Today's announcements
Orange day semester testing today.
Congratulation to the poppy poster winners this year.
Artesian Legion Winners
Class I-Kaitlyn Wurtz
Class I-Keira Pollard
Class I Zander Wipf
Class II-Levi Hinker
Class II Damaris Wurtz
Class II-Kelly Wilson
Class III-Keith Wurtz
Class III-Alanna Wurtz
Class III-Brandon Wipf
Class IV-Juliane Wurtz
Congratulations to Teya Moody and Dayton Easton on being awarded Academic All-State in Basketball.
V golf JVC Broadland-Huron
Track practice @ Woony
Colony Graduation
Parents, if you child will not be at school on May 18th please e-mail Laura at We will conclude the school year with an 11:00 dismissal on that day.
If you have not returned your library books yet, please do so.
Field Day for elementary is schedule for today starting at 12:30 on the football field. If the weather does not cooperate we will cycle grades through the gym for track and field day.
Sanborn Central will be offering summer school for interested high school and middle school students.
High school students could potentially receive credit for courses they did not pass this year.
Middle school students could use this opportunity to jumpstart their academic skills for the 2022-2023 school year.
Summer school will be held June 1-30 (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) from 8:00-12:00. Attendance is required everyday.
Please contact Mr. Siemsen ( or Mrs. Vermeulen ( by May 12 if you are interested, 495-4183.
*As a reminder, school is also being offered to grades K-5. Activities are planned for June 7-30th Tuesday-Thursday from 8-12. A snack will be provided, and their is no cost to participate. Transportation will be the responsibility of the family.
June Gym Schedule
July schedule
July 11th Ambush WO 6:30-8:30
July 14th Open Gym 7:30-8:30
July 18th Ambush WO 6:30-8:30
July 21st Open Gym 7:30-8:30
July 25th 6:30-8:30
A message and letter from coach Baruth regarding girls basketball and the summer.
SCW Lady Blackhawks GBB Summer Schedule
Save the date June 6-7th girls state golf at the Hart Ranch (Rapid City), and boys state at the Elks Club (Rapid City.)
A Note from Ms. Amundson
Virtual and In-Person College and Career Exploration Opportunities
Huron Job Service will be providing activities for youth between the ages of 14-24 this summer. If they come to watch the virtual presentations at the Huron Job Service office, or come to the business and vocational school tours, they can earn $25 for attending each event. During the business tours they can also earn $15.00/hour for a job shadow experience. They don’t have to be enrolled in any programs; they just have to show up. Events include college tours of Mitchell Technical College, Lake Area Technical College, and Southeast Technical College. They will provide transportation for students, but they would need to drive to Huron and meet at Huron Job Service first. Business tours include Prostrollo Moters & Banner Engineering, NorthWestern Energy, Horizontal Machining and Manufacturing Inc., Huron Area Center for Independence, Dakotaland Federal Credit Union, and Huron Regional Medical Center.
Here is the link for registration and to see all of the events:
Giving students and teachers the opportunity to utilize an Outdoor Learning space for creativity and inspiration is on one student’s mind this summer.
Hudson Fouberg is working on completing this project on school property and is looking for donations of Perennial plants and flowers to use
In the Landscaping of the project. Please contact Hudson at if you have any plants you would like to donate toward this project.
Sanborn County 4-H is planning a Day Camp & Project Day on Tuesday, May 24th from 9 am – 3:30 pm at the 4-H Building. We will have various learning and safety sessions with hands-on activities, make some 4-H projects and play games. Lunch/snacks are included, as well as project supplies. This is open to ages 5-18, both 4-H and non-4-H kids. Cost is a free-will donation that will be used towards the purchase of playground equipment for the 4-H grounds.
Here is the online registration link – please register by May 17. Day Camp Registration (
Both links are also found here Sanborn County 4-H Home (
4-H Camp Flyer
Letcher Community Church will host Vacation Bible School (VBS) July 25 - 28 from 5:30 - 8:30 PM. Inviting children from 4 years old through students entering 8th grade. We also welcome high school students who would like to volunteer to help with VBS.
The Sanborn County 4-H group is in need of cans with the following sizes. Please bring to the SC office if you have these items.
# 2 1/2 or # 3 in can. They hold 29 oz or 3 1/2 cups or 51 oz for 4 cups.
Wednesday, May 18th-Blue Day (11:00 dismissal)
Last Day of School
Track practice @ Woony
Region Track Meet in Wagner
JH golf in Huron
Drivers Ed-Woony
Friday, May 20th
Pre-Region Lakeview Golf Course
HS track practice @ Woony
Monday, May 23rd
HS track practice @ Woony
Drivers Ed.
Tuesday, May 24th
Golf regions-Lakeview in Mitchell
HS track practice @ Woony
Drivers Ed.
State track Meet