Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wednesday, August 30th-Orange Day

Have a safe a exciting time away! If you are competing at the state fair this weekend best of luck to you! No school Thursday, August 31st, Friday, September 1st or Monday, September 4th.

Last night's VB battle with Hanson ended with the following stats 7th and 8th grade split
C team 0-2
JV 2-0 
V 3-0

VB 9-12 @ Woony 3:45-5:30
VB 7-8 @ SC 3:45-5:30
FB practice 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm – Woonsocket – JH and HS

Congratulations to our newest student council representatives.
9th-Miley Adams
10th-Cami Edwards
11th-Payton Uecker
12th-Isabella Bitterman

The Homecoming Parade theme for this year is Cartoons.

We will start eligibility on Thursday, September 7th.

Parents, if you still have back to school paperwork that has not been turned in please do so! Unsigned forms will be coming back to you before the weekend for a signature.

NHS will be hosting a Blood Drive on Wednesday, September 13th from 12:15-3:00.  Please contact or an NHS member (Aubrey Senska, Kara Wormstadt, Bryce Larson) if you are able to donate!

Here is the link to the PBIS Parent Survey. Please fill out a form for each of your students. The PBIS team thanks you for your feedback! 

Here is the 2023-2024 free and reduced lunch application.

Free online tutoring is available for all K12 South Dakota students through two unique programs. Tutoring is available for grades 1-8, and homework help is available for students in grades K-12. Here is the information you need to know! Online Tutoring

Order your band shirts before Thursday, September 7th  Band T-Shirt order form

Blackhawks homecoming t-shirt order form
Homecoming Shirts
Seniors- blue
Juniors- black
Sophomores- grey
Freshman- red

All other grades can choose their shirt color.

Want to stay up to date on the latest news? Visit our website for the latest happenings at
The School's Google Calendar has also been updated. Visit School Calendar for a list of sporting events a school schedules.

Below is the Blackhawk football practice schedule through September 4 
Thursday, August 31 – 7:00 am to 9:00 am – Woonsocket – JH and HS
Friday, September 1 – 7:00 am to 9:00 am- Woonsocket – just HS
Monday, September 4 – 7:00 am to 9:00 am – Woonsocket – JH and HS

Here is the schedule for our JH VB Tournament on Saturday, Sept 9th @ JVC.
All the info is listed on the attachment.  If you have any questions just let me know.
Please have your bus/teams, and parents/fans enter our NW Door (Entrance A).

Cheer the Cross Country athletes on as they roll through the 2023 season.
Sept 6th 281 Conference Springs 10:00
Sept 11th Arlington
Sept. 14th Chamberlain Inv. 3:00
Sept 20th Fish Lake Invite
Sept 27th Colman/Egan 1:00
October 2nd Howard 2:00
October 5th Ethan/Parkston
October 12 Region-Canton 1:00
October 21st State Sioux Falls 1:00
Have a great season 
jeff boschee, carter hitchcock, sam baruth, mccoy schulz, mathias lindgren,

emilie lindgren, shiloh terkildsen, ramsey fouberg, landree zoss

This is an updated list for JH and JV Football.

On September 25 the JH/JV teams will be hosting TDA/ACDC.  

JH Game is at 4:00 pm

JV game is at 5:30 pm and not 3:30 pm

2023 Volleyball Schedule     
2023 volleyball schedule with leave times
2023 vb practice schedule

Friday- Sept. 29-  We will depart for Mobridge at 12:30PM from Sanborn Central, then to Woonsocket, and then to W. Springs
Friday- Oct. 6------We will depart for Lead-Deadwood at 9AM from Sanborn Central, then to Woonsocket, and then to W. Springs.

5th and 6th Girls and Boys B-Ball Schedule has been released.
5th and 6th B-Ball

November 24th and 25th the Flandreau HS is hosting a boys and girls basketball tournament with $125 entry fee and a 3 game guarantee.
4th, 5th and 6th Grade Boys B-Ball Tourney

Visit our website at and click on the black box that says lunch menu. Enter your school district and select the menu you would like to view. Laura in the kitchen has entered meals for the entire month and if you click on the food product you will find a breakdown of nutritional facts.

The next food pantry giveaway will be Wednesday, September 6th 2023 at 4:30 until gone at the Sanborn County Courthouse.
Food Panty Getaway

Thursday, August 31st-NO SCHOOL
VB vs. Ethan @ Ethan (7,8,C,JV,V) 4:00

Friday, September 1st-NO SCHOOL
No VB practice

Monday, September 4th-NO SCHOOL
VB 9-12 @ Woony 3:45-5:30
VB 7-8 @ SC 3:45-5:30

Tuesday, September 5th-Blue Day
JH FB vs. Chamberlaim 4:30 JV FB vs. Chamberlain 6:00
VB vs. Corsica-Stickney @ Woony (7,8,C,JV,V) 4:00 start

Wednesday, September 6th-Orange Day
VB 9-12 @ Woony 3:45-5:30 7-8th @ SC 3:45-5:30
281 Conf. CC @ Springs 10:00

Thursday, September 7th-Blue Day
VB vs Parkston @ Forestburg (7,8,C,JH,V)

Friday, September 8th-Orange Day
FB vs. McCook Central Montrose &PM
VB practice 9-12 @ Woony 6:15-7:30 7-8 @ Woony 3:45-5:30

Saturday, September 9th
VB @ Wolsey (Tourney)

Monday, September 11th-Blue Day
JH vs. Miller/HH @ Miller
JH vs. Chamberlain @ Chamberlain
VB 9-12 @ Woony 3:45-5:30
VB 7-8 @ SC 3:45-5:30
CC @ Arlington

Tuesday, September 12th-Orange Day
VB vs. WS @ Springs (7,8,C,JV,V) 4:00

Wednesday, September 13th-Blue Day
NHS Blood Drive
VB 9-12 @ Woony 3:45-5:30 7-8th @ SC 3:45-5:30

Thursday, September 14th-Orange Day
VB 9-12 @ Woony 3:45-5:30 7-8 @ SC 3:45-5:30
Chamberlain Invite CC 3:00

Friday, September 15th-Blue Day
FB vs. Miller Highmore (away) &PM
VB 9-12 @ Woony 6:15-7:30 7-8 @ Woony 3:45-5:30