Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday, October 29th-Orange Day

 Today's announcements
Enjoy some 5th and 6th B-ball this evening at SC vs. Ethan. The girls will start at 6:00 followed by the boys at 7:00.

Volleyball practice schedule: all practices at Sanborn
Friday after school 10-29
Monday after school 11-1
Tuesday Region Match at Sanborn 7pm against AC/DC 11-2

Region volleyball for November 2
#1-Mt. Vernon Plankinton - Bye
#4-Parkston vs. #5 Bon Homme @ 6:00 in Wagner
#2-Wagner vs. #7 Hanson @ 8:00 in Wagner
#3-Sanborn Central/Woonsocket vs. Andes Central/Dakota Christian @ 7:00 at Forestburg
Admission to the game is $6 for adults and $4 for students.
Activity passes are not honored for this game.

Volunteers for the concession stand are needed this evening for the 5th and 6th grade Basketball game, and next Tuesday for the VB playoff game.  Please e-mail Mr. Welch at or call the school at 605-495-4183

If your student is related to someone who has served in the military, and you are willing to share their information, please send a picture of the veteran, the relationship to the student, and the name of the veteran to If you submitted this information last year, there is no need to submit it again, we will be adding to the same slide show from last year.

All JH & HS football players must turn in equipment by today.

Anyone interested in being a cheerleader for basketball----please sign up or text Shelley at 354-4231.

The following students will be attending All-State Chorus this weekend in Rapid City: Malorie M, Dayton E, Payton U, & Evan E. They will be departing at 11:00 am on Thursday and returning on Sunday afternoon. Tune in to PBS at 8:00 central time on Saturday to watch our students perform live!

Middle School parents, as a reminder a 25 minute parent/student informational meeting for the Washington DC, Mt. Vernon, Gettysburg trip will be held Tuesday, November 2nd via Livestream at 6PM. Please follow this link to sign in for the meeting

Here are the kids who will be heading off to districts on Wednesday, November 3 (it is an all day thing.)
Duo: Hudson Fouberg & Layton Zoss
Storytelling: Parker Ettswold
Poetry: Casady Dean
Readers Theatre: Shania Cornelius, Dana Schelske, Isabella Bitterman
Humorous: Isabella Bitterman
Dramatic: Sidney Salas
Non-Original Oratory: Morgan Hoffman

This Weeks Breakfast Option-Pick 1 Breakfast Item: Chocolate, Banana, or Blueberry Muffin, Banana, Chocolate Chunk Benifit Bar
Pick 2 Breakfast Items-Cereal, Reeses, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix
Today's Lunch is a Menu Change-French Bread Pizza, Red Pepper Sticks, Curly Fries, Choice of Fruit, Monster Cookie
Friday's FFV-Pea Pods
Monday's Lunch-Italian Beef Sandwich, Roasted Broccoli, Fresh Banana
Monday's FFV-Honeydew
Next weeks breakfast option-Pick 1 Breakfast item-Mini Donuts, Smoothies, Scrumptious Coffee Cake, 
Pick 2 Breakfast Items-Cereal-Reeses Fulls, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix
Middle School Updates
If you are interested in knowing what your middle school student will be learning for this week please view our Middle School Updates.
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade

On Thursday, November 4th the following students will attend LDE at SDSU-all day
Teagan M, Brady L, Keaton F, Cody S, Alex S, Bryce L, Malorie M, Mason M, Ellie E, Brooklyn J, and Casady D

On Monday, November 15th the following students will be leaving at 3:00 to attend MTI LDE
Keaton F, Cody S, Malorie M, Mason M, Ellie E, Brooklyn J, Casady D, Brady L

Upcoming Announcements
Attention SC Parents:
The Sanborn Central School District is in the process of completing a Comprehensive Needs Assessment.  This assessment much be completed by 2022-2023 school year in order to receive Title funds.  The process includes collecting and organizing data, analyzing data, prioritizing needs, and implementation.  All stakeholders (students, parents, and staff) are included in this process.  Therefore, we are asking each family to complete a survey.  Please click on the link below in order to access the survey.  We need you to complete this survey by November 1, 2021.
Sanborn Central School District Parent Survey Fall 2021

SC Prom has individual bags of Gaylen's Popcorn available for $6 each.  Flavors still available are 3 Bacon & Cheddar, 3 Cheesy Pizza, and 3 Cheddar Trio.

Enjoy the FFA Halloween Carnival at the Sanborn Central School from 5:30-7:00 on Sunday, October 31st. The cost is $3.00 per person. FFA Halloween Carnival

The Dakota players Children's Theatre is back again presenting "The Missing Mountain Mystery."  Sanborn Central School District will hold auditions for the original Musical production on November 15th from 3:30-5:00.  All students in grades K-8 are eligible to audition.  No experience or advanced preparation is needed.  Five days of intensive rehearsals (3:30-5:30 and 6:00-8:00) will be held in which lines, staging, songs and even dances will be learned, culminating in an out-of-this-world performance on Saturday, November 20th.  Cast members called for both rehearsal sessions are asking to bring a sack lunch/dinner for the break.  Not all children will be called for every rehearsal.  The Dakota Players have required all student to WEAR MASKS during the audition and rehearsals.  Their actors are constantly traveling and need to take safety precautions.
Dakota Players asks that you scan the QR code to give your child permission to partake.  You can also enter the URL code into your browser on a desktop or mobile phone. 
If you absolutely cannot fill out the digital form, please email or call our education office at or (605) 255-4910 ext. 2.
Dakota Players Permission Slip

2021 Cancer Tournament Information.

All-State Chorus & Orchestra apparel is now available to order at the following link:

Dean of Students Announcement
Educators Rising
All high school students (9th-12th grade) have the opportunity to attend the education career learning expo's available at USF or DWU. This is a FREE opportunity for students to explore a career in education. 
Nov 10th – Dakota Wesleyan University (Deadline to register Nov 1st)
Register at...
For more information, please watch this video

I met with the senior class on Wednesday, October 20 and we discussed their NCRC scores, dual credit registration, College Access Campaign, ACT test prep, filling out the FAFSA, scholarships, and college visits. I want to be as helpful as possible through the college and career planning process so if any seniors or parents of seniors have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

All scholarships are posted on my website that can be found using this link:

On Monday, October 25th at 1:30 pm in the Middle School Lab, Katie Paulson from Lake Area Technical College (LATC) will be coming to our school to meet with juniors and seniors. As always, please take advantage of these opportunities to explore different colleges and programs that are out there!

Seniors - The College Access Campaign started on Monday and will go until November 30. Please make sure to get your college applications completed by November 30th because they will be free!! All colleges have online applications that can be found on their websites. Please use this link to find the discount codes for each college.

Dual credit registration begins on November 1st. I would like to get students signed up ASAP when registration begins to ensure that you get into the classes you want/need to take. Please sign up for an appointment with me using this link. If you aren't sure if you meet the requirements to take a dual credit course, please come talk to Miss Amundson. 

For any junior or senior that would like to re-take the ASVAB, we will be hosting another ASVAB exam on Tuesday, November 2nd at 11:35 am in the Middle School Lab. Please let Miss Amundson know if you are interested in re-taking the ASVAB to improve your scores.

Sanborn Central District Covid-19 Update 21-22 School Year
Elementary (Grades PK-5)
*Current Positives-1

Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-

High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-2

*Staff not associated with a particular grade, currently positive-1
*Staff recovered and not associated with a particular grade-

Hello everyone! Today I am sharing something with you that has been in the process for a couple months and finally coming to life. I am so excited! Katie’s Kards for Kids is a project I created to help families with kids that have an extended stay at hospitals. Expenses related to these stays go beyond medical. This project will give gift cards to these families to help with these expenses. Funds for these cards will be raised by selling these amazing T-shirt’s that signify South Dakota: our beautiful state bird- the pheasant; 605- South Dakota’s one and only area code; and our amazing Mt. Rushmore! The best part? 100% of the profits made from these shirts will go towards these gift cards! Now, I need your help! Whether you are from near or far, what better way to represent our great state of South Dakota and support families of children in the hospital than buying one of these awesome T-shirts!
The shirts are $20 a piece with MANY options! If you are local, CreativeWEB in Woonsocket and Sanborn Central School in Forestburg are two drop off locations! Otherwise you can fill out this form and email it back to me at
I appreciate all of your support! 💕

The Town & Kountry Kids 4-H Cub will be hosting a Trunk or Treat at the Letcher Ball Park Sunday, October 31st at 4:00 sharp. You can decorate your trunk and pass out treats to the kids. The top 2 trunks win a $10 gift certificate! Questions, call Tori Hoffman (Tiffany) at 770-2276, Miley Adams (Sara)999-1702, or Payton Uecker (Ashly) 770-2221. Following Trunk-or-Treat the kids will trick or treat the town of Letcher.

Artesian CIA will be hosting Trunk or Treat Sunday, October 31st at 3:00 pm in front of the Community Center. All are welcome to join us for some fun and safe trunk or treating. If you are interested in decorating a trunk, please come early to set up and be ready to see all the ghosts and goblins! We are excited to see all of your fun costumes and trunks!

The next Food Pantry Giveaway is Wednesday, November 3rd at 4:30 until gone at the Sanborn County Courthouse-Drive through only Food Pantry Giveaway

Saturday-October 30th
All State Chorus Concert

Sunday-October 31
FFA Halloween Carnival
Letcher Trunk or Treat
Artesian Trunk of Treat

Monday-November 1st
VB @ SC 9-12 @ school
5/6 b-ball vs. Hitchcock-Tulare
Dual Credit Registration begins
Online Parent Meeting for DC

Tuesday-November 2nd
VB Region Match @ SC
HS FB practice @ Woony
5/6 b-ball practice G @ SC B @ Woony
ASVAB exam retake

Wednesday-November 3rd
Oral Interp. Districts
VB @ SC 9-12
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Sonshine Club 3:45-5:30
Confirmation 6:30-8

Thursday-November 4th
VB Regions

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thursday-October 28th-Blue Day

Today's announcements
Volleyball practice schedule: all practices at Sanborn
Today at 6am 10-28
Friday after school 10-29
Monday after school 11-1
Tuesday Region Match at Sanborn 7pm against AC/DC 11-2

Region volleyball for November 2
#1-Mt. Vernon Plankinton - Bye
#4-Parkston vs. #5 Bon Homme @ 6:00 in Wagner
#2-Wagner vs. #7 Hanson @ 8:00 in Wagner
#3-Sanborn Central/Woonsocket vs. Andes Central/Dakota Christian @ 7:00 at Forestburg
Admission to the game is $6 for adults and $4 for students.
Activity passes are not honored for this game.

Tutoring today at 3:15
Student Flu Shots today

Volunteers for the concession stand are needed tomorrow night for the 5th and 6th grade Basketball game, and next Tuesday for the VB playoff game.  Please e-mail Mr. Welch at or call the school at 605-495-4183

If your student is related to someone who has served in the military, and you are willing to share their information, please send a picture of the veteran, the relationship to the student, and the name of the veteran to If you submitted this information last year, there is no need to submit it again, we will be adding to the same slide show from last year.

All JH & HS football players must turn in equipment by Friday.

Anyone interested in being a cheerleader for basketball----please sign up or text Shelley at 354-4231.

The following students will be attending All-State Chorus this weekend in Rapid City:  Malorie M, Dayton E, Payton U, & Evan E.  They will be departing at 11:00 am on Thursday and returning on Sunday afternoon.  Tune in to PBS at 8:00 central time on Saturday to watch our students perform live!

Middle School parents, as a reminder a 25 minute parent/student informational meeting for the Washington DC, Mt. Vernon, Gettysburg trip will be held Tuesday, November 2nd via Livestream at 6PM.  Please follow this link to sign in for the meeting

Here are the kids who will be heading off to districts on Wednesday, November 3 (it is an all day thing.)
Duo: Hudson Fouberg & Layton Zoss
Storytelling: Parker Ettswold
Poetry: Casady Dean
Readers Theatre: Shania Cornelius, Dana Schelske, Isabella Bitterman
Humorous: Isabella Bitterman
Dramatic: Sidney Salas
Non-Original Oratory: Morgan Hoffman

This Weeks Breakfast Option-Pick 1 Breakfast Item: Chocolate, Banana, or Blueberry Muffin, Banana, Chocolate Chunk Benifit Bar
Pick 2 Breakfast Items-Cereal, Reeses, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix
Today's Lunch-Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich on a WW Bun, Oven Baked Potato Wedges, Fresh Pear
Thursday's Lunch-Homestyle Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, California Blend Vegi, Chilled Pineapple Tidbits, WW Garlic Breadstick, Sorbet Swirl Cup, 
Friday's Lunch is a Menu Change-French Bread Pizza, Red Pepper Sticks, Curly Fries, Choice of Fruit, Monster Cookie
Friday's FFV-Pea Pods
Middle School Updates
If you are interested in knowing what your middle school student will be learning for this week please view our Middle School Updates.
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade

On Thursday, November 4th the following students will attend LDE at SDSU-all day
Teagan M, Brady L, Keaton F, Cody S, Alex S, Bryce L, Malorie M, Mason M, Ellie E, Brooklyn J, and Casady D

On Monday, November 15th the following students will be leaving at 3:00 to attend MTI LDE
Keaton F, Cody S, Malorie M, Mason M, Ellie E, Brooklyn J, Casady D, Brady L

Upcoming Announcements
Attention SC Parents:
The Sanborn Central School District is in the process of completing a Comprehensive Needs Assessment.  This assessment much be completed by 2022-2023 school year in order to receive Title funds.  The process includes collecting and organizing data, analyzing data, prioritizing needs, and implementation.  All stakeholders (students, parents, and staff) are included in this process.  Therefore, we are asking each family to complete a survey.  Please click on the link below in order to access the survey.  We need you to complete this survey by November 1, 2021.
Sanborn Central School District Parent Survey Fall 2021

SC Prom has individual bags of Gaylen's Popcorn available for $6 each.  Flavors still available are 3 Bacon & Cheddar, 3 Cheesy Pizza, and 3 Cheddar Trio.

Enjoy the FFA Halloween Carnival at the Sanborn Central School from 5:30-7:00 on Sunday, October 31st. The cost is $3.00 per person. FFA Halloween Carnival

The Dakota players Children's Theatre is back again presenting "The Missing Mountain Mystery."  Sanborn Central School District will hold auditions for the original Musical production on November 15th from 3:30-5:00.  All students in grades K-8 are eligible to audition.  No experience or advanced preparation is needed.  Five days of intensive rehearsals (3:30-5:30 and 6:00-8:00) will be held in which lines, staging, songs and even dances will be learned, culminating in an out-of-this-world performance on Saturday, November 20th.  Cast members called for both rehearsal sessions are asking to bring a sack lunch/dinner for the break.  Not all children will be called for every rehearsal.  The Dakota Players have required all student to WEAR MASKS during the audition and rehearsals.  Their actors are constantly traveling and need to take safety precautions.
Dakota Players asks that you scan the QR code to give your child permission to partake.  You can also enter the URL code into your browser on a desktop or mobile phone. 
If you absolutely cannot fill out the digital form, please email or call our education office at or (605) 255-4910 ext. 2.
Dakota Players Permission Slip

2021 Cancer Tournament Information.

All-State Chorus & Orchestra apparel is now available to order at the following link:

Dean of Students Announcement
Educators Rising
All high school students (9th-12th grade) have the opportunity to attend the education career learning expo's available at USF or DWU. This is a FREE opportunity for students to explore a career in education. 
Nov 10th – Dakota Wesleyan University (Deadline to register Nov 1st)
Register at...
For more information, please watch this video

I met with the senior class on Wednesday, October 20 and we discussed their NCRC scores, dual credit registration, College Access Campaign, ACT test prep, filling out the FAFSA, scholarships, and college visits. I want to be as helpful as possible through the college and career planning process so if any seniors or parents of seniors have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

All scholarships are posted on my website that can be found using this link:

On Monday, October 25th at 1:30 pm in the Middle School Lab, Katie Paulson from Lake Area Technical College (LATC) will be coming to our school to meet with juniors and seniors. As always, please take advantage of these opportunities to explore different colleges and programs that are out there!

Seniors - The College Access Campaign started on Monday and will go until November 30. Please make sure to get your college applications completed by November 30th because they will be free!! All colleges have online applications that can be found on their websites. Please use this link to find the discount codes for each college.

Dual credit registration begins on November 1st. I would like to get students signed up ASAP when registration begins to ensure that you get into the classes you want/need to take. Please sign up for an appointment with me using this link. If you aren't sure if you meet the requirements to take a dual credit course, please come talk to Miss Amundson. 

For any junior or senior that would like to re-take the ASVAB, we will be hosting another ASVAB exam on Tuesday, November 2nd at 11:35 am in the Middle School Lab. Please let Miss Amundson know if you are interested in re-taking the ASVAB to improve your scores.

Sanborn Central District Covid-19 Update 21-22 School Year
Elementary (Grades PK-5)
*Current Positives-1

Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-

High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-2

*Staff not associated with a particular grade, currently positive-1
*Staff recovered and not associated with a particular grade-

Hello everyone! Today I am sharing something with you that has been in the process for a couple months and finally coming to life. I am so excited! Katie’s Kards for Kids is a project I created to help families with kids that have an extended stay at hospitals. Expenses related to these stays go beyond medical. This project will give gift cards to these families to help with these expenses. Funds for these cards will be raised by selling these amazing T-shirt’s that signify South Dakota: our beautiful state bird- the pheasant; 605- South Dakota’s one and only area code; and our amazing Mt. Rushmore! The best part? 100% of the profits made from these shirts will go towards these gift cards! Now, I need your help! Whether you are from near or far, what better way to represent our great state of South Dakota and support families of children in the hospital than buying one of these awesome T-shirts!
The shirts are $20 a piece with MANY options! If you are local, CreativeWEB in Woonsocket and Sanborn Central School in Forestburg are two drop off locations! Otherwise you can fill out this form and email it back to me at
I appreciate all of your support! 💕

The Town & Kountry Kids 4-H Cub will be hosting a Trunk or Treat at the Letcher Ball Park Sunday, October 31st at 4:00 sharp. You can decorate your trunk and pass out treats to the kids. The top 2 trunks win a $10 gift certificate! Questions, call Tori Hoffman (Tiffany) at 770-2276, Miley Adams (Sara)999-1702, or Payton Uecker (Ashly) 770-2221. Following Trunk-or-Treat the kids will trick or treat the town of Letcher.

Artesian CIA will be hosting Trunk or Treat Sunday, October 31st at 3:00 pm in front of the Community Center. All are welcome to join us for some fun and safe trunk or treating. If you are interested in decorating a trunk, please come early to set up and be ready to see all the ghosts and goblins! We are excited to see all of your fun costumes and trunks!

The next Food Pantry Giveaway is Wednesday, November 3rd at 4:30 until gone at the Sanborn County Courthouse-Drive through only Food Pantry Giveaway

Friday-October 29th-Orange Day
VB @ SC @ school
5/6 G & B b-ball vs Ethan @ SC

Saturday-October 30th
All State Chorus Concert

Sunday-October 31
FFA Halloween Carnival
Letcher Trunk or Treat
Artesian Trunk of Treat

Monday-November 1st
VB @ SC 9-12 @ school
5/6 b-ball vs. Hitchcock-Tulare
Dual Credit Registration begins
Online Parent Meeting for DC

Tuesday-November 2nd
VB Region Match @ SC
HS FB practice @ Woony
5/6 b-ball practice G @ SC B @ Woony
ASVAB exam retake

Wednesday-November 3rd
Oral Interp. Districts
VB @ SC 9-12
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Sonshine Club 3:45-5:30
Confirmation 6:30-8

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wednesday, October 27th-Orange Day

Today's announcements
Attention parents it's that time of the year again!   If your child/children are feeling any symptoms of illness, it is advised that they stay home for the safety of everyone.   Your child must be fever free for 48 hours before returning to school.

Volleyball practice schedule: all practices at Sanborn
Today after school 10-27
Tomorrow at 6am 10-28
Friday after school 10-29
Monday after school 11-1
Tuesday Region Match at Sanborn 7pm against AC/DC 11-2

The Blackhawk ladies lost to MVP 2-3.  15-25, 25-22, 23-25, 25-23, 12-15.
Trista White 2 
Teya Moody 1
Brooke Doering 22
Trista White 12
Denna Ochsner 9
Teya Moody 38
Kenna Ochsner 7
Trista White set a new school record with 37 Digs
Dayton Easton 33 Digs
The ladies will be back in action for first round of regions at SC hosting AC/DC at 7PM 

Region volleyball for November 2
#1-Mt. Vernon Plankinton - Bye
#4-Parkston vs. #5 Bon Homme @ 6:00 in Wagner
#2-Wagner vs. #7 Hanson @ 8:00 in Wagner
#3-Sanborn Central/Woonsocket vs. Andes Central/Dakota Christian @ 7:00 at Forestburg
Admission to the game is $6 for adults and $4 for students.
Activity passes are not honored for this game.

It's Character Counts Week!
Thursday-Rainbow-Good Character

Anyone interested in being a cheerleader for basketball----please sign up or text Shelley at 354-4231.

Parents and students, please take advantage of our tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15-5:15. The cost is $3 per hour. Contact Laura at 605-495-4183 if you would like your student added to the list.
Tutoring will take place this evening!

The following students will be attending All-State Chorus this weekend in Rapid City:  Malorie M, Dayton E, Payton U, & Evan E.  They will be departing at 11:00 am on Thursday and returning on Sunday afternoon.  Tune in to PBS at 8:00 central time on Saturday to watch our students perform live!

Middle School parents, as a reminder a 25 minute parent/student informational meeting for the Washington DC, Mt. Vernon, Gettysburg trip will be held Tuesday, November 2nd via Livestream at 6PM.  Please follow this link to sign in for the meeting

Today's quiz bowl team was victorious over Howard with a score of 3-2.  The next quiz bowl will take place November 23rd at 9:00. Quiz Bowl Brackets
Brighten Hitchcock - Captain
Noah Wormstadt
Malorie Mattke
Mason Moody
Tryce Slykhuis

Here are the kids who will be heading off to districts on Wednesday, November 3 (it is an all day thing.)
Duo: Hudson Fouberg & Layton Zoss
Storytelling: Parker Ettswold
Poetry: Casady Dean
Readers Theatre: Shania Cornelius, Dana Schelske, Isabella Bitterman
Humorous: Isabella Bitterman
Dramatic: Sidney Salas
Non-Original Oratory: Morgan Hoffman

This Weeks Breakfast Option-Pick 1 Breakfast Item: Chocolate, Banana, or Blueberry Muffin, Banana, Chocolate Chunk Benifit Bar
Pick 2 Breakfast Items-Cereal, Reeses, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix
Today's Lunch-Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich on a WW Bun, Oven Baked Potato Wedges, Fresh Pear
Thursday's Lunch-Homestyle Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, California Blend Vegi, Chilled Pineapple Tidbits, WW Garlic Breadstick, Sorbet Swirl Cup, 
Friday's Lunch is a Menu Change-French Bread Pizza, Red Pepper Sticks, Curly Fries, Choice of Fruit, Monster Cookie
Tomorrow's FFV-
Friday's FFV-Pea Pods
Middle School Updates
If you are interested in knowing what your middle school student will be learning for this week please view our Middle School Updates.
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade

On Thursday, November 4th the following students will attend LDE at SDSU-all day
Teagan M, Brady L, Keaton F, Cody S, Alex S, Bryce L, Malorie M, Mason M, Ellie E, Brooklyn J, and Casady D

On Monday, November 15th the following students will be leaving at 3:00 to attend MTI LDE
Keaton F, Cody S, Malorie M, Mason M, Ellie E, Brooklyn J, Casady D, Brady L

Upcoming Announcements
Attention SC Parents:
The Sanborn Central School District is in the process of completing a Comprehensive Needs Assessment.  This assessment much be completed by 2022-2023 school year in order to receive Title funds.  The process includes collecting and organizing data, analyzing data, prioritizing needs, and implementation.  All stakeholders (students, parents, and staff) are included in this process.  Therefore, we are asking each family to complete a survey.  Please click on the link below in order to access the survey.  We need you to complete this survey by November 1, 2021.
Sanborn Central School District Parent Survey Fall 2021

SC Prom has individual bags of Gaylen's Popcorn available for $6 each. Flavors available (in limited quantity) are: Flavors available (in limited quantity) are: Cheesy Pizza (4), Cheddar Trio (4), Bacon Cheese (3) Message to purchase.

Enjoy the FFA Halloween Carnival at the Sanborn Central School from 5:30-7:00 on Sunday, October 31st. The cost is $3.00 per person. FFA Halloween Carnival

The Dakota players Children's Theatre is back again presenting "The Missing Mountain Mystery."  Sanborn Central School District will hold auditions for the original Musical production on November 15th from 3:30-5:00.  All students in grades K-8 are eligible to audition.  No experience or advanced preparation is needed.  Five days of intensive rehearsals (3:30-5:30 and 6:00-8:00) will be held in which lines, staging, songs and even dances will be learned, culminating in an out-of-this-world performance on Saturday, November 20th.  Cast members called for both rehearsal sessions are asking to bring a sack lunch/dinner for the break.  Not all children will be called for every rehearsal.  The Dakota Players have required all student to WEAR MASKS during the audition and rehearsals.  Their actors are constantly traveling and need to take safety precautions.
Dakota Players asks that you scan the QR code to give your child permission to partake.  You can also enter the URL code into your browser on a desktop or mobile phone. 
If you absolutely cannot fill out the digital form, please email or call our education office at or (605) 255-4910 ext. 2.
Dakota Players Permission Slip

2021 Cancer Tournament Information.

All-State Chorus & Orchestra apparel is now available to order at the following link:

Dean of Students Announcement
Educators Rising
All high school students (9th-12th grade) have the opportunity to attend the education career learning expo's available at USF or DWU. This is a FREE opportunity for students to explore a career in education. 
Nov 10th – Dakota Wesleyan University (Deadline to register Nov 1st)
Register at...
For more information, please watch this video

I met with the senior class on Wednesday, October 20 and we discussed their NCRC scores, dual credit registration, College Access Campaign, ACT test prep, filling out the FAFSA, scholarships, and college visits. I want to be as helpful as possible through the college and career planning process so if any seniors or parents of seniors have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

All scholarships are posted on my website that can be found using this link:

On Monday, October 25th at 1:30 pm in the Middle School Lab, Katie Paulson from Lake Area Technical College (LATC) will be coming to our school to meet with juniors and seniors. As always, please take advantage of these opportunities to explore different colleges and programs that are out there!

Seniors - The College Access Campaign started on Monday and will go until November 30. Please make sure to get your college applications completed by November 30th because they will be free!! All colleges have online applications that can be found on their websites. Please use this link to find the discount codes for each college.

Dual credit registration begins on November 1st. I would like to get students signed up ASAP when registration begins to ensure that you get into the classes you want/need to take. Please sign up for an appointment with me using this link. If you aren't sure if you meet the requirements to take a dual credit course, please come talk to Miss Amundson. 

For any junior or senior that would like to re-take the ASVAB, we will be hosting another ASVAB exam on Tuesday, November 2nd at 11:35 am in the Middle School Lab. Please let Miss Amundson know if you are interested in re-taking the ASVAB to improve your scores.

Sanborn Central District Covid-19 Update 21-22 School Year
Elementary (Grades PK-5)
*Current Positives-

Middle School (Grades 6-8)
*Current Positives-

High School (Grades 9-12)
*Current Positives-2

*Staff not associated with a particular grade, currently positive-1
*Staff recovered and not associated with a particular grade-

Hello everyone! Today I am sharing something with you that has been in the process for a couple months and finally coming to life. I am so excited! Katie’s Kards for Kids is a project I created to help families with kids that have an extended stay at hospitals. Expenses related to these stays go beyond medical. This project will give gift cards to these families to help with these expenses. Funds for these cards will be raised by selling these amazing T-shirt’s that signify South Dakota: our beautiful state bird- the pheasant; 605- South Dakota’s one and only area code; and our amazing Mt. Rushmore! The best part? 100% of the profits made from these shirts will go towards these gift cards! Now, I need your help! Whether you are from near or far, what better way to represent our great state of South Dakota and support families of children in the hospital than buying one of these awesome T-shirts!
The shirts are $20 a piece with MANY options! If you are local, CreativeWEB in Woonsocket and Sanborn Central School in Forestburg are two drop off locations! Otherwise you can fill out this form and email it back to me at
I appreciate all of your support! 💕

The Town & Kountry Kids 4-H Cub will be hosting a Trunk or Treat at the Letcher Ball Park Sunday, October 31st at 4:00 sharp. You can decorate your trunk and pass out treats to the kids. The top 2 trunks win a $10 gift certificate! Questions, call Tori Hoffman (Tiffany) at 770-2276, Miley Adams (Sara)999-1702, or Payton Uecker (Ashly) 770-2221. Following Trunk-or-Treat the kids will trick or treat the town of Letcher.

Artesian CIA will be hosting Trunk or Treat Sunday, October 31st at 3:00 pm in front of the Community Center. All are welcome to join us for some fun and safe trunk or treating. If you are interested in decorating a trunk, please come early to set up and be ready to see all the ghosts and goblins! We are excited to see all of your fun costumes and trunks!

The next Food Pantry Giveaway is Wednesday, November 3rd at 4:30 until gone at the Sanborn County Courthouse-Drive through only Food Pantry Giveaway

Wednesday-October 27th-Orange Day
NO VB practice
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Rock Solid @ 6:30

Thursday-October 28th-Blue Day
Student Flu Shots
FB Quarterfinals
VB 9-12 @ Woony

Friday-October 29th-Orange Day
5/6 G & B b-ball vs Ethan @ SC

Saturday-October 30th
All State Chorus Concert

Sunday-October 31
FFA Halloween Carnival
Letcher Trunk or Treat
Artesian Trunk of Treat

Monday-November 1st
VB @ SC 9-12
5/6 b-ball vs. Hitchcock-Tulare
Dual Credit Registration begins
Online Parent Meeting for DC

Tuesday-November 2nd
VB Region 
HS FB practice @ Woony
5/6 b-ball practice G @ SC B @ Woony
ASVAB exam retake

Wednesday-November 3rd
Oral Interp. Districts
VB @ SC 9-12
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Sonshine Club 3:45-5:30
Confirmation 6:30-8