Jalyn's update-We saw a huge improvement with Jalyn’s motions and strength today as she has gotten good at blowing kisses and giving the thumbs up/down signals and high fives. We even got a good genuine smile! Her heart rate spiked to the 170s during her PT/OT session so it was cut short. She gave more indications of pain so we’re keeping close tabs on her med schedule to keep her comfy and her heart rate stable. She is awake more frequently, but is unable to verbally let us know. Patrick decided to venture out today and came back with a “banana-puppy” dog toy that she can squeak when she needs something. We’ll see how long it lasts in her possession. Again, thanks for all of the continued love, prayers, and support!
The school-wide Penny War is in full force and the office was hoppin' this morning with children excited to help the cause. Proceeds will go to the Bender family to assist with medical expenses. The winning group will receive a doughnut and juice party. Penny wars will end on Friday.
There is a Venmo account set up for donations for Jalyns medical expenses- @prayersforJalyn
An account has been set up at First National Bank in Woonsocket. You may choose to drop off a donation at the bank, or mail a check to FNBO c/o Jalyn Bender Benefit, PO Box 98, Woonsocket SD 57385, or use this link https://square.link/u/tR2OegSH
to give a donation via credit/debit credit card that will flow directly into the account. To give a donation through Venmo, use @prayersforJalyn (code 1962) and this will also flow into the benefit account. If you would like to send a donation and/or a card directly to the Benders, mailing address is 22495 408TH AVE FORESTBURG, SD 57314. The Modern Woodmen of America Woonsocket Chapter will provide matching funds up to $1250 for this benefit.
G B-Ball W Woony
B B-Ball @ SC
Candygram Order Form
January 24th-28th-Pick 1 Breakfast Item: Ultimate Breakfast Round, Apple or Cherry Frudel, Cinnamon Toast
Pick 2 Breakfast Items: Cereal, Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix
Monday, January 24th-WG Corndog, Fresh Cucumber, Breaded Cheddar Potato Munchers, Choice of Fruit
FFV-Pineapple Chunks
Tuesday, January 25th-Ultimate Chicken Queso Wrap, Fiesta Black Beans, Baked Tortilla Chips, Fresh Granny Smith Apple
Wednesday, January 26th-Chicken Alfredo, Steamed Broccoli, Strawberry Cup
Thursday, January 27th-Beef Meatballs & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Green Beans, Warm WW Dinner Roll & Jelly, Choice of Fruit
Friday, January 28th-Cheese Breadstick, Warm Marinara Sauce, Steamed Carrots, Choice of Fruit
FFV-Fresh Strawberries
Upcoming Events
The girls “C” game will be held in the audi on main street at the same time as the boy JV game in the main gym. We will then roll the schedule from there in the order shown below. If we have to wait a few minutes for the “C” girls and coaches to get back to the main gym we will do so.
4:00 – Girls “C” game (Audi on Main Street)
4:00 – Boys JV game (HS Gym)
Girls JV (HS Gym)
Girls Varsity (HS Gym)
Boys Varsity (HS Gym)
JV 6:30
V 8:00
-bus lvg SC at 4:15
7th and 8th B-Ball Tournament
Girls 6:00
Boys 7:00
The Parkston Girls Basketball team is hosting a youth basketball tournament for grades 3rd-6th on Sunday, February 13th at the Parkston High School. Registration and fee's are due by February 1st.
The JVC girls and boys BB DH will be held on Monday, Feb. 14 at Sanborn Central starting with the girls JV at 4PM. The JVC JH girls and boys games will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at Sanborn Central starting at 6PM with the girls game.
Follow our home games along as the Woonsocket and SC home games will be streamed again this year on our Santel Channels (Woonsocket 104 & SC 107) as well as on the Blackhawks live link http://blackhawks.liveticket.tv
Middle School Updates
Week of January 24th
Dean of Students Announcement
The Build Dakota Scholarship is open for students to apply at this time. Applications can be found using this link: https://www.builddakotascholarships.com/apply/
Dual Credit Important Dates:
10 $1,000 Scholarships Awarded
For members of Dakotaland
Due: January 21, 2022
Dakotaland Members Scholarship Application
Reminder that all scholarships are posted on Ms. Amundson's website: https://sanborncentralcounselor.weebly.com/scholarships.html
On Wednesday, January 26, a college admissions counselor from BHSU will be here to talk to prospective junior and senior students at 1:30 pm.
Girls State and Boys State applications are open at this time. Girls State is open to junior girls only, Boys State is open to junior and senior boys. Ms. Amundson will be talking to the students about these opportunities and how to apply soon.
1/24/22: All tuition and fees are due
1/24/22: Last day to drop a course without having to pay
2/8/22: Last day to pay tuition & fees. (Students can pay anytime between January 10-February 9. Online payment is available through the portal or they can pay by calling 882-5284 Ext 298 with a credit card or mail a check.)
*Current Positives-
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-
High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-
*Staff not associated with a particular grade, currently positive-
*Staff recovered and not associated with a particular grade-1
The next food pantry giveaway will take place Wednesday, February 2nd at 4:30 until gone at the Sanborn County Courthouse. It will be drive through only and one box per family. For questions please call 796-4516 Food Pantry
Grades 3-9 are invited to partake in a spring basketball tourney April 9th. Cost is $100 per team with a three game guarantee. If you are interested please e-mail josh.davies@k12.sd.us
Tuesday, January 25th-Blue Day
GB/BB vs Hanson @ Alexandria
Wednesday, January 26th-Orange Day
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SCRegion One Act
Sonshine Club-Confirmation
WWTS (3:45-5:30)
Thursday, January 27th-Blue Day
G B-Ball vs. WS @ Woony (JH,JV,V)
B B-Ball @ SC
Friday, January 28th-Orange Day
JH G/B B-Ball @ Tulare
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC
Saturday, January 29th
B B-Ball @ Madison
JH Tourney @ Corsica
Powerlifting @ Brandon Valley
Monday, January 31st-Blue Day
JH G/B B-Ball vs. Ethan @ SC
G B-Ball @ SC
B-B-Ball @ Woony
Tuesday, February 1st-Orange Day
Boys & Girls (DH) vs. Ethan @ Ethan
Wednesday, February 2nd-Blue Day
G b-ball @ SC
B b-ball @ Woony
WWTS (3:45-5:30)
Thursday, February 3rd-Orange Day
G B-ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC
Candygram orders due
Friday, February 3rd-Blue Day
JH G/B B-Ball vs. Wolsey @ Woony
G b-ball @ SC
B b-ball @ Woony