Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thursday, September 17

Thursday-September 17th-Orange Day

We will be running eligibility today!

Early dismissal today (12:30)  followed by Parent Teacher Conferences from 1-7. NO School Friday!
If you choose not to attend the face-to-face meetings, please either e-mail or call your child's teachers to receive HS and MS bonus points.  The Middle School and HS Conferences will take place in the gym with each teacher at their designated table's.  
Mrs. Easton will be at SC from 1-3:45 and Woonsocket from 4:15-7:00. 
Mr. Welch will be at SC from 1-4 in the AG room and 4:30 -to end at Woonsocket. 
Mrs. Hofer will be SC conferences from 5:15-7PM 
Mr. Olsen will be at SC 1:30-4:30 and Woonsocket 4:45-7pm. 
Mr. Flatten will be available at SC from 1-3:30 & 6:15-7:00
Mrs. Foxley will be at Sanborn Central from 1 - 4 and Woonsocket 4:15 - 7 for conferences!

Homecoming Week will take place next week...Remember the Booster Club will be awarding daily prizes for the best dressed!
Meme Monday
Twin Tuesday
Wild West Wednesday
Tropical Thursday 
Spirit Day Friday 

Monday, September 21st is picture retake day!
Winter Sports Picture will take place at SC December 10th at 2:00

Coronation is Monday, September 21st at 7:00 PM in the SC Gym

Friday, September 25th will be the Homecoming Parade in Woonsocket at 1:00. All Pre-K/8th Grade will be bused to Woonsocket for the parade, and ride their class float.
*Due to COVID, if you choose to keep your child home on September 25th and not participate in the parade let the school know. All students that do not plan on attending need parental permission to have an excused absence for the day.
Parents will have the option after the parade to take their student with them, however the teacher/school will need to be informed by September 23rd.
Please take note that the route buses will leave at 2:00 from the school on the 25th!

Mrs. Foxley's Information
Juniors and seniors will attend the Fall College Fair virtually this year. Sanborn Central time to attend the virtual college fair will be Wednesday, September 23 from 10-11 am. Mrs. Foxley will be meeting with juniors and seniors to get them registered. 

From the Kitchen
The kitchen is looking for a substitute on an as needed basis. This position would vary for dish-washing to meal-prep. The hours would include the times of 6:30-2:00. Please call 605-495-4183 and talk to Laura in the kitchen if you are interested.

Our school has been approved for the 2020-2021 school year for the fresh fruits and vegi program. This program allows all elementary school children to receive a FFVP snack at least 2 days per week free of charge. We will kick off this program the September 16th, delivering to the classroom everyday through September 30 at 12:30. Starting in October, we will be delivering 2-3 times a week, depending on funds available.

Extra Curricular
Due to Parent Teacher Conferences at SC and Woonsocket, there will be no JH practice today.

NO VB Practice today due to parent teacher conferences.

Friday's varsity FB game vs Wagner will be broadcast at 9PM  7PM on 

Tune in to Blackhawks Live to watch the VB ladies battle ORR at SC.  The games will start at 1:00 starting with JH followed by JV, V.

The Wagner school board adopted a new policy for all indoor/outdoor games. All spectators will be required to wear a mask, or they will not be sold a ticket to gain entry to the game. This will be in effect for the JV game in Wagner Monday also. Please be respectful of their policy and come prepared.

In preparation for homecoming we will have a combined band rehearsal with Woonsocket on the following dates. Students will be dismissed at 9:50am and will arrive back for lunch. Thank you for being flexible to make this work! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this arrangement:Wednesday, September 16th (Blue day)Monday, September 21st (Blue day) Thursday, September 24th (Orange day)Students that will be leaving today are Dana Schelske, Payton Uecker, Morgan Hoffman, Alexis Kelly, Michael Hoffman, Caleb Kneen, Alex Schelske, Casady Dean, Bryce Larson and Evan Easton. Dayton Easton would normally be going, but she is staying back because of the blood drive.

A Blackhawk baseball camp will take place October 4th in WS for 12 and under (1-3) and 14 and under (4-6.) This camp is a Senior Experience Project for Cooper Hainy. Forms are available in the office, or can be accessed by clicking "Blackhawk baseball camp."

Friday-September 18-NO SCHOOL 
FB @ Wagner 
9-12 VB @ Woony 9-11

Saturday-September 19
VB @ vs. ORR @ SC

Monday-September 21-Blue
Homecoming Week
Picture Retake Day
Combined Band Rehearsal at 9:50
Varsity FB @ Woony 6:30-7:45
JH vs Wagner @ WS 5:00
JV vs Wagner @ Wagner 5:00
VB @ Woony 7-12 (3:45-5:45)
7-8 VB @ SC
Coronation (7:00pm)

Tuesday-September 22-Orange
FB practice @ Woony (HS& JH)4-6

Wednesday-September 23-Blue
VB @ Woony 7-12 (3:45-5:45)
7-8 VB @ SC
Fall Virtual College Fair-10-11 (Jr’s/Sr’s)

Thursday-September 24-Orange
VB @ Woony vs Iroquois
FB practice @ WS (HS&JH) 4-6
Combined Band Rehearsal 9:50

Friday-September 25-Blue
FB vs M/H/H @ WS
? JH FB scrimmage @ WS 4:45

Monday's Lunch-WG Corn Dog C/Smiley Potatoes O/Fresh Cucumbers O/ Banana