Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tuesday, September 3rd

Tuesday, September 3rd
Blue Day

Junior and Senior will meet with the National Guard representative from 12-1 in Mrs. Foxley’s room.

Good Luck to the SCW Volleyball team (7-V) as they take on Hanson with a 4:00 start time.  The bus will leave SC at 2:45

Football schedule for the week.
*Tuesday, September 3-JV Game at Chamberlain – 5:00 pm - bus will leave SC at 3:00 pm. JH Game vs Chamberlain at Sanborn Central at 5:00 pm.  Varsity practice at Sanborn Central – 4:00 pm
*Wednesday, September 4 – JH and HS Practice at Woonsocket – 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
*Thursday, September 5 – JH and HS Practice at Wessington Springs – 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
*Friday, September 6 – Varsity Game vs Winner at Wessington Springs – 7:00 pm

The following will be working the concession stand at the JH FB game tonight vs. Chamberlain starting at 5:00
Ryan & Rebecca Edwards, JD & Jenny Easton

September 12th Volleyball Games vs Mitchell Christian
Curtis & Sara Adams, Jerome Evans, Tim & Stacy Hoffman, Jason & Christy Overson
If you can not work your scheduled shift please find someone to switch with and let Ashly Uecker (605)770-2221 or Tambi Wormstadt (605)770-3077 know of the changes
For a complete list of Booster Club workers, please visit the following link...

Monday, September 30th at 6:00 PM in the commons there will be an informational meeting for MS students and parents that are interested in attending the Washington DC trip in 2020-21.  This does include 5th graders this school year.

September Calendar-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MzNou0L8_8HgtpFEXT6JvwOadUFwKMx6/view?usp=sharing

From the kitchen
Wednesday Breakfast-WG Turkey Sausage Pizza Sliders
Wednesdays Lunch-Chicken Fritter on a WW Bun, Baked Potato Wedges, Peas, Blueberries

Coming soon to a cafeteria need you. Chef salads!!!...Stay posted for further information

September Breakfast
September Lunch

For the complete X-Country schedule please visit the following link.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZPx_YgAWHrgHaU8kJocsJTQLM_mzvQUb/view?

The Volleyball Schedule has been revised with the following changes.
*9-12 Mitchell Christian will only be able to play a varsity match and start at 6:30.
*10-10 Tripp/Delmont/Armour can only play 1 junior high match and will start at 4:15
*SCW's JV will play Ethan's JV at Mitchell Christian at 6:30PM on Sept 23 before the Ethan and Mitchell Christian varsity match.   (NOTE:  Mitchell Christian does not have a JV team so SCW is filling in)

Corsica/Stickney Jaguar invite Saturday, September 14th game schedule and information.

2019 Updated Football Practice Schedule:

Updated Football Schedule:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x8H5AZtBtS7q-5emBg0e6gzW0sSNDJic/view?usp=sharing

2019 5th and 6th Girls & Boys Basketball Schedule has been released.

Mrs. Foxley's Information
All juniors will be taking the ASVAB test on Thursday, September 5 at 8:15 AM

Juniors and Seniors will be attending the DWU College Fair and the MTI Career Expo on Tuesday, September 17. They will need to bring money for lunch. 

Freshmen will be attending Freshmen Impact in Alexandria on Thursday, September 19.  We will leave before school, and a return before route buses run.

A new band schedule has been released.  Please note the dates for the Winter Concert December 3rd and Spring Concert April 21st.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nl-bVUXOAyd3iG_14wwz3uCHrOhGVfdR/view?usp=sharing

Saturday, September 7th there will be a combined marching band rehearsal at Woonsocket from 9am-noon for all 8-12 marching band members.

The SCW Blackhawk marching band will be participating in the following festivals. Please inform Miss. West if you are interested in chaperoning:
Thursday, September 26th – East Central marching festival @ Arlington
Friday, October 4th – Lake Area marching festival @ Chester

Saturday, September 7th at 5:30 SC/Woonsocket FFA Chapter will be hosting a grill out...
Please RSVP to Miss. Ronning! 
Parents - Let Miss. Ronning know if you would be willing to bring a propane grill and/or would be willing to grill the hamburgers and hot dogs.
The following FFA members should bring the following to the grill out:
Seniors - Cases of pop
Juniors and Sophomores - Salads
Freshmen - Cookies or bars

Please help promote and support the SCW FFA by purchasing and wearing their annual t-shirt!
The 2019-2020 SCW FFA t-shirts are available to order! Miss. Ronning will be ordering shirts on September 9th, make sure to get your orders in! These are a soft style unisex shirt, shirts are $15 each and are available in sizes S-4XL.   
The next food drive will take place for Sanborn County residents tomorrow at 5:00 until gone at the Woonsocket Community Center.    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xXPu-FsxqbCSfBoke5yjkscIIfT-l4DL/view?usp=sharing

Information on Hunters Safety Course
Dates September 16-17 and 21st
This course is open to any student that will turn 12 years old by December 31, 2019.  Or any one older that has not taken the course.  Student do have to complete the total 10-hour course and pass the test to get their card.
All materials and firearms are furnished.
Web site for information: Type in gfp.sd.us South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks-State of SD will come up.  (Click on that)  A new screen will come up and on the top tool bar go to the right to EDUCATION, click on it and Hunter Education will come up.  Go to the left side and click on HUNTER EDUCATION.  Look under classroom courses for Classroom course schedule and 
pre-registration.  This will bring up other area courses in case Sanborn does not work.
Also, at this location is HuntSAFE Independent Study Classes with Mitchell Field day on 9-14-19.
Neighboring courses
Wessington Springs 9-10-19 to 9-14-09 contact number 605-220-6943 Lynn Geuke
Huron 9-5-19 to 9-7-19 contact number 605-350-6257 Ross Jensen

The Letcher Community Church is starting its fall schedule.  Sunday
School will start September 8 at 10:00 for ages 3 - 5th grade.
Confirmation classes for grades 6-8 will start at 10:00, also. Senior
youth for grades 9-12 will start on September 18. Sonshine Club will
resume September 25 at 4:00-5:20 at the church for grades K-5.

The Letcher Community Church will be having a potluck community dinner
following worship Sunday, September 8. Everyone is welcome.

Wednesday-September 4 (Orange Day)
HS & JH FB practice @ Woony
9-12 VB SC 3:45-5:45 7-8 VBWoony 3:45-5:45
FFA Range School at Woony
WWTS (3:45-5:30)

Thursday-September 5 (Blue Day)
HS & JH FB practice at Wess. Springs (4-6)
X-country Redfield (10:00)
VB @ Ethan JH-B (Bus lvg @ 2:45)
ASVB testing for Jr’s

Friday-September 5th (Orange Day)
FB @ Wess Sp against Winner (7:00)
9-12 VB SC 3:45-5:45/7-8 VB W 3:45-5:45

Saturday-September 7th
FFA Kick Off Party (5:30) Woony BB Field

Monday-September 9th (Blue Day)
V FB practice @ Wess Sp (4-6)
JH FB @ Wess Sp. Vs. Winner (6:00)
9-12 VB @ W 3:45-5:45
7-8 VB @ SC 3:45-5:45

Tuesday-September 10th (Orange Day)
HS & JH FB practice @ Woony (4-6)
Girls VB @ Woony vs. Cors/Stickney-Parents Night

     (JH-V)4:15 Start