Tuesday-September 15th-Orange Day
JH & JV football took on Redfield in Wessington Springs Monday. JH won 32-0. JV won 24-0The SCW VB game in Woonsocket vs. Wessington Springs for today has been postponed (until further notice) due to positive or close contact cases of COVID on the Springs VB team.
View the School Board Synopsis
Today's Sports Schedule
HS 4:30 VB @ Woony 9-12 (3:45-5:45)
7-8 VB @ SC
Parents, please mark your calendars, parent Teacher Conferences will be held at the SC school from 1-7. School will dismiss at 12:30 that day, and Friday September 18th will be a no school day. If you choose not to attend the face-to-face meetings, please either e-mail or call your child's teachers to receive HS and MS bonus points.
Mrs. Easton will do conferences at SC from 1-3:45 and Woonsocket from 4:15-7:00.
Mr. Welch will be at Sanborn school from 1-4 in the AG room and 4:30 -to end at Woonsocket.
In preparation for homecoming we will have a combined band rehearsal with Woonsocket on the following dates. Students will be dismissed at 9:50am and will arrive back for lunch. Thank you for being flexible to make this work! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this arrangement:
Wednesday, September 16th (Blue day)
Monday, September 21st (Blue day)
Thursday, September 24th (Orange day)
Mrs. Janae Hofer
The FB game on Friday vs. Wagner at Wagner has adopted a mask Policy for all spectators indoors and outdoors. On Friday, no one will be allowed to purchase a ticket without wearing a mask.
MS Updates
Find out what our 6th-8th Grade are learning each week with Middle School updates.
6th Updates for September-14/18
7th Updates for September-14-18
8th Updates for September-14-18
Sonshine Club forms are available with the following link Letcher Community Church Activities. Classes are also available for Grades 6th-12th that include Confirmation, Jr. Youth, and Rock Solid. Forms are due back to the SC office by September 17th.
Wednesday-September 16-Blue
FB practice (HS & JH) @ Woony 4-6
VB @ Woony 9-12 (3:45-5:30)
Blood Drive 8:45-11:30
PT Conferences 1-7-12:30 dismiss
FB practice at Woony (HS & JH) 4-6
No VB practice
Chamberlain Invite C-Country ???
Sonshine Club Forms Due
Friday-September 18-NO SCHOOL
FB @ Wagner
9-12 VB @ Woony 9-11