Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday, April 18th

Thursday– April 18, 2019
Orange Day
1:00 Dismissal

Blackhawks skills academy camp forms are due today.  This camp will take place May 22nd-23rd for boys and girls going into grades 2-5 and grades 6-8.  Please see attached form for specific information

No JH track practice today. There will be NO track practice Friday, April 19th.

Huron Circus tickets are available in the office for middle, elementary, and preschool students.  The circus will take place at the Huron Arena Monday, April 22 with a 2:00 and 6:00 performance.  If you attend please write a thank you without a sponsor's name and return to the office so we can ensure that everyone receives at least one thank you.  

8-12 band fundraising products will be available to pick up after school today. Please make arrangements if you had a large order. ALL products need to be picked up today by noon.

Eligibility is due at noon today. Campus will generate the missing assignment report today.

HS kids can leave after at 12:30 today.

Drivers Ed forms were placed on lockers this morning. If you didn’t get one, please see Mary.

The baseball against Gregory for tonight has been cancelled. They will pick up on Monday with a game at Wess. Springs against Madison at 6:00PM

Blackhawk workout forms to all boys and girls grades 3-8 were handed out.  Girls 9-12th if you are interested please stop in the office, forms are due back April 22nd.

The HS Golf team will show off their talents Tuesday, April 23rd at Desmet at 1:00.

If you are missing an item please check the lost and found in the office. All items will be donated after the spring concert on April 25th.

Alex W please turn in your basketball uniform!

Alex, Cole, and Jenna please pay for your prom shirts.

All 8-11th volleyball girls need to sign up for gold medal squared volleyball camp by April 30. 

Mr. Flatten will be conducting on off-season training program for Blackhawk athlete’s grades 7-12. Information sheets will be in the office, or can be accessed by visiting...

Blackhawk workout forms to all boys and girls grades 3-8 were handed out.  Girls 9-12th if you are interested please stop in the office.  Forms are due back April 22nd

We will NOT be having any soccer practice this week (April 15th- 21st). We will see what Mother Nature has in store for us before we make a decision about the rest of the season. Please watch the Sanborn Central Soccer Facebook page and the Rebel E-News for further updates!
As of today soccer practice will be held on Tuesday, April 23rd at 5:30. There will be no soccer practice 4-25 due to the spring concert.

5-7 Band Parents,

Students are performing at the Region 5 grade school contest in Platte on Wednesday, April 24th. You are welcome to come and watch your child perform at 1pm at Platte-Geddes school.
Students should dress up for the day. This can be similar to something they might wear to church, or for a special holiday, or funeral. It is imperative that they remember to bring their music and instruments to school that day.
Below is the tentative itinerary for the day:
11:00am Depart from Forestburg
12:30pm Arrive in Platte, SD
12:55pm Sanborn Central 5/6 band warms up
1:00pm Sanborn Central 5/6 band performs for the judges
1:15pm Sanborn Central 5/6 band departs for Forestburg
3:00pm Arrives in Forestburg in time for regular route buses 

Saturday, April 20th,  there will be an Easter Egg Hunt that will start at 10:00 AM at the Artesian Community Center.  Children of all ages are welcome to attend!

Easter Bake Sale-Sponsored by the Artesian First Lutheran Ladies Saturday, April 20th , from 9:30-11:00 at the Artesian Community Center.  Coffee, lemonade, and rolls will be served in conjunction with the CIA Easter egg hunt.

Letcher Legion Auxiliary is hosting a Spring salad lunch and silent auction Wednesday May 1st starting at 11:30-1:00 at the Letcher Community Center.  Cost is $5 and $3 for under 12. Come to legion to get good food and see what treasures you can get on the silent auction. If you wish to donate anything have it there by 10:45 . 

Women's fellowship at the Letcher Community Church will take place Thursday, May 9th at 1:30.  Everyone is welcome to attend.


Friday-April 19th
  • No school
Monday-April 22nd Orange 
  • Track @ home
  • Baseball @ Miller 6:30 JV&V
  • Blackhawk basketball workout forms due
Tuesday-April 23rd Blue
  • Track @ home
  • HS Golf @ Desmet 1:00
  • JH & JV golf (7-9th) @ Howard 11:00
Wednesday-April 24th Orange
  • 5-8th Instramental Contest-Platte
  • Track @ home
  • WWTS @ Artesian
  • Rock Solid
Thursday-April 25th Blue

  • SC Spring Concert
  • Joint Track Practice
  • 5:30 Soccer Practice
  • Tutoring
Friday-April 26th Blue
  • Baseball @ Redfield V-JV 6:00
  • HS Track @ Miller-lvg at 9:45
  • JH track at Bridgewater 1:30
  • 4-H Shoot State Meet
Monday Breakfast-WW Waffle Sticks, SF Maple Syrup
Monday Lunch-All Meat Calzone, Mixed Vegi, Fruit Cup

If there is something you would like included in your e-news feel free to send the information to