JVC is Livestreaming the 281 tournament on Tuesday
jvcs.org click on livestreaming link
The bus will leave SC at 2:00-Parents if your child is attending as a spectator and are not a boys basketball player they will need to be excused from school. Please e-mail Laura at laura.licht@k12.sd.us
The boys basketball team will be leaving at 2:25 to go to the 281 game.
For Livestreaming go to https://warbirds.liveticket.tv.
Blood Drive @ 4H Building
Cooper Goldammer received 5th place at the Battler Invitational in Gettysburg on Saturday in the heavyweight division. This week he goes to Presho on Tuesday night and Parkston on Saturday for a tournament.
The Blackhawk Soccer Program in collaboration with Creative Web is getting a head start on the 2023 soccer orders as a fundraiser. Forms will be handed out to K-5th grade, and are also located in the office. If you would be interested in ordering please return by Friday, February 3rd.*Please note this is only for fan gear, this is not for soccer sign up yet
Blackhawks Soccer Form
NHS is hosting a Blood Drive on Tuesday, January 17th from 8:45-12:30 in the 4H Building. If you would like to donate, please contact Megan.Wilson@k12.sd.us!
Sanborn Central band lessons will be on Wednesday, January 25th and Tuesday, January 31st. Don't forget your instruments.
Extra Curricular
Friday, January 20th the C girls and boys will be at Wessington Springs
Saturday, January 21st the JH girls will be at Kimball. The ladies will tip off at 10:00AM vs KWL
KWL JH BB Jamboree 2023
The 8th grade boys will be at a Wagner tourney.
Both girls and boys b-ball will be at Hitchcock vs Hitchcock-Tulare
Girls JV 4PM
Boys JV 5PM
Girls V 6:15PM
Boys V 7:45PM
Come hungry to support eh Hitchcock-Tulare Yearbook
Godfathers Pizza
6th-8th Grade
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline is quickly approaching for an amazing opportunity with high school seniors at your school, called the Davis-Bahcall Scholars Program. This is a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime, all-expense-paid opportunity that connects science-curious students with peers and mentors while exploring the modern world of STEM research. Scholars will spend four weeks exploring leading national and international laboratories and universities in the Black Hills, across the Midwest, in Chicago, Illinois, and in Italy. The group will also visit national monuments and landmarks of cultural significance during their time together - with all expenses covered by the program.
We are eager to involve students from all over the state in this program, so we are hoping you will help us cast a wide net and attract a diverse collection of STEM-passionate students to apply for this fantastic learning and travel experience. For more information and links to apply for the Davis-Bahcall Scholar Program, please visit: https://www.sanfordlab.org/dbs.
The adventures of previous Davis-Bahcall Scholars are chronicled on the Davis-Bahcall Scholars Facebook page. Check it out to see the adventure and learning that are possible for students across South Dakota.
In 2023, the program will run from Sunday, June 11th through Sunday, July 9th. Application deadline is January 20, 2023.
Please encourage your science-curious students to apply and let me know if you have any questions along the way.
Nicol Reiner
Education and Outreach Director
Sanford Underground Research Facility
630 E. Summit Street, Lead, SD 57754
Black Hills State University
(605) 571-2319
Dual Credit Important Dates:
1/18/2023: 100% Refund Deadline
4/3/2023: Last Day to Drop for a “W” grade
5/5/2023: Course End Date
1/18/2023: Last day to add or drop course with full refund
1/19/2023: Tuition and fees payment due; “W” grade begins
5/5/2023: Course End Date
5/12/2023: Course End Date
1/23/2023: Last day to drop course without having to pay
2/8/2023: Tuition and fees due
3/7/2023: Last day to drop course with “W” grade
Scholarship Opportunities:
Build Dakota Scholarship:
The Build Dakota Scholarship is an excellent opportunity for high school seniors pursuing a degree at one of the four tech schools in South Dakota. The Build Dakota Scholarship is a full ride scholarship that is offered for students pursuing eligible programs. The application is now open and can be filled out online. The deadline is March 31, 2023. Link to apply: https://www.builddakotascholarships.com/
Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Scholarship:
This scholarship is for members of Dakotaland only. Ten $1,000 scholarships will be awarded this year. The application can be found using this link: https://sanborncentralcounselor.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/138749761/dakotaland_scholarship.pdf
Application materials must be mailed in to Dakotaland and received before January 20, 2023.
Girls State and Boys State:
Ms. Amundson will be discussing Girls State and Boys State with the upperclassmen students. Junior and senior boys are eligible to apply to attend Boys State, which will be held May 29-June 2, 2023 in Aberdeen, SD at the campus of Northern State University.
Girls State will be held on May 29-Junr 3, 2023 on the campus of USD in Vermillion, SD. Registration is due by March 1, 2023. Only junior girls are eligible to apply and attend Girls State.
Please see Ms. Amundson for registration.
Rock Solid will be meeting on January 18th at 630pm at the Letcher Community Church. Rock Solid is open to any student in grades 7-12. Hope to see you there!
Hello, My name is Averie Johnson and I am in the South Dakota Army National Guard. I am passionate about teaching youth about proper military etiquette, therefore, for my senior project, I will be presenting in the gym on Wednesday, January 18th. I will be going over how to salute the flag, how to wear the uniform, how to stand at parade rest and attention, how to identify rank insignias, and how to count off while in formation. The first group will take place from 9:45 to 10:15 (pre-k through 4th), and the second group will take place from 10:30 to 11:00 (5th through 8th). This event is open to the public, or any other classes, who would like to attend. Please reach out with any questions or concerns. My email address is averie.johnson@icloud.com. Thank you, I hope to see you there!
St. Charles Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition will be held on Sunday, Jan. 22, January 29th 2023at Sanborn Central School gym. Warmups start at 12:00, Competition at 1:00; Boys & Girls age 9-14 as of Jan 1st.
Entrants may compete in only one local competition. Contact John Bechen 605-999-1370 with questions.
Wednesday, January 18th-Orange Day
Girls B-Ball @ Woony
Boys B-Ball @ SC
Letcher Confirmation-Rock Solid
WWTS 3:50-5:30
Girls and Boys 281 Tourney Finals @ Huron Arena
Friday, January 20th-Orange Day
Girls B-Ball @ Woony
Boys B-Ball @ SC
C games G and B@ Wess. Springs
Saturday, January 21st
JH Girls tourney @ Kimball (TBA)
B-Ball 8th Grade @ Wagner
Girls B-Ball vs. Hitcock-Tulare @ Hitchcock
Monday, January 23rd-Blue Day
G B-Ball C games @ Hanson
Girls B-Ball @ SC
Boys B-Ball @ Woony
Tuesday, January 24th-Orange Day
B & G B-Ball vs Hanson @ SC
girls b-ball @ SC
boys b-ball @ Woony
Sonshine Club
WWTS 3:50-5:30
Thursday, January 26th-Orange Day
Girls B-Ball (JH, JV,V)vs. WS @ WS
JH G/B b-ball vs. Hitch-Tulare @ Woony
Girls B-Ball @ SC
Boys B-Ball @ Woony
Boys B-Ball vs. Irene Wakonda @ Irene
JH girls b-ball Tourney @ Corsica (TBA)
JH G/B B-Ball @ Ethan
Girls @ Woony
Boys @ SC