Today's announcements
Track practice @ SC
If you have any items in the locker rooms please remove them by the end of the week!
The JH/JV golf meet from last week was rescheduled to today 1:30. They will be leaving from Woonsocket at 12:30.
Semester test will take place on May 16th (orange) and May 17th (blue) days. As a policy, students who have failing grades or missing assignments are required to be in attendance for class even if there is no test being given.
Have fun today and make lots of memories grades 3-5. They are traveling to the Washington Pavilion for a field trip. The bus will leave at 8:15 and return at 2:30
View the 281 Conference Results from Tuesday, May 10th
Visit the latest school board synopsis
Sanborn Central will be offering summer school for interested high school and middle school students.
High school students could potentially receive credit for courses they did not pass this year.
Middle school students could use this opportunity to jumpstart their academic skills for the 2022-2023 school year.
Summer school will be held June 1-30 (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) from 8:00-12:00. Attendance is required everyday.
Please contact Mr. Siemsen ( or Mrs. Vermeulen ( by May 12 if you are interested, 495-4183.
*As a reminder, school is also being offered to grades K-5. Activities are planned for June 7-30th Tuesday-Thursday from 8-12. A snack will be provided, and their is no cost to participate. Transportation will be the responsibility of the family.
Shania Cornelius
Dayton Easton
Trinity Harford
Brighton Hitchcock
Malorie Mattke
Mason Moody
Teya Moody
Reed Senska
Tryce Slykhuis
Joshua Tucker
Noah Wormstadt
June Gym Schedule
July schedule
July 11th Ambush WO 6:30-8:30
July 14th Open Gym 7:30-8:30
July 18th Ambush WO 6:30-8:30
July 21st Open Gym 7:30-8:30
July 25th 6:30-8:30
Save the date June 6-7th girls state golf at the Hart Ranch (Rapid City), and boys state at the Elks Club (Rapid City.)
Menu-Notes from the kitchen
Breakfast for the week of May 2nd-Pick 1 Breakfast Item: Mini Donuts, Smoothies, Scrumptious Coffee Cake
Pick 2 Breakfast Items- Cereal:Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops
Wednesday-Corn Dogs/Hot Dogs, Macaroni & Cheese, Meatball Pizza, Uncrustable Sandwiches
Thursday-WW Soft Pretzel, Warm Cheddar Cheese Sauce or Marinara Sauce, Calico Beans, Yogurt Cup, Choice of Fruit
Friday-Cheese Pizza Crunchers, Mixed Vegetables, Choice of Fruit
Middle School Updates
MS Updates for the week of May 9th
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
A Note from Ms. Amundson
"Save the Date" May 24
Sanborn County Day Camp & 4H Project Day
ages 5 to 18
you do not have to be in 4H to attend
Learn about safety, play games, make and take projects
Lunch will be served
more info will be coming
Sanborn County Day Camp & 4H Project Day
ages 5 to 18
you do not have to be in 4H to attend
Learn about safety, play games, make and take projects
Lunch will be served
more info will be coming
The Sanborn County 4-H group is in need of cans with the following sizes. Please bring to the SC office if you have these items.
# 2 1/2 or # 3 in can. They hold 29 oz or 3 1/2 cups or 51 oz for 4 cups.
All kids age 5-18 are invited to the 4-H camp Tuesday, May 24th from 9-3:30. Form will be going home with students or you can sign up online at
Thursday, May 12th-Blue Day
Book-It-Party EL
Track Practice @ Woony
Soccer Games @ Woony
HS Track Meet Parkston
Track practice @ homeschool
4th Grade Arbor Day Pres.
Soccer games @ Woony (all)
Blue Day Semester Test
Track practice @ Woony
Tuesday, May 17th-Orange Day
Orange Day Semester Test
V golf JVC Broadland-Huron
Track practice @ Woony
Colony Graduation
Track & Field Day
FFA Banquet
Pre-K celebration
Wednesday, May 18th-Blue Day (11:00 dismissal)
Last Day of School
Track practice @ Woony
Region Track Meet in Wagner
JH golf in Huron
Drivers Ed-Woony
Friday, May 20th
Pre-Region Lakeview Golf Course
HS track practice @ Woony
Monday, May 23rd
HS track practice @ Woony
Drivers Ed.
Tuesday, May 24th
Golf regions-Lakeview in Mitchell
HS track practice @ Woony
Drivers Ed.
State track Meet