Monday, August 21, 2023

Monday, August 21st 2023-Blue Day

Congrats on the first victory of the season for the Blackhawk football team with a "W" over MVP. The final score was 36-8. The boys will be at Wessington Springs on Friday to battle Jim River. This game was originally scheduled to be at SC.
Santel will broadcast on Wessington Springs local channel (108).

Look for the following events
Wednesday, August 23rd-Picture day
September 4th-No School Labor Day
September 28th-Parent Teacher Conferences 1-7PM-12:30 Dismissal
September 29th No School-PTC comp. day

You still have time to sign up for band! Please contact

Want to stay up to date on the latest news? Visit our website for the latest happenings at
The School's Google Calendar has also been updated. Visit School Calendar for a list of sporting events a school schedules.

We are looking for substitute teachers for the school year. Please e-mail Superintendent Corey Flatten or Principle Connie Vermeulen if you are interested.

School and sports pictures are Wednesday, August 23rd. Here is an online order form for school and sports pictures and
Packets will be sent home with the kids from Coaches.
2:00PM- SC VB will depart to Woonsocket
2:15PM- Woonsocket High School VB individuals
2:45PM- JH SC/Woonsocket VB individuals & Team
3:15PM- XC & Cheer
3:45PM High School Football will start with individuals (In the Gym) and then onto JH.  Wess. Springs and Sanborn Bus will arrive about 4:00PM

Here is the 2023-2024 free and reduced lunch application.

The Volleyball ladies will take the court on Tuesday, August 22nd for the Hanson Early Bird Tournament. Game one for the girls will be on Court B vs. Freeman at 6PM.
Early Bird Tourney Brackets 
Click on the below links to watch live:
Hanson Matches:

With the excessive temps occurring the next three days, JH & HS football will be practicing in the mornings from 6:00-7:30 AM at the Woonsocket old game field by the cemetery. Coach McCain will be ready to leave the school at 5:30 AM. If you are riding with him, please be ready to leave at 5:30.

Jr. High Volleyball will start today.

2023 Volleyball Schedule 

Visit our website at and click on the black box that says lunch menu. Enter your school district and select the menu you would like to view. Laura in the kitchen has entered meals for the entire month and if you click on the food product you will find a breakdown of nutritional facts.