Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday, January 11th 2024-Orange Day

The JH girls game will start at 3:15 (instead of 3:30PM) with the JH boys to follow.  These games have been changed to the new main gym in the MV school, not the old one as previously scheduled.  The bus will now leave SC at 2:00PM and 2:15PM from Woonsocket.

G practice @ SC
B practice @ Woony
Wrestling @ WS 5PM

The school board meeting that was schedule for Monday is today at 7PM
January Agenda

If you did not receive the automated calls with our weather notifications please contact me at When the automated message goes out it will be from an Arkansas number. We are told this can not be changed with our software company. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Blood Drive has been rescheduled on Wednesday, January 17th from 9:00-12:00 in the HS Gym. NHS members will be in touch to reschedule appointments. 

The band students will be coming around with an order form for coffee, popcorn and blended nuts. This fundraiser will run from January 16th-January 31st. Here is the order form to get a jump start on your shopping:) Band Fundraising Form
The fundraiser is going toward new band uniforms/equipment and towards upcoming Band trips!  Please see any 5th-12th grade band student for your coffee needs! 

Lunchroom News: 
Due to Monday's snow day the lunch menu is as follows this week.
Thursday, French Onion Beef Sliders, Steamed Green Beans, Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Salad Bar, Choice of Fresh Fruit, Choice of Milk

Friday, Country Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes with Country Gravy, Steamed Corn, Salad Bar, Fresh Grapes, Warm WG Dinner Roll, Warm Whole Grain Honey Peach Cobbler, Choice of Milk

Follow this link for more information: The Food Service Department is excited to offer My School Menus Mobile App as a valuable nutrition resource. You can access the web version by visiting out website at  

*Items on menu's are still subject to change

Extra Curricular
281 Boys Basketball Tournament. January 13, 16, and 18th.

281 Girls Basketball Tournament, January 12, 16, and 18th
For the 281 GBB 1st round game vs. Wolsey-Wessington Friday:
The GBB team will leave from Sanborn at 3:15 and meet at Woonsocket for a team meal and then will head to Wolsey for the 1st round game vs. Wolsey-Wessington. 
The games will also be livestreamed on

Wolsey-Wessington School District will be broadcasting both SCW games Friday and Saturday on their local school channel 102

January 20th at Irene Schedule
9:00 Scotland vs Menno
1030 VH vs FAM
12:00 GV vs Chamberlain 
1:30 AH vs Lakota Tech
3:00 AC/DC vs Dakota Valley
4:30 EPJ vs SC Woonsocket
6:00 Freeman vs White River
7:30 Florence-Henry vs Vermillion
9:00 IW vs Platte-Geddes

Added to the schedule-Jan. 25 at Woonsocket vs W. Springs Girls Only
4PM- Girls JH B
5PM- Girls JH A
6:15- JV Girls
7:30- V Girls

A JH girls tourney has been added to the schedule for January 27th at Corsica. A time and location will be announced at a later date.

Jan. 29 JH games at Sanborn Central vs Ethan updated schedule-
15 minute halves- running clock for the girls
6PM- JH Girls B
6:35PM- JH Girls A
7:20PM- JH Boys regular game

The JH games with KWL will be made up on Thursday, Feb. 1st. The girls will start at 6:00  with 2 games and the boys will follow at 7:15.


FFA Parents,
Here are the dates that I have for the FFA CDE's this year. I am working on not being gone on the same color days. Remind your students that we will be gone all day and that they need to get their school work from their teachers before the day we will be gone. We will leave school around 8:00am and return by 3:15.
CDE -2024
Friday, March 1st – Redfield
Monday, March 11 – Bridgewater-Emery
Thursday, March 21 – Flandreau
Tuesday, March 26 – Scotland (districts 4) Top 4 teams go to state
FFA State – Brookings April 18-20(Thru-Sat)

MS Updates

6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade

Notes from Ms. Amundson

8th Grade Career Fair
On Thursday, January 18th Ms. Amundson and Mrs. Olson-VanWinkle will be taking the 8th grade class to the Career Fair in Wagner at the Armory. We will be leaving right away at the beginning of the school day (8:15 AM) and will be back by the end of the school day. We will be eating lunch at Subway in Parkston on our way back home, so please ensure that your child has $15 to cover the cost of their lunch. Each student will be able to pick and choose their own meal that day. Please reach out to Ms. Amundson with any questions or concerns.

Little Hawks Girls Basketball Camp-Kam Ochsner
When: January 13th
Where: Woonsocket Gym
Kindergarten-2nd Grade 9-10:15
3rd-6th Grade 10:30-12:30

Referees Needed!

Please contact Raleigh Larson (605-280-3738) if interested in being a referee.  In the past, students have used this opportunity for their community service/volunteer hours. 

Jan 20th (Sat) - @ Sanborn

3rd grade game at 9 am

4th grade game at 10 am

Third grade boys basketball practice and game schedule. 
Friday, January 12th @ SC 5-6:30
Monday, January 15th @ Woonsocket-games 
Saturday, January 20th @ SC-games

Devoted Students

The next two Devoted Students events are planned for January 22nd and February 26th @ 6:00 p.m.  Any 7th -12th grade students are invited to attend. We will meet in Mrs. Rodriguez’s room with supper and a study provided. Please RSVP by letting either of us know, or by sending us a quick message, so we can plan an appropriate amount of food. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there! 🙂

I have had some community members reach out with interests in donating/providing meals for our gatherings. If you are interested in this opportunity, please reach out to Mrs. Rodriguez (605-520-4544) or myself (605-770-4520).

  • Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Deinert

February 10th join Artesian Fire Department in hosting a cancer benefit for Brad Zobel. Brad is a firefighter and the department secretary and has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that has spread to his liver.
Doors open at 4 with a 5:30 supper and auction. 
The meal will be a whole hog BBQ and a free will donation for Brad hosted by the Fire Department. A engraved Ruger 10-22 and a Henry .22 Magnum Lever Action will be on the gun raffle.

Sophie Kelly and Letcher Junior Post 93 Legion Auxiliary are collecting gently used shoes for Veterans again this year. A collection box is located outside the office.

Friday, January 12th 
G B-Ball 281 @ Wolsey
B B-Ball @ Woony
3rd b-ball @ SC 5;6:30

Saturday, January 13th
B B-Ball 281 @ Wolsey
Little Blackhawk Camp @ Woonsocket
Wrestling @ Gettysburg 10AM
3/4 girls b-ball @ SC Raleigh L

Sunday, January 14th 
G/B B-Ball @ Woony 4-5:15

Monday, January 15th-No School 
G B-Ball @ Woony 9
B B-Ball @ SC 9
Wrestling vs. Burke/Gregory @ WS 5:30
3rd Boys B-Ball @ Woony-Round Robin

Tuesday, January 16th
G/B B-Ball 281-Winners at Wolsey Losers at JVC

Wednesday, January 17th
G B-Ball @ Woony
B B-Ball @ SC

Thursday, January 18th
G/B B-Ball 281 Finals-Huron Arena
8th Grade Career Fair-Wagner

Friday, January 19th
G/B B-Ball C games @ WS (G at 6:00 B at 7:00)
Girls practice @ Woony
Boys practice @ SC

Saturday, January 20th
Girls b-ball @ Irene Classic
8th boys @ Wagner Tourney
JH B-Ball Girls Tourney @ Kimball
3/4 b-ball girls and boys games @ SC

Sunday, January 21st 
G b-ball @ Woony 4-5:15

Monday, January 22nd-Orange Day
G/B B-Ball C games vs. Hanson @ SC G @ 6 B @ 7
Girls b-ball @ SC
Boys b-ball @ Woony

Tuesday, January 23rd
G/B B-Ball @ Hanson