Today's announcements
Penny wars are in full force-Shake out those couch cushions, we will be hosting a Penny War Fundraiser this week with all proceeds going to Gary Willman. Each grade and team, including staff will have a collection bag located in the office. Gain points by adding pennies to your grade level's bag. Lower other grades' totals by adding silver coins and bills to their bag.
Pennies +1 Points
Nickels -5 Points
Dimes -10 Points
Quarters -25 Points
$1 Dollar Bill -100 Points
$5 Dollar Bill -500 Points
The team with the highest amount of points will win a root beer float party!
Penny Wars
In celebration of National School Lunch Week (October 11th-15th) next week will be filled with fun activities and contests. Get your animal print, and safari gear ready, as Friday will be the finale with a dress up day themed "Safari."
Fun Days-Lunch Room
The JH season will end after today's game. Please get all apparel washed and ready to return to the coaches at your school. Talk to the coaches at your school for a time that works for them to hand in equipment.
October 7th the ladies played TDA and swept all 3 games with scores of 25-14, 25-21, 25-20
The ladies will be back in action vs. Howard at SC this evening starting with 7th grade at 4:00. Eighth grade, C, JV, and V will follow. Concession stand workers are Jeremy and Ashly Uecker, Jenni Greenway, Melinda Salas, Andy & Melissa Ettswold and Charmayne Henrickson. Come hungry, walking tacos will be served in the concession stand this evening.
Can't attend? Visit our Blackhawks Live channel
FB Schedule for the week:|
Monday: Varsity film session at 6:15-7:30 AM in Woonsocket. We will need some players that play JV & varsity minutes there too. I will send message to players about who are expected there. Varsity players will lift after school at their own school.
JH & JV FB games in Mt. Vernon. Both games will begin at 4:30 as they will utilize both fields. Springs players will need to load the bus by 3:10 and travel to Woony to pick up other players. SC will dismiss at 3:00 and load the bus to leave by 3:15 to meet at Woony by 3:30. SC will take a minibus to MV along with the Springs' big bus. Players will need their white jerseys.
The VB ladies will have no time to rest as tomorrow they head to Huron to battle James Valley. The 7th grade will begin at 4:30 followed by 8th, JV, and V. The bus will leave SC at 3:15.
Parents and students, please take advantage of our tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15-5:15. The cost is $3 per hour. Contact Laura at 605-495-4183 if you would like your student added to the list.Jessie, Allie, Isabella on Waste Recycling:
Kara and Aubrey on Multicropping:
Brady, Toby, Michael on Water Filtration: regular school board meeting will be held this evening starting at 7:00. View the agenda here.
Yearbooks are in and going home with students today. If you did not place an order but would like to purchase a yearbook the cost is $40.
Tomorrow's Lunch-Coastal Chicken Fajita with Vegetation, Fiesta Black Beans, Spanish Rice, Mandarin Oranges
Upcoming Announcements
The following kids will be gone for the CBH Oral Interp. Tourney on October 12 in Mitchell.
Trey Moody, Keaton Fridley, Cooper Goldammer, Carter Hitchcock, Cody Slykhuis, Morgan Hoffman, Layton Zoss, and Hudson Fouberg.
October 13th All State Workshop Armour HS
Depart SC 7:00 am & Woon. 7:10 am. Return approximately 4:00 pm.
Bring music folders, water bottles, and money for lunch. Lunch at Armour will be on site for $5.00. Please give $5.00 to Mrs. Easton asap.
Region Cross Country in Chamberlain on Thursday, October 14th. Bus will leave Woonsocket at 11:30.
Races are as scheduled:
2:00 Girls Varsity
2:30 Boys Varsity
3:00 Girls JV
3:30 Boys JV
Run, Blackhawks, Run!!!!!!
October 16th the JH VB ladies will travel to Iroquois for a tournament. SCW #1 will battle Iroquois/Doland at 9:00 in the North gym, and SCW Team #2 will play at 9:45 vs. WS #1 in the South gym.
It's that time of the year again. Flu shots will be available at the school on Thursday, October 28th. Forms will be available in the office and are due back to Laura by Friday, October 22nd.
Consent Form
Please attach a copy of insurance/Medicaid information prior to the date as to verify the information.
Register at...
*Current Positives-
Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-
High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-
Hello everyone! Today I am sharing something with you that has been in the process for a couple months and finally coming to life. I am so excited! Katie’s Kards for Kids is a project I created to help families with kids that have an extended stay at hospitals. Expenses related to these stays go beyond medical. This project will give gift cards to these families to help with these expenses. Funds for these cards will be raised by selling these amazing T-shirt’s that signify South Dakota: our beautiful state bird- the pheasant; 605- South Dakota’s one and only area code; and our amazing Mt. Rushmore! The best part? 100% of the profits made from these shirts will go towards these gift cards! Now, I need your help! Whether you are from near or far, what better way to represent our great state of South Dakota and support families of children in the hospital than buying one of these awesome T-shirts!
The shirts are $20 a piece with MANY options! If you are local, CreativeWEB in Woonsocket and Sanborn Central School in Forestburg are two drop off locations! Otherwise you can fill out this form and email it back to me at
I appreciate all of your support! 💕
Tuesday-October 12th-Orange Day
VB game vs. JV @ Huron (7,8,JV,V)
HS FB @ Woony
5th and 6th b-ball practice @ Woony
CBH Oral Interp
Wednesday-October 13th-Blue Day
HS FB practice @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ Woony
VB 7-8 @ SC
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Rock Solid
All State Chorus Workshop
Thursday-October 14th-Orange Day
VB vs. KWL @ Woony (7,8,C,JV,V)
HS FB practice @ Woony
CC Region in Chamberlain
5/6th b-ball @ James Valley
Friday-October 15th-Blue Day
End of 1st quarter
FB vs. MVP @ MV
VB 7-8 @ SC
VB 9-12 @ Woony
Oral Interp. @ Wolsey-Wessington
Saturday-October 16th
JH Iroquois VB Tournament
Monday-October 18th-NO SCHOOL
HS FB practice @ Woony
VB 7-8th @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ Woony
HS FB practice @ Woony
5/6th b-ball vs WS @ Woony