Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tuesday, January 9th 2024-Orange Day

If you did not receive the automated calls with our weather notifications please contact me at laura.licht@k12.sd.us

Both the boys and girls basketball teams will travel to Kimball with girls JV games starting at 4:00. The JV boys will follow at 5:00 and the girls Varsity at 6:15. The boys Varsity will closed the night out at 7:45.
The bus is leaving at 2:00 this evening. That is 15 minutes earlier thank originally scheduled.

We were informed last night that the Wessington Springs School Board voted to keep the Football Co-op together.  More details in upcoming weeks. Mr. Flatten

The Blood Drive has been rescheduled on Wednesday, January 17th from 9:00-12:00 in the HS Gym. NHS members will be in touch to reschedule appointments. 

Raleigh Larson is having 5/6 girls practice from 5:30-7 at the SC

Save the date-the CBH Academic Fest will take place February 14th with a back up snow day of  February 21st. 

The school board meeting that was postponed from yesterday has been moved to Thursday at 7PM
January Agenda

Lunchroom News: 
Due to Monday's snow day the lunch menu is as follows this week.
Tuesday, Chicken Drumstick, Baked Beans, Salad Bar, Fresh Mixed Fruit Cup, Biscuit with jelly or honey, choice of milk

Wednesday, Beef & Cheese Burrito with toppings, Vegetarian Refried Beans, Salad Bar, Fresh Clementine Oranges, choice of milk

Thursday, French Onion Beef Sliders, Steamed Green Beans, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Salad Bar, Choice of Fresh Fruit, Choice of Milk

Friday, Country Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes with Country Gravy, Steamed Corn, Salad Bar, Fresh Grapes, Warm WG Dinner Roll, Warm Whole Grain Honey Peach Cobbler, Choice of Milk

Follow this link for more information: https://5il.co/24nft. The Food Service Department is excited to offer My School Menus Mobile App as a valuable nutrition resource. You can access the web version by visiting out website at https://www.myschoolmenus.com/organizations/1329.  

*Items on menu's are still subject to change

Extra Curricular
Thursday, January 11th the JH G/B b-ball will at the downtown gym in MV.
G 3:30
B 4:30
Bus lvg at 2:15

281 Boys Basketball Tournament. January 13, 16, and 18th.

281 Girls Basketball Tournament, January 12, 16, and 18th

January 20th at Irene Schedule
9:00 Scotland vs Menno
1030 VH vs FAM
12:00 GV vs Chamberlain 
1:30 AH vs Lakota Tech
3:00 AC/DC vs Dakota Valley
4:30 EPJ vs SC Woonsocket
6:00 Freeman vs White River
7:30 Florence-Henry vs Vermillion
9:00 IW vs Platte-Geddes

A JH girls tourney has been added to the schedule for January 27th at Corsica. A time and location will be announced at a later date.

The JH games with KWL will be made up on Thursday, Feb. 1st. The girls will start at 6:00  with 2 games and the boys will follow at 7:15.

MS Updates

6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade

Notes from Ms. Amundson
The Sanborn Central and Woonsocket FAFSA Night 2024 has officially been scheduled for Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM at the Woonsocket school in Charley Larson's classroom. We have been alternating locations every year, and this year it is Woonsocket's turn to host the event.

The newest addition this year is the presentation will be offered via Zoom as well! Our Zoom speaker is from Mapping Your Future, and she will be relaying all the important information you need to know about completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If your child is attending college next fall (2024), I highly recommend completing the FAFSA, which is the application to potentially receive grants (free government money), subsidized loans (do not accrue interest while in school), and unsubsidized loans (interest accrues while in school), that your student can accept or deny, but will ultimately help your child pay for college.
I have been told that there are several changes happening with the FAFSA this year, so I highly recommend that you attend this presentation to learn more about the FAFSA in general, as well as the new changes. 
Before you attend the presentation, I highly suggest that you complete an FSA ID. I emailed all senior parents a document that will help you complete the steps to creating an FSA ID, which has to be done before you fill out the FAFSA. If you have created an FSA ID for yourself to help your older children complete the FAFSA in the past, you will use that same FSA ID to sign all of your children's FAFSA forms. Additionally, your senior child will create their own unique FSA ID. You both will need an FSA ID to complete the FAFSA.
Here is the link to access the FAFSA Event via Zoom, if you would like to watch online from home instead of coming in-person to Woonsocket:
Join Zoom Meeting

8th Grade Career Fair
On Thursday, January 18th Ms. Amundson and Mrs. Olson-VanWinkle will be taking the 8th grade class to the Career Fair in Wagner at the Armory. We will be leaving right away at the beginning of the school day (8:15 AM) and will be back by the end of the school day. We will be eating lunch at Subway in Parkston on our way back home, so please ensure that your child has $15 to cover the cost of their lunch. Each student will be able to pick and choose their own meal that day. Please reach out to Ms. Amundson with any questions or concerns.

Tutor Tracks Program

Tutor Tracks is a FREE seven-week, guided tutoring program designed to firm up SD elementary and middle school students’ foundations in Reading, Grammar, or Math. Program tutors are Black Hills State University and Northern State University teachers-in-training.


To participate in Tutor Tracks, parents/guardians can apply at https://fs27.formsite.com/SDBOR/p2l4oxbolh/index. This program accommodates as many students as tutor schedules allow, so get applications in now for the best chance of being accepted.

7th Grade through HS and Staff
On behalf of Sanborn Central School, I am writing you to seek your permission for your child to participate in a suicide prevention and mental health presentation being done as Isabella Bitterman’s senior project on Wednesday, January 10 at 11:45 am. There will be faculty present for any child who wishes to leave because of certain circumstances or sensitive topics.
If you are not willing to consent to your child being present at this presentation, please sign the disagreement form found below. If you wish to attend in order to be present with your child or to support the presenting student, you are welcome to attend. 
Consent Form

Little Hawks Girls Basketball Camp-Kam Ochsner
When: January 13th
Where: Woonsocket Gym
Kindergarten-2nd Grade 9-10:15
3rd-6th Grade 10:30-12:30

Referees Needed!

Please contact Raleigh Larson (605-280-3738) if interested in being a referee.  In the past, students have used this opportunity for their community service/volunteer hours. 

Jan 20th (Sat) - @ Sanborn

3rd grade game at 9 am

4th grade game at 10 am

Third grade basketball practice and game schedule. 
Friday, January 12th @ SC 5-6:30
Monday, January 15th @ Woonsocket-games 
Saturday, January 20th @ SC-games

Devoted Students

The next two Devoted Students events are planned for January 22nd and February 26th @ 6:00 p.m.  Any 7th -12th grade students are invited to attend. We will meet in Mrs. Rodriguez’s room with supper and a study provided. Please RSVP by letting either of us know, or by sending us a quick message, so we can plan an appropriate amount of food. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there! 🙂

I have had some community members reach out with interests in donating/providing meals for our gatherings. If you are interested in this opportunity, please reach out to Mrs. Rodriguez (605-520-4544) or myself (605-770-4520).

  • Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Deinert

Join Kamryn Ochsner for her senior project at a "Little Hawks" Basketball camp on January 13th at the Woonsocket gym. Registration is $20 per person and that includes a t-shirt.
Kamryn Ochsner basketball camp
Registration Form

Hello.  My name is Dawn Byers and I am sending you this e-mail and attachment on behalf of the Deubrook Booster Club announcing our Prom Dress Resale.  Our 2023 sales dates are February 4, 8, and 11 and will be held at McKnight Community Hall on Main Street in White, SD. We contact schools in the area including schools who have had students either consign and/or shop with us in the past to provide information and a poster about our event.  We would appreciate if you could share this information with your students and families by either posting and/or circulating this poster.  The assistance that schools provide in helping us spread the word has been helpful and is appreciated very much.  It helps to provide students with an opportunity to shop for and/or consign a prom dress.  We are looking for dresses of ALL sizes.  We have taken consignments of short dresses in the past but have decided that with the growth of the sale, we will be focusing only on prom dresses this year.
Shopping will be by appointment only with 1-hour appointments available and dressing rooms to accommodate 20 shoppers during each hour time slot.  We have done appointments for two years now and it has worked fabulously.  There will be a Signup Genius available on our Facebook page and on Instagram.  Both can be found under the Deubrook Prom Dress Resale.  We encourage you to follow us so that you get all information and updates.
2024 Prom Dress Resale Poster

February 10th join Artesian Fire Department in hosting a cancer benefit for Brad Zobel. Brad is a firefighter and the department secretary and has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that has spread to his liver.
Doors open at 4 with a 5:30 supper and auction. 
The meal will be a whole hog BBQ and a free will donation for Brad hosted by the Fire Department. A engraved Ruger 10-22 and a Henry .22 Magnum Lever Action will be on the gun raffle.

Sophie Kelly and Letcher Junior Post 93 Legion Auxiliary are collecting gently used shoes for Veterans again this year. A collection box is located outside the office.

Wednesday, January 10th
G b-ball @ SC
B b-ball @ Woony
Sonshine Club

Thursday, January 11th
JH G/B b-ball @ MV (downtown) G @ 3;30 B @ 4:30
G practice @ SC
B practice @ Woony
Wrestling @ WS 5PM
School Board Meeting

Friday, January 12th 
G B-Ball 281 @ Wolsey
B B-Ball @ Woony
3rd b-ball @ SC 5;6:30

Saturday, January 13th
B B-Ball 281 @ Wolsey
Little Blackhawk Camp @ Woonsocket
Wrestling @ Gettysburg 10AM
3/4 girls b-ball @ SC Raleigh L

Sunday, January 14th 
G/B B-Ball @ Woony 4-5:15

Monday, January 15th-No School 
G B-Ball @ Woony 9
B B-Ball @ SC 9
Wrestling vs. Burke/Gregory @ WS 5:30
3rd Boys B-Ball @ Woony-Round Robin

Tuesday, January 16th
G/B B-Ball 281-Winners at Wolsey Losers at JVC

Wednesday, January 17th
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC

Thursday, January 18th
G/B B-Ball 281 Finals-Huron Arena
8th Grade Career Fair-Wagner

Friday, January 19th
G/B B-Ball C games @ WS (G at 6:00 B at 7:00)
Girls practice @ Woony
Boys practice @ SC

Saturday, January 20th
Girls b-ball @ Irene Classic
8th boys @ Wagner Tourney
JH B-Ball Girls Tourney @ Kimball
3/4 b-ball girls and boys games @ SC