Friday, September 11, 2020

                                        Friday, September 11, 2020-Blue Day

Today we remember the victims, survivors and many heroes of September 11.  May we take a moment to reflect and be thankful for the freedom that we still obtain.

The VB ladies pulled away with a win yesterday vs MC. Next week’s play will take place at Woonsocket vs WS starting with the 7th grade at 4:00
3-0 W
Brooke Doering 14 kills, 4 blocks
Cassidy Slykhuis 11 kills, 3 aces,1 block
Trista White 12 kills, 13 digs
Morgan Schmiedt 28 assists, 9 digs

9-12 VB @ SC 3:45-5:30
7-8 VB @ Woony

Tonight’s FB game will take place at Forestburg vs. Stanley County. Seven PM kickoff. Dakota Radio Group of Pierre will be broadcasting the football game or you can tune in to
Enjoy a Tailgate at the game with proceeds going to the W/SC FFA
Friday, Sept 11th ** 6:00 pm through halftime
Burger, chips, bar, drink $5
Add'l burger $3
Hogdog, chips, bar, drink $4
Add’l hotdog $2
Fundraiser for Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA Chapter
Burgers and hotdogs donated by 6B Seed & Supplies
Bars donated by Linke Angus
Water donated by Santel Communications

Homecoming Week will take place Monday, September 21-25th. Kicking off the festivities will be Meme Monday followed by Twin Tuesday, Wild West Wednesday, Tropical Thursday, and Spirit Day Friday. The Booster Club will be awarding daily prizes for the best dressed!
Coronation is at 7:00 PM on Monday, September 21st

Parents, please mark your calendars...Parent Teacher Conferences will take place Thursday, September 17th from 1-7. School will dismiss at 12:30 that day, and Friday September 18th will be a no school day. If you choose not to attend the face-to-face meetings, please either e-mail or call your child's teachers to receive HS and MS bonus points.

The Sanborn Central Journalists, made up of a group of eight energetic ladies, have begun their journalistic writing careers by tackling our most favorite fall athletes and activities. Check out their Blackhawk Blog for athlete spotlights, news write-ups, photojournalism stories, and more! The first athlete spotlights will go live Tuesday, September 15!

Picture retake day is Monday, September 21st.

View the September school board agenda.  The next meeting will take place Monday, September 14th.

From the Kitchen
The kitchen is looking for a substitute on an as needed basis. This position would vary for dish-washing to meal-prep. The hours would include the times of 6:30-2:00. Please call 605-495-4183 and talk to Laura in the kitchen if you are interested.

Our school has been approved for the 2020-2021 school year for the fresh fruits and vegi program. This program allows all elementary school children to receive a FFVP snack at least 2 days per week free of charge. We will kick off this program the September 16th, delivering to the classroom everyday through September 30 at 12:30. Starting in October, we will be delivering 2-3 times a week, depending on funds available.

The Varsity girls will strut their stuff this evening vs. MC at 6:30. (Please note only Varsity will play). The game will be livestreamed on
 It is the first night, so there may be some technical difficulties.  Masks are not required but are recommended, and social distancing is encouraged. Please do not sit in the row directly behind the home bench or the away bench, to allow for extra distancing.

This weeks FB schedule
Thursday: HS & JH practice 4-6 pm in Woonsocket (HS in Helmets & Shoulder Pads. JH=Full pads)

Friday: HS football game at Forestburg vs. Stanley County. 7pm kickoff. Springs' bus will leave at 4:30. Dakota Radio Group of Pierre will be broadcasting the football game.

Friday, September 11th concession stand workers are Toby & Robin Moody, Lance & Laura Conrad, 
Amy Moody, Troy Tarbox, and Laura Stephens-Sentell and Richard Sentell

Tailgate at Sanborn Central for Blackhawks vs Stanley County Football Game
Friday, Sept 11th ** 6:00 pm through halftime
Burger, chips, bar, drink $5
Add'l burger $3
Hogdog, chips, bar, drink $4
Add’l hotdog $2
Fundraiser for Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA Chapter
Burgers and hotdogs donated by 6B Seed & Supplies
Bars donated by Linke Angus
Water donated by Santel Communications

Mrs. Foxley 
Juniors and seniors will attend the Fall College Fair virtually this year. Sanborn Central time to attend the virtual college fair will be Wednesday, September 23 from 10-11 am. Mrs. Foxley will be meeting with juniors and seniors to get them registered. 

An admissions reprenstative will be available from Northwestern College on September 29 at 12:30 PM over Zoom. Mrs. Foxley will set up the meeting. 
Seniors and senior parents - there will be a Financial Aid Night on Thursday, October 1 at 6:00 pm in the Sanborn Central gym. The Financial Aid Director from Mitchell Technical College will be present to provide information on FAFSA, scholarships, and other financial aid information. Juniors and junior parents are welcome to attend if interested. 

A blood drive will take place at the 4-H Building Wednesday, September 16th from 8:45-11:30.  Please call the school at 495-4183 if you are interested in donating. Masks are required while you are in the 4-H Building.

Forms for online Sonshine Club will go home today/tomorrow to grades K-5th.  If your child has misplaced their copy please visit Letcher Community Church Activities.
Classes are also available for Grades 6th-12th that include Confirmation, Jr. Youth, and Rock Solid.  Forms are due back to the SC office by September 17th.

Friday-September 11-Orange 
FB @ SC vs. Stanley Co. 
9-12 VB @ SC 3:45-5:30 
7-8 VB @ Woony

Monday-September 14-Blue 
FB practice @ WS V 4-6 
JH/JV FB vs. Redfield @ WS 4:30 
VB @ Woony 9-12 (3:45-5:45) 
7-8 VB @ SC 

Tuesday-September 15-Orange 
VB @ Woony vs. WS 
FB practice (HS & JH) @ Woony 4-6

Wednesday-September 16-Blue 
FB practice (HS & JH) @ Woony 4-6 
VB @ Woony 9-12 (3:45-5:30) 
Blood Drive 8:45-11:30

Thursday-September 17-Orange
PT Conferences 1-7-12:30 dismiss
FB practice at Woony (HS & JH) 4-6
No VB practice
Chamberlain Invite
Sonshine Club Forms Due

Friday-September 18-NO SCHOOL
FB @ Wagner
9-12 VB @ Woony 9-11

Friday Lunch-Homemade Sausage Pizza C/Steamed Mixed Vegi O/Diced Pears C/ Cherry Crisp(9-12)
Monday’s Lunch-Blackhawk Chicken Bowl/Mixed Fruit/Dinner Roll & Jelly