Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday-September 24th

Thursday-September 24th (Orange Day)
Eligibility today.

Western Wednesday was a success, congratulation to our winners.   Whitney A, Aubrey M, Landree Z, Mason M, Zach J-N, Mason M and Staff Mary U.  Tomorrow will wrap up our dress up days with Spirit Day!

Good luck to the VB team as they play in Woonsocket vs Iroquois starting with JH at 4:30 followed by the C, JV and Varsity teams.  Watch the game on 

Friday, September 25th will be the Homecoming Parade in Woonsocket at 1:00. All Pre-K/8th Grade will be bused to Woonsocket for the parade, and ride their class float.*Due to COVID, if you choose to keep your child home on September 25th and not participate in the parade let the school know.  You can call 605-495-4183 or e-mail Laura at  Please let us know by today if you are excusing your child!   All students that do not plan on attending need parental permission to have an excused absence for the day.  Please take note that the route buses will leave at 2:00 from the school on the 25th!

Tuesday, October 6th please wear green for 4-H spirit day.  Goodies will be provided from the 4-H Town & Country Blue Group.

NO active Student/Staff Positive COVID-19 Cases to report.

Mrs. Foxley's Information
A Northwestern College admissions rep will be available over Zoom on Tuesday, September 29 at 12:30. Mrs. Foxley will set it up.

Thursday-October 1st a Financial Aid night will take place at 6:00PM in the SC gym.

Students interested in being a Legislative Page, please see Mrs. Foxley. Applications are due October 1.

A Lake Area Tech admissions rep will be available over Zoom on Monday, October 12 at 1:00 pm. Mrs. Foxley will set it up.

MS Updates
Extra Curricular
Thursday: NO JH Practice. HS practice at Wessington Springs 4:10-6:00 (Helmets & Shoulder Pads)
Friday: Homecoming varsity game at Wessington Springs vs Miller/Highmore-Harrold at 7:00 PM. Players are to arrive to gym by 5:15. NO JH Scrimmage prior.
The game will be broadcast on Q107.3  If you are unable to attend the game follow along with

In preparation for homecoming we will have a combined band rehearsal with Woonsocket on the following dates. Students will be dismissed at 9:50am today.  Students that will be leaving; Dana Schelske, Payton Uecker, Morgan Hoffman, Alexis Kelly, Michael Hoffman, Caleb Kneen, Alex Schelske, Casady Dean, Bryce Larson and Evan and Dayton Easton.

Fifth and sixth basketball forms have been sent home and are due to the office by Friday, September 25th.
Please note the old schedule did not reflect the changes made for the home and away dates of Oct 19th and Nov 6th.

If you are planning on attending games next week vs. M/H/H please note that they have moved into plase II status of covid protocols at school activities.  This will result in the following requirements
*Mask's will be required, but not provided
*No food, water or concessions will be allowed in the main arena.  Concessions will be in the East wing, and masks are not required there.

The VB match vs. M/H/H on Tuesday, September 29th will be broadcast on the internet at, then click on volleyball, then click on the SC/W match.

All-State Chorus auditions will be held on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 from 11:30-12:25. Please see Mrs. Easton if you are interested.

The volleyball match with Wessington Springs has been rescheduled for Monday, Oct. 5th in Woonsocket.

From the Kitchen
The kitchen is looking for a substitute on an as needed basis. This position would vary for dish-washing to meal-prep. The hours would include the times of 6:30-2:00. Please call 605-495-4183 and talk to Laura in the kitchen if you are interested.

Cooper Hainy is hosting a baseball camp, October 4th for 12U (11-12 yrs) at 1-3pm, 14u (13-14 yrs) at 4-6pm 12u will be at the softball field, 14u will be at David Jost Amatuer Field.

Friday-September 25-Blue
FB vs M/H/H @ WS
? JH FB scrimmage @ WS 4:45

Monday-September 28-Orange
FB practice @ Woony (Varsity) 6:30-7:45
JH JV FB vs M/H/H @ Miller 4:00
VB vs Freeman @ SC 5:15

Tuesday-September 29-Blue
VB @ Highmore vs Harold/Highmore
FB practice @ Woony (HS/JH)4-6
Northwestern College (12:30) Zoom
Sr/Sophmore Jostens order forms due

Wednesday-September 30-Orange
FB practice at Woony (HS & JH) 4-6
VB @ SC 7-12 (3:45-5:30)
X-Country at Colman-Egan
All State Chorus auditions

Thursday-October 1-Blue
FB practice @ Woony (HS&JH) 4-6
7-12 VB @ SC 3:45-5:30
Financial Aid Night @ 6:00
Legislative Page Due
5-6 G & B b-ball @ Woony 3:45

Friday-October 2nd-
Extra Help Day
Varsity only VB @ Woony 2-4
HS FB vs Canton @ Canton

Today's Lunch-Hot Hamburger C/Mashed Potatoes and Gravy O/Steamed Corn C/Chilled Mixed Fruit O/
Vegi Option-Pineapple Chunks

Monday Lunch-Baked Chicken Drumstick C/Savory Rice O/Steamed Corn O/Sliced Peaches C

Thank You Booster Club for providing 
Friday's Meal Free of charge!  Walking taco's/Hot Dog/Cookie/Juice/Water