It's Dig Pink Night and the last regular season VB game this evening. The ladies will be taking on MVP at SC (7,8,C,JH,V) Come cheer on the ladies and take in the festivities with a 4:00 start time. It is also senior parent night.
Pep Band will be playing for Dig Pink Night. Please be here by 6:30. Wear either your "Dig Pink" shirt or Band shirt or Black Hawk gear.
Watch this evenings game with the following link
*Please note that there are some sites that have the games in Woony, and that is incorrect.
Congratulation to the PBIS quarter winners Josue S, Cade W-Elementary, Carley E-Middle School- and Riley K-High School
The weekly winners were Bailey F, Lexi F, Leam A, and Hudson F
For pictures of our weekly winners go to our Facebook Page at
Last Friday the varsity VB ladies fell to Bridgewater-Emery. On a positive note the 7th and "C" team won!
5/6 b-ball practice G/B @ Woony
Saturday, October 28th from 4-6 the Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA will be hosting a Halloween Festival. Cost is $5 per family. It has been decided by the FFA team that the Carnival is FREE this year!
Thursday, November 9th at 9:00 you are invited to a Veterans Day program at the Sanborn Central School Gymnasium. In addition if your child has a family member that is a Veteran (who has not previously been included in the Veterans Day slideshow) please email a picture of the Veteran as well as their relationship to your student.
Extra Curricular
Anyone interested in being a basketball cheerleader for the 2023-24 basketball season please contact Shelley by Wednesday, October 25th.
Text/Call: 605-354-4231 or email:
High School football will have an end of season meeting in Woonsocket on Monday, October 30 at 3:45 pm. All players need to bring equipment to be handed in that day as well.
Link to online store:
Oct. 26-29: All-State Chorus in Rapid City (Concert on Oct. 28)
Oral Interp
November 8th-Districts-Mitchell
November 14th-Regions-Mitchell
December 1-2-State-Harrisburg
Speech & Debate-more information to come
November 3-4th-Aberdeen
December 9th-Lennox
December 15-16-Brookings
Available at the touch of the screen: My School Menus Mobile App in the iTunes Store or the Google Play store. Follow this link for more information: The Food Service Department is excited to offer My School Menus Mobile App as a valuable nutrition resource. You can access the web version by visiting out website at
Please let Laura Conrad in the kitchen know if you need any additional information on how to use this information to support your student’s specific nutrition needs.
Ms. Amundson
October 27th, 28th and 29th from 7-10PM catch the Haunted Trail at Reclamation Ranch 4 miles south of Trail King. Tickets are $15 and family friendly trick or treat is free on Sunday, October 29th from 2-4.
Save the date-Wednesday November 1st at 4PM is the November food distribution.
Wednesday, October 25th
VB V only @ SC 3:45-5:30
Sonshine Club
WWTS 3:50-5:30
Thursday, October 26th
FB Quarterfinals VB @ SC 3:45-5:30 (Varsity)
All State Chorus in Rapid City
Friday, October 27th
VB (Varsity) @ SC 3:45-5:30
All State Chorus in Rapid City
5/6 b-ball game vs. Ethan @ SC G @ 6:00 B @ 7:00
Saturday, October 28th
All State Concert in RC
Monday, October 30th
VB (V) @ SC 3:45-5:30
5/6 B-Ball @ WS G@ 6:00 B@7:00
Tuesday, October 31st
VB Regions
Thursday, November 2nd
VB Regions
5/6 b-ball practice G@SC Boys @ Woony 3:45-5:00
Friday, November 3rd
FB Semifinals
Speech Debate-Aberdeen
5/6 b-ball @ Woony vs. Springs G @6 B @7
Monday, November 6th
5/6 B-Ball Game at Wolsey
G @ 6:00 B @ 7:00
Tuesday, November 7th
SoDak 16 VB
5/6 b-ball game @ SC vs. Iroquois-Lake Preston G@ 6:00 B@ 7:00
Wednesday, November 8th
Oral Interp-Districts Mitchell
WWTS 3:50-5:30
Sonshine Club
Thursday, November 9th
FB State
ASVAB testing Mrs. Amundson
Friday, November 10th
FB State