official press release detailing the districts who also received an award.

The Varsity boys dominated Hitchcock-Tulare on Saturday with a final 64-32.
Bryce Larson contributed 19 points and Jeff Boschee had 14.  Brady Larson added another 7 and Toby Kneen had 6 points.  Payton Uecker and Hayden Beigh had 5 each.  McCoy Schultz, Cody Slykhuis, Trey Moody, and Evan Easton each had a basket.  Both the boys and girls (JV,V)will play Hanson on Tuesday, January 24th at SC.
Girls JV 4
Boys JV 5
Girls V 6:30
Boys V 8:00
*The Sanborn Central Scholarship Foundation will be serving Godfathers pizza for $3.00 a slice and Corn Palace Popcorn Balls $4.00 each
The Sanborn Central Scholarship Foundation Foundation is a non-profit organization that has the sole purpose of providing scholarships to graduates of Sanborn Central High School to pursue post-secondary education.
Pizza and Popcorn Balls for sale

The JH boys completed a successful day of basketball on Saturday in Wagner.  The Blackhawks finished the day 2-1.  In opening round action, the Blackhawks were paired against the best team they have seen all season playing Wagner. The Blackhawks came up short up short 61-23.  In second round action, the Blackhawks defeated St. Francis 43-11.  In the final game of the afternoon, the Blackhawks played their best game of the season defeating Mount Vernon 28-15.  The Blackhawk defense was aggressive all game holding the Titans at bay after falling to the Titans at home by six three weeks ago.  Several Blackhawks contributed in both wins and several Blackhawks found the scoring column.  Up next for the JH Boy’s will play Hitchcock Tulare in Woonsocket on Friday at 7. 

The girls defeated JVC to 42-37 to earn 3rd Place in the 281 Tournament.
Liz Boschee. 18 pts. 13 reb. 3 assists, 4 stls & 2 blocks
Jaycee Baruth 6 pts. 3 reb 1 ast. 1 stl
Kenna ochsner  5 pts 6 reb 2 ast 2 stls 1 block
Kam Ochsner 5 pts 5 reb 1 ast
Kara Wormstadt. 1 pt. 3 reb 1 ast
Kailynn Eggleston 3 pts.
Ellie Evans 2 pts
Kali Hofer 2 pts 1 ast
Tori Hoffman 1 reb

Info for the Girls and Boys BB C-Games at Hanson today.  The girls play at 6:00 and the boys at 7:00. Bus leaves at 4:30 from Woony, 4:45 from SC.

Girls B-Ball at SC
Boys B-Ball @ Woony

We will start running eligibility this week.

The Blackhawk Soccer Program in collaboration with Creative Web is getting a head start on the 2023 soccer orders as a fundraiser. Forms will be handed out to K-5th grade, and are also located in the office. If you would be interested in ordering please return by Friday, February 3rd.*Please note this is only for fan gear, this is not for soccer sign up yet
Blackhawks Soccer Form

Sanborn Central band lessons will be on Wednesday, January 25th and Tuesday, January 31st.  Don't forget your instruments.

Extra Curricular
Tuesday, January 24th the basketball teams will be at SC vs. Hanson
Girls JV 4
Boys JV 5
Girls V 6:30
Boys V 8:00
*The Sanborn Central Scholarship Foundation will be serving Godfathers pizza for $3.00 a slice and Corn Palace Popcorn Balls $4.00 each
The Sanborn Central Scholarship Foundation Foundation is a non-profit organization that has the sole purpose of providing scholarships to graduates of Sanborn Central High School to pursue post-secondary education.
Pizza and Popcorn Balls for sale

The girls b-ball teams will be at Wessington Springs on Thursday.
JH 5:15
V 8:00
The bus will leave SC at 4:15
The girls basketball game on Thursday with Wessington Springs will be broadcast on KOOL 98.3

January 28th the V boys will be at the Irene Classic.  They will hit the court at 7:30 vs. Irene Wakonda.

Saturday, January 28th the 7th and 8th grade girls will be at Corsica-Stickney.  The ladies will be playing in game 2 vs. Mitchell Christian.

From the Kitchen
Check out your Childs Breakfast and lunch menu's with the following link

MS Updates
6th-8th Grade

News from Ms. Amundson
Hello -
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline is quickly approaching for an amazing opportunity with high school seniors at your school, called the Davis-Bahcall Scholars Program. This is a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime, all-expense-paid opportunity that connects science-curious students with peers and mentors while exploring the modern world of STEM research. Scholars will spend four weeks exploring leading national and international laboratories and universities in the Black Hills, across the Midwest, in Chicago, Illinois, and in Italy. The group will also visit national monuments and landmarks of cultural significance during their time together - with all expenses covered by the program.

We are eager to involve students from all over the state in this program, so we are hoping you will help us cast a wide net and attract a diverse collection of STEM-passionate students to apply for this fantastic learning and travel experience. For more information and links to apply for the Davis-Bahcall Scholar Program, please visit:

The adventures of previous Davis-Bahcall Scholars are chronicled on the Davis-Bahcall Scholars Facebook page. Check it out to see the adventure and learning that are possible for students across South Dakota.
In 2023, the program will run from Sunday, June 11th through Sunday, July 9th. Application deadline is January 20, 2023.
Please encourage your science-curious students to apply and let me know if you have any questions along the way.
Nicol Reiner

Education and Outreach Director
Sanford Underground Research Facility
630 E. Summit Street, Lead, SD 57754
Black Hills State University
(605) 571-2319

Dual Credit Important Dates: 

4/3/2023: Last Day to Drop for a “W” grade 
5/5/2023: Course End Date 

5/5/2023: Course End Date 

5/12/2023: Course End Date 
1/23/2023: Last day to drop course without having to pay 
2/8/2023: Tuition and fees due 
3/7/2023: Last day to drop course with “W” grade  

Scholarship Opportunities: 
Build Dakota Scholarship: 
The Build Dakota Scholarship is an excellent opportunity for high school seniors pursuing a degree at one of the four tech schools in South Dakota. The Build Dakota Scholarship is a full ride scholarship that is offered for students pursuing eligible programs. The application is now open and can be filled out online. The deadline is March 31, 2023. Link to apply: 

Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Scholarship: 
This scholarship is for members of Dakotaland only. Ten $1,000 scholarships will be awarded this year. The application can be found using this link: 


St. Charles Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition will be held on Sunday, Jan. 22, January 29th 2023at Sanborn Central School gym. Warmups start at 12:00, Competition at 1:00; Boys & Girls age 9-14 as of Jan 1st.
Entrants may compete in only one local competition. Contact John Bechen 605-999-1370 with questions.

The next food pantry giveaway will be February 1st at 4:30 until gone a the Sanborn County Courthouse (weather permitting)
Food Pantry Flyer

Girls B-Ball @ SC
Boys B-Ball @ Woony

Tuesday, January 24th-Orange Day
B & G B-Ball vs Hanson @ SC

Wednesday, January 25th-Blue Day
girls b-ball @ SC
boys b-ball @ Woony
Sonshine Club
WWTS 3:50-5:30

Thursday, January 26th-Orange Day
Girls B-Ball (JH, JV,V)vs. WS @ WS
Boys B-Ball V @ SC
Boys B-Ball JH @ Woony

Friday, January 27th-Blue Day
JH G/B b-ball vs. Hitch-Tulare @ Woony
Girls B-Ball @ SC
Boys B-Ball @ Woony

Saturday, January 28th
Boys B-Ball vs. Irene Wakonda @ Irene
JH girls b-ball Tourney @ Corsica (TBA)
Cooper G-wresling@ Aberdeen

Monday, January 30th-Orange Day
JH G/B B-Ball @ Ethan
Girls @ Woony
Boys @ SC

Tuesday, January 31st-Blue Day
B & G JH and V vs Ethan @ SC

Wednesday, February 1st-Orange Day
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC
WWTS (3;50-5:30)

Thursday, February 2nd-Blue Day
G B-Ball @ Woony 
B B-Ball @ SC
Cooper G-wrestling tourney @ Miller

Friday, February 3rd-Orange Day
JH G/B B-Ball vs. Wolsey-Wess. @ Wolsey
Rescheduled Game vs. Corsica-Stickney @ Corsica (JV,V)

Saturday, February 4th
B/G B-Ball vs Wolsey-Wessington @ Woony
Dress Swap in Deubrook
Mitchell Area Spelling Bee (Grades 3-6)-Local Winners

Monday, February 6th-Blue Day
JH G/B B-Ball vs. Iroquis-Lake Preston
G B-Ball @ SC
B B-Ball @ Woony