Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday, October 18th

Wednesday, September 18th
Orange Day

Please keep the families, students, staff and community members going through this difficult time in your prayers and thoughts. 
Anyone experiencing difficulty, etc., please call 
Dakota Counseling Institute-  24 hour on call- 605-995-8180
The Woonsocket Student Council is collecting donations/change this week to help all families financially involved with this tragedy.  Any loose change or other donations would be very much appreciated.  The change/donations will be collected in empty water coolers at the school. 

There is a go fund me page set up for the Klich family
Go fund me page for the Kesary family

A root beer float benefit will take place tomorrow at Skeeters Bar & Grill in Woonsocket at 10:00 Wednesday, September 18th.  A free will donation box will be set up with all proceeds going to the families affected.

The Woonsocket Student Council is collecting donations/change this week to help all families financially involved with the tragedy. Any loose change or other donations would be very much appreciated. Remember pennies add up to dollars!!! Stop in the SC office to donate.

The funeral for all 3 boys will be held Thursday at ll:00AM in the Woonsocket Gym.
A private prayer service will be held at Basham's Funeral Home on Wednesday evening.
Woonsocket School is Cancelled Thursday.  Friday was a No School Day and will remain one for both SC and Woonsocket.
If A SC student is wishing to attend the funerals they will be excused from school without time counting toward them being gone.  Please notify the SC office today if you are not planning on coming to school due to the funerals.  The office will need a written permission slip from a parent.

Parents will be notified of missing assignment today.
Eligibility will be ran tomorrow.

HS & JH practice @ Woony (4-6)
9-12 VB @ W 3:45-5:45
7-8 VB @ SC 3:45-5:30
WWTS @ Artesian 3:45-5:30

Stats for last night VB game vs WS
7th grade (0-2) L
8th grade 25-13   16-25   (1-1)                                                                           

(2-1) W

(2-0) W

(3-2) WIN
Mariah Jost 19 kills and 2 blocks, Cassidy Slykhuis 9 kills and 2 blocks, Trista White 8 kills, Taryn Ziebart 3 aces and 14 assists and 22 digs, Morgan Schmiedt 25 assists, Kaylee White 27 digs

Cross-country results for yesterday's meet
Varisty Girls:
Hannah  Terkildsen  6th overall  3rd in B division
Varsity Boys:
Jeff Boschee  18th overall  6th in B Division
Braxton Gentles  23rd overall  10th in B Division
Noah Terkildsen  33rd overall  16th in B Division
Andrew Lindgren  35th  overall   18th in B Division
Evan VonEye  37th overall  20th in B Division
7th Place Team Finish
JV Boys:
Bryce Larson  46th overall  17th in B Division
Ethan Schmiedt  48th overall  18th in B Division
Sutton Senska  61st overall  24th in B Division

The JH football game scheduled for Thursday at Kimball has been cancelled.  

We are going to keep games and practices for FB this week as planned
· Wednesday
HS and JH practice at Woonsocket – 4:00 pm – 6:00 PM
· Thursday-No JH game/NO JH practice HS will practice @ 4:00 (WS)
· Friday JH Practice at Woonsocket or SC– 3:15 pm – 5:00 pm
HS Game at Wessington Springs vs Wagner – 7:00 pm
Friday’s football game with Wagner will be livestreamed on
 It will also be on Kool 98.3 and Q107.3

Join the Tailgate Party Friday, September 20th at the WS FB Field from 6:00-7:30 and
save room for Pork Sandwich, Chips, Cookie and pop for $5 a plate
*All proceeds benefit the athletic booster for WS, SC and Woonsocket (Meat prepared and sponsored by Jack Links)

Sophomores and Juniors are gearing up for prom! They are selling Little Caesar pizza and cookie dough kits and are accepting pre-orders for Candy Cloud Factory cotton candy. All forms need to be turned in to Ms. Farrell-Poncelet no later than Monday, September 30 at noon.

Prom is also conducting a silent auction for Super Fan Parking for all Sanborn Central home volleyball & basketball games and Longest Yard football yard lines for the homecoming football game on October 11th. Talk to a junior for information or checkout our website at

Information of the VB game @ Rutland vs ORR(the bus will leave at 11:15 from SC)

Saturday, Sep 21, in Rutland.
1:00 - JH
2:00 - JV with Varsity to follow.
You can't get too Rutland by taking HWY 81 at this point and time.  The best way to get here is to come through Madison and stay on Old 34 (228th St) and to turn north on 460th Ave go 5 miles north and take a right on 228 St go two miles east and Rutland will be a half mile to the North.

Flu shot forms need to be completed by a parent by September 19th.  The clinic will take place Monday October 7th.  We will also need a copy of an insurance card.  If you child's form does not make it home please visit the following attachments for a copy.
Parent flu letter
consent form
Information sheet

It may be early, but our student council decided on themes and wanted to get our days for Homecoming this year! 
October 7th- Merica' Monday
October 8th- Time Travel Tuesday
October 9th- Wacky Wednesday
October 10th- Train Insane Thursday
October 11th- Spirit Day Friday

Picture make up day will be Wednesday, September 25th at 10:00.

Monday, September 30th at 6:00 PM in the commons there will be an informational meeting for MS students and parents that are interested in attending the Washington DC trip in 2020-21.  This does include 5th graders this school year.

Miss West, Easton, Olsen, McClane, and Ronning will be available from 2-4:30 for Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday September 19th.

Sr/Soph Jostens will be here Monday, Sept 23rd at 12:30.  Senior please be here at this time even if you have Sr. privileges.

Yearbooks were sent home with the kids 9-17.  If you are interested in purchasing an 18-19 yearbook stop in the office.  They are available for $38.00.  They will also be available during PTC to purchase.

Sr/Soph Jostens will be here Monday, Sept 23rd at 12:30.  Senior please be here at this time even if you have Sr. privileges.
MS Updates
Middle School parents, follow along as your student learns with Middle School Weekly Updates!  Each week you can read what the teachers are covering in their classroom for the following week.  The following links are for the week of September 16th.

From the kitchen
Upcoming Breakfast-Turkey Sausage, Egg & Cheese Omelet
Upcoming Lunch-Hot Hamburger, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Key West Vegi, Banana

Available NOW from the Kitchen: Chef Salads
$4.25 each
9-12 and Faculty 
Keep watching for more new and exciting things from the kitchen!

September Breakfast
September Lunch

The X-Country schedule has been updated with leave times listed from Woony.  Please visit the following link.

The 281 Conference has been postponed to Sept. 25 at Wessington Springs with a 1PM start. This will replace the Dell Rapids XC invite that was previously scheduled for this date.

Scheduled to work the next VB concessions on September 24th are Jim & Angie F, Carol N, and Mark & Brenda N.  Please contact Ashly U at (605)770-2221 or Tambi W at (605)770-3077 if you can not work a scheduled shift.
The Volleyball Schedule has been revised with the following changes.

2019 Updated Football Practice Schedule:

Please add to your calendar--------With SDHSAA approval, and the go ahead from our football coaches, a varsity football game has been added to the schedule.  On Oct. 4 (Original Bye Week), the Blackhawk football team will play Lead-Deadwood at Wessington Springs at 3:00PM.    (NOTE: A team on Lead-Deadwood's schedule has dropped the program this season and now they are in need of a game. The 3:00PM start time will allow Lead-Deadwood to get back home earlier)

JH & JV Football Info/Changes/Additions
For an updated schedule (JH-JV) follow the link below.

The JH Team is going to plan on practices on the following Fridays from 4:00-5:30
  • September 20
  • September 27
  • October 11
We have added a JH FB game for September 26th at Parkston  (4:00)

2019 5th and 6th Girls & Boys Basketball Schedule has been released.

Sept. 22,29th and October 6, 13th and 20th.  Kindergarten-8th boys and girls can partake in a Basketball workout followed by a 3-3 tourney on October 20th.

It is that time of year again to be thinking of 5th/6th Grade Girls and Boys Basketball. We are trying to get an idea of how many players will be going out this year. If your child is interested in playing basketball this year please sign the form and return to the school (Mr. Henriksen at Woonsocket, and Robin Moody at Sanborn Central) by Thursday, September 19th!

A form will be sent home with your 5th and 6th grader but attached is another form if needed.
To view the schedule please visit the following link

Mrs. Foxley's Information
Seniors and senior parents: There will be a Financial Aid Night on Monday, September 30 at 6:00 pm at Woonsocket. The Financial Aid Director from MTI will provide information about how to complete the FAFSA and answer questions about planning for post-secondary education financially. No matter what post-secondary option you are considering, it will be helpful for you to come! Juniors and junior parents/guardians who wish to plan ahead can also attend. 

Itineraries for upcoming band events and a current band event calendar can be found on the band’s google drive folder:  

The SCW Blackhawk marching band will be marching the East Central marching festival on Thursday, September 26th in Arlington an itinerary for the day can be found on the band’s google drive folder (link above). Meal $$ is due to Miss. West by Tuesday, September 24th. The bus departs at 7:30am from Woonsocket and 7:45am from Forestburg.

The SCW Blackhawk marching band will marching in the Lake Area Band Festival on Friday, October 4th in Chester. Please notify Miss. West if you are interested in chaperoning.
Tuesday, September 24th students will be gone from class 9:40 – 10:30am for a combined rehearsal.
Thursday, September 26th students will be gone from 7:45 - 2:30pm for their marching competition in Arlington.
Tuesday, October 1st students will be gone from class 9:40 – 10:30am for a combined rehearsal.
Friday, October 4th will be gone all day for their marching competition in Chester. The exact itinerary TBD.
Friday, October 11th students will depart after lunch for the Woonsocket homecoming parade.

Sanborn Central 9-12 band students:
Katie Schmit
Alexis Kelly
Samantha Dean
Dana Schelske
Dayton Easton
Brighten Hitchcock
Michael Hoffman
Toby Kneen
Brady Larson
Casady Dean

Here is the link to the FFA newsletter.

The Letcher Community Church is starting its fall schedule.  Sunday
School will start September 8 at 10:00 for ages 3 - 5th grade.
Confirmation classes for grades 6-8 will start at 10:00, also. Senior
youth for grades 9-12 will start on September 18. Sonshine Club will
resume September 25 at 4:00-5:20 at the church for grades K-5.

The Letcher Rock Solid group will meet at 6:15pm on Wednesday, Sept 18th at the Letcher Community Church.  Supper will be served and we will play games afterward. Bring a friend who has never attended Rock Solid before and receive a prize!!  Rock Solid is open to all students 8th grade and up.  Hope to see you there!!

If you are wishing to send your child to Sonshine Club the following permission slip will need to be signed before our bus drivers will drop your child off at the church.  Forms will also be available in the office.

A public concert will be held at the Huron Fine Arts Center at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, October 19th.

Admission is a free will contribution...
Catch the rhythm of urban Brazil with Paula Padiha e Bando.  Paulo's bright music, mischievous humor, and clever lyrics invite audiences to reflect on everything from parents to philosophy.  Come experience the samba that will make you want to dance all the way home!

Thursday-September 19 (Blue)
12:30 Dismiss/Pt Conferences (1-7)
NO JH game/NO JH practice HS practice @ 4 in WS
HS  practice at Wess Sp. (4-5:30)
JH game @ Kimball (5:30)all JH players
Parent teacher conf. (1-7)
Freshman Impact (Alexandria)
5/6 B-ball forms due

Friday-September 20 (Orange)
NO school
FB @ WS vs. Wagner (7:00)
9-12 VB @ Woony 9-11
JH FB practice @ Woony (3:45-5:15)
JH Practice at Woonsocket or SC– 3:15 pm – 5:00 pm

Saturday-September 21
VB @ Rutland vs O/R/R (JH-V)1:00 - JH
2:00 - JV with Varsity to follow.

Monday-September 23 (Orange)

Jostens coming to talk to Sr/Soph.
V FB Practice @ WS 12:30 4-6
JH FB @ Wagner (5:00)
JV FB @ WS vs Wagner (5:00)
7-12 VB @ SC 3:45-5:45 (Excluded JV)
JV VB vs. Ethan JV @ MC (6:30)

The Sanborn Central blog will acknowledge any sports scores and/or information as they are provided from the coaches.  If a game is not posted from a previous event, we have not received information on the results.

Currently we are working on our web site and would love input from you! It's a learning process for all of us.  If you have problems accessing something,  are unable to find something, or would like to see something added please contact

Don't forget to contact us if you find something not working properly or are unable to locate something.  It's a work in progress, but need your input!