Friday, August 11, 2023

Back to school information and links

Wednesday, August 16 is the first day of school at Sanborn Central! School will be in secession from 8:15-12:30. 

Back to School Night is 5:30-7:30 August 14th
5:30-6:00 Students and parents will eat
6:00-6:15 Parent/Student meeting in the gym
6:15-6:30 6th Grade Orientation
6:15-6:30- 9th Grade Orientation
6:30-7:00 FFA Informative meeting
7:00-Jr. & Sr. and parents: Dual Credit meeting with Ms. Logan Amundson and advisors
Visit with Chayna Jones about Title I services
Booster Club information
Place money into your lunch account
Visit/meet elementary teachers
Get informational packet/syllabus from MS/HS teacher/advisor and discuss expectations and computer usage and how valuable these computers are.

Parents, this year back to school paperwork will be available for you to fill out and hand back into Laura in the office at back to school night. It is encouraged that you take the time to complete this paperwork to avoid skipping over areas that are frequently missed!

The free and reduced application will be available at back to school night but will not be in your packets. You can also print the application from the following link.
Free & Reduced Meal Application

These forms will be available to take but will not be in the packets. You can also print these out with the links below.
School Supply List
School Calendar Days
Blue & Orange Calendar
Fall Sports Apparel
School Pictures Form
Fall Sports Pictures
23-24 HS Athletic Schedule
Medical Plan of Care-Food Allergy Form (from the kitchen)

Log on to to view breakfast and lunch for your child's age group. This is located on our website at

Parents, if your bus driver has not reached out to you they will be doing so shortly regarding pickup and drop-off times. Your child will get picked up and dropped off at the address we have on file unless you have notified Laura in the office and/or your bus driver of the changes. We have limited large busses available and students going to daycares are secondary to home drop-offs.

Visit the August 2023 School Board Agenda