Friday, October 15, 2021

Friday, October 15th-Blue Day

Today's announcements
Our deepest sympathies go out to the families of Bill Zoss, and John Pollard.
John Pollard
Bill Zoss

We made it through the first quarter!  Grades will be posted by 12PM on Thursday, October 21st.  EL & MS Report cards will be sent home on the 22nd.
-School will not be in secession Monday, October 18th.  Have a safe Pheasant Monday!

And...the final totals are in for the penny war.  Thank you student council for hosting this penny war.  It was fun to see so many smiles on the kids who competed.
Staff +11.59
Pre-K -22.60
K -45.04
1 -12.12
2 -16.98
3 -27.52
4 -22.81
5 -27.45
6 -30.05
7 -18.78
8 -7.65
9 -17.44
10 -33.29
11 -8.37
12 -4.94
Congrats to the staff for taking 1st place followed by 12th and 11th grade.
Thank you to all who participated in the war's.  A final total of $921.38 will go to Gary & Sandy Willman!  Everyone is a winner today, and will be rewarded with an ice cream bar for your effort in this contribution.  Thank You to Mrs. Wilson and students for helping to count each days money.  

Last night's "Dig Pink" contributions solidify why our community is so fantastic!  Contributions for the Willman family were well into the $5,000 range and growing as the night came to an end! 

As we wrap up school lunch week we would like to recognize our kitchen staff.  You are the best part of our day:)  Your work does not go unnoticed, and we appreciate you!  Thank you Laura, Tina, and Mary we are blessed with the best!

Great job to all of yesterday's CC runners.
Boys Varsity:
Jeff   3rd
Braxton 9th
Josh 21st
Carter 24th
Sam 33rd
Shiloh 49th
Top 20 places advance to state!!!!  Top 3 teams advance--we placed 4th by 2 points!!!

Girls Varsity:
Hannah  10th
Lizzie  18th
Trinity  20th
Hudson 26th
Emilie  28th
Top 20 places advance to state!!!!!  Top 3 teams advance---we placed 3rd so all of our Girls get to go to state as a Team!!!
Congratulations and Great Job!!!
State is October 23rd  in Sioux Falls!!!!

The VB ladies gained another win last night vs. KWL.  Varsity scores were 25-19, 25-17, and 25-15.  Trista White had 2 aces, and Brooke Doering gained 12 kills followed by Trista White with 11.  Teya Moody passes like a champ with 24 assists, and Brooke Doering had 4 blocks.  Trista White gained more stats with 16 digs, and Teya Moody with 14.  The next volleyball match will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 19 vs. Hitchcock/Tulare will be held at Hitchcock with JH matches beginning at 4:30/5:15 followed by JV and V.  This is a location schedule change from the previous location.

No VB practice tonight for 9-12. JH will have practice at Woonsocket. 
On Monday, JH will not have practice but 9-12 will at 8am in Sanborn.

The FB boys will be back in action for a very important Varsity FB game vs MVP in Mt. Vernon @ 7PM. Springs bus will leave at 4:25 and pickup SC & Woony players in Woony at 4:45.

The Oral Interp kids will be leaving for a competition at Wolsey-Wessington at 7:30 and returning around 2:00.
Kara Wormstadt
Allie Applegarth
Aubrey Senska
Isabella Bitterman
Dana Schelske
Shania Cornelius
Hudson Fouberg
Parker Ettswold
Clay Moody
Teagen Moody
Grant Edwards
Layton Zoss

Today's Lunch-Parrot Pizza Hot & Humid Burger, Steamed Mixed Vegi's, French Fries, Choice of Fruit
Today's FFVP-Celery Sticks
Tuesday's Lunch-
WG Country Fried Beef Sticks
Mashed Potatoes/Gravy
Diced Apricots
Warm WW Dinner Roll & Jelly*
Next Weeks Breakfast-Pick one Breakfast Item-Dutch Waffle, Fruit & Yogurt Parfait, Cinnamon or Strawberry Cream Cheese, Bagel Mini-Pick two Breakfast Items, Cereal, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, Apple

Upcoming Announcements
Attention SC Parents:
The Sanborn Central School District is in the process of completing a Comprehensive Needs Assessment.  This assessment much be completed by 2022-2023 school year in order to receive Title funds.  The process includes collecting and organizing data, analyzing data, prioritizing needs, and implementation.  All stakeholders (students, parents, and staff) are included in this process.  Therefore, we are asking each family to complete a survey.  Please click on the link below in order to access the survey.  We need you to complete this survey by November 1, 2021.
Sanborn Central School District Parent Survey Fall 2021

We have some new times and locations for the end of the year Volleyball schedule.  Please see the new schedule if your student is involved in VB.

Parents and students, please take advantage of our tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15-5:15. The cost is $3 per hour. Contact Laura at 605-495-4183 if you would like your student added to the list.

Yearbooks are in. If you did not place an order but would like to purchase a yearbook the cost is $40.

October 16th the JH VB ladies will travel to Iroquois for a tournament.  SCW #1 will battle Iroquois/Doland at 9:00 in the North gym, and SCW Team #2 will play at 9:45 vs. WS #1 in the South gym.  Iroquois Tournament

All-State Chorus & Orchestra tickets go on sale on Monday, October 18th.  Sanborn Central will be seated in the Chorus A section.  Please visit the following link for ticket information:

Schedule for next Friday for volleyball vs. Bridgewater/Emery.
The volleyball match will be held in Emery with the following schedule:
7th - 4:00, followed by 8th, JV, and V.
There is no "C" match.

It's that time of the year again.  Flu shots will be available at the school on Thursday, October 28th.  Forms will be available in the office and are due back to Laura by Friday, October 22nd.
Consent Form
Please attach a copy of insurance/Medicaid information prior to the date as to verify the information.

We will be flipping Tuesday and Wednesday Menus next week. Menus are as follows:
Tuesday October 19
WG Country Fried Beef Sticks
Mashed Potatoes/Gravy
Diced Apricots
Warm WW Dinner Roll & Jelly*

Chicken & Cheese Taquitos
Sour Cream
Tater Tots
Cucumber Slices
Fresh Green Grapes
Blackhawk Bars

Dean of Students Announcement
Educators Rising
All high school students (9th-12th grade) have the opportunity to attend the education career learning expo's available at USF or DWU. This is a FREE opportunity for students to explore a career in education. 
Nov 10th – Dakota Wesleyan University (Deadline to register Nov 1st)
Register at...
For more information, please watch this video

Sanborn Central District Covid-19 Update 21-22 School Year
Elementary (Grades PK-5)
*Current Positives-1

Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-

High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-

Hello everyone! Today I am sharing something with you that has been in the process for a couple months and finally coming to life. I am so excited! Katie’s Kards for Kids is a project I created to help families with kids that have an extended stay at hospitals. Expenses related to these stays go beyond medical. This project will give gift cards to these families to help with these expenses. Funds for these cards will be raised by selling these amazing T-shirt’s that signify South Dakota: our beautiful state bird- the pheasant; 605- South Dakota’s one and only area code; and our amazing Mt. Rushmore! The best part? 100% of the profits made from these shirts will go towards these gift cards! Now, I need your help! Whether you are from near or far, what better way to represent our great state of South Dakota and support families of children in the hospital than buying one of these awesome T-shirts!
The shirts are $20 a piece with MANY options! If you are local, CreativeWEB in Woonsocket and Sanborn Central School in Forestburg are two drop off locations! Otherwise you can fill out this form and email it back to me at
I appreciate all of your support! 💕

Saturday-October 16th
JH Iroquois VB Tournament

Monday-October 18th-NO SCHOOL
HS FB practice @ Woony
VB 7-8th @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ Woony SC
HS FB practice @ Woony
5/6th b-ball vs WS @ Woony

Tuesday-October 19th-Orange Day
VB vs H/T @ Hitchcock
HS FB @ Woony

Wednesday-October 20th-Blue Day
HS FB practice @ Woony
7-8th & 9-12th VB @ SC
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Letcher Confirmation 6:30-8:00

Thursday-October 21st-Orange Day
Quarter Grade Posted
FB 1st Round Playoff
VB @ SC 7th-12th

Friday-October 22nd-Blue Day
EL-MS RC go home-MS Honor Roll
Flu shot forms due for Co. Health Nurse
VB vs. Emery Bridgewater @ Emery (7,8,JV,V)
5/6 b-ball practice G @ Woony B @ SC

Saturday-October 23rd
State CC-Sioux Falls
Oral Interp. DSU

Sunday-October 24th
FB film/lifting

Monday-October 25th-Orange Day
HS FB practice @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ Woony
VB 7-8 @ Woony
5/6 b-ball Intramural Scrimmage-G @ SC B @ Woony