Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thursday-August 26th (Orange Day)

HS football practice @ WS 4-6

Cheer on the Volleyball ladies as they are looking for a win this evening in Alexandria vs. AC/DC at 5:15 on Court B. The bus will leave at 3:20 from Woonsocket and 3:30 from SC. If we win, we will play on Court A and if not we stay on Court B. And either way we will play back to back. Early Bird Volleyball Participants: Streaming both courts for the Early Bird tourney – see directions below.
Court B-NO Audio
Court A-Hanson games-Only Hanson's games will be played on this channel. Updates will be given on the games on opposite court.

Any 7-12 grade students interested in joining oral interp, please sign up outside Ms. Farrell-Poncelet's room by Monday, August 30. Unsure, stop in and take a look at the options. Don't want to speak by yourself? Create a reader's theatre group of three to six or find a partner for a serious or humorous duet!

Any juniors interested in determining the fall fundraiser for prom, stop into Ms. Farrell-Poncelet's room Thursday Tuesday morning at 8. Materials chosen will be handed out to the entire class at a later time.

Time is running out to get your Blackhawks Fall Apparel!  Orders are due back to the office by Friday, August 27th.

Apparel Order Form

Tomorrow is the last day to order a shirt in support of Gary Willman. Order Form-Gary Willman shirt 

The Spartan Booster Club is serving a Tailgate Friday night from 5:30 through Halftime. Hamburger, Chips and Cookie for $6.
The Booster Club will also be serving will also be serving the home and visiting team after at the Elementary.

Extra Curricular
A note from Mr. Flatten
FB Schedule for the week:
Practices are now at practice field just west of the school.
*Thursday: HS practice at Springs game field. 4:00-6:30 Half pads (Helmets & Shoulder Pads. No JH practice
*Friday: Varsity game versus Sioux Valley 7PM in Springs. SC bus leaves at 4:30. Woony at 4:45

The for Mitchell Cross Country Meet will leave Woonsocket at 8:15 on Saturday morning.  The race will be held at Wild Oak Golf Course starting at 10:00.

Dean of Students Announcement
Dual credit courses started on Monday, August 23.

The last day to drop a dual credit course differs from school to school.
The following dates are the last day per school:
BHSU: September 2, 2021
SDSU: September 2, 2021
USD: September 2, 2021
MTC: September 3, 2021
WDT: September 3, 2021

Please email or stop by Miss Amundson's office ( with any questions or concerns regarding dual credits.


Wednesday, September 1st at the Sanborn Co. Courthouse will be the next food pantry giveaway.  It will be drive through only and one box per family will be distributed.  Food Pantry Giveaway

Sanborn Central/Woonsocket 5th and 6th Girls and Boys Basketball Schedule (Tentative) 5/6 Basketball Schedule

Friday-August 27th (Blue Day)
FB game vs. Sioux Valley @ WS
VB 9-12 @ Woony 3:45-6
VB 7-8 @ SC 3:45-5:30

Saturday-August 28th
Cross-Country (Mitchell Invite)-10:00

Monday-August 30th (Blue Day)
JH FB game vs BEE @ WS 4:30
JV FB game vs BEE @ WS 6:00
V FP practice @ WS 4-5:30
VB 9-12 @ SC 3:45-6
VB 7-8 @ Woony 3:45-5:30

Tuesday-August 31st-Blue Day
VB game @ Alexandria
HS & JH FB practice @ Woony 4:00-6:00

Wednesday-September 1-Orange Day
HS & JH FB practice @ Woony 4:00-6:00
VB 9-12 @ SC 3:45-6
VB 7-8 @ Woony 3:45-5:30

Thursday-September 2nd-NO SCHOOL
VB game @ Ethan (7,8,JV,V)4:00 start
HS/JH practice @ Woony
Redfield Invite-CC

Friday-September 3rd-NO SCHOOL
FB vs. Miller/Highmore/Harrold @ Miller (7:00)
NO VB Practice

Monday-September 6th-NO SCHOOL
HS & JH FB practice @ Woony
VB 9-12 @ Woony (NO 7-8th VB)

Next week breakfast options-Pick 1 Breakfast Item.  Dutch Waffle, Fruit & Yogurt Parfait, Cinnamon or Strawverry Cream Cheese Bagel Mini.  Pick 2 Breakfast Items Cereal, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, Apple Jacks

Today's Lunch-Home Style Spaghetti with Meat Sauce/ California Blend Vegi/ Chilled Pineapple Tidbits

Tomorrow's Lunch-WW All Meat Calzone, Red Pepper Sticks, Fresh Muskmelon