Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday, April 29th

Monday– April 29, 2019
Orange Day

Congrats to the athletes that grabbed metals at the Jimmy Rearick Wolsey-Wessington Track Meet @ Redfield last Friday.
Boys: 3rd Place Overall as a team 110M Hurdles: 4th Tater Moody 23.21, 300M Hurdles: 1st Spens Schlicht 43.40, 6th Tater Moody 51.24, 100M Dash: 1st Trey Ulmer 11.33, 8th Braxton Gentles 12.46, 200M Dash: 1st Austin Schmit 24.90, 400M Dash: Tyler Eddy 59.77, 3200M Run: 6th Jeff Boschee 12:52.67, 7th Carter Linke 13:03.16, 3200M Relay: 5th 10:07.13 (Eddy, Gentles, Slykhuis, Lindgren), Medley Relay: 4th 4:07.37 (Schmit, Senska, Ulmer, Schlicht), 1600M Relay: 5th 3:58.01 (Schmit, Eddy, Moody, Schlicht), 400M Relay: 6th 55.01 (Lindgren, Hines, Wormstadt, Eddy), 800M Relay: 4th 1:38. 65 (Gentles, Senska, Schmit, Schlicht), Triple Jump: 2nd Trey Ulmer 35’6 ¼”, 4th Tater Moody 34’6 ¼”, Shot Put: 6th Phillip Hines 34’11 ¼”, High Jump: 1st Sawyer Senska 5’10”, 6th Tryce Slykhuis 5’

Girls: 4th Place overall as a team 100M Hurdles: 5th Shania Cornelius 19.81, 300M Hurdles: 2nd Trinity Boschee 51.52, 5th Shania Cornelius 58.51, 200M Dash: 1st Megan Poyer 28.99, 1600M Run: 6th Hannah Terkildsen 6:28.08, 3200M Relay: 4th 12:11.30 (VonEye, Terkildsen, Doering, Heiss), Medley Relay: 5th 5:18.04 (Cornelius, Stephens, Doering, Terkildsen), 1600M Relay: 5th 4:45.69 (Boschee, White, VonEye, Poyer), 400M Relay: 7th 62.44 (Stephens, Schmiedt, Cornelius, White), 800M Relay: 3rd 2:01.30 (Boschee, Doering, White, Poyer), Long Jump: 6th Megan Poyer 12’10 ¾”, Triple Jump: 1st Trinity Boschee 32’11” (State Qualifying), Shot Put: 2nd Kaylee White 31’1”, Discus: 2nd Kaylee White 95’2” (School Record), 7th Trista White78’1”, 8th Morgan Schmiedt 75”

The JH 281 Conference trackmeet at Springs for today has been moved to Thursday, May 2nd with the bus lvg at 9:00. Student participating are as follows; Aubrey S, Kara W, Casady D, Brooklyn J, Sidney S, Trey M, Cody S, Cooper G, Keaton F, Carter H, Brady L, Attley T, Toby K, Michael H Tryce S, Leighton T, Noah W, Shania C, & Dana S will be going as well. 

Track practice at home today.

Tuesday, April 30th the HS track team will compete in Freeman with the bus leaving at 10:15.  Good Luck to the competitors; Shania C, Dana S, Cassidy S, Jena S, Tryce S, Noah W, Leighton T, Harley K, Teagen S, Tater M, Aiden W, Sawyer S, and Austin S.

Wednesday, May 1st a CBH JH track meet at Kimball will take place with an 11:15 leave time.  Good Luck to the competitors ; Aubrey S, Kara W, Casady D, Brooklyn J, Sidney S, Trey M, Cody S, Cooper G, Keaton F, Carter H, Brady L, Attley T, Toby K, and Michael H.

Awards Night Potluck Thursday, May 2nd - at 6:00pmSanborn Central Gym.
All parents and students are encouraged to attend. 

Hot Dish 11th 7th and 9th grade.   Salad 6th, 8th and 10th grade.   Dessert 12th grade and staff.
​Please help us spread the word!!!!! Invite your friends and family!
Families with multiple students – bring the item listed for your oldest. Staff and Public may bring any item.
The award distribution and program will begin as soon as the last person has gone through the line.
Plates, silverware, napkins, and drinks will be provided.

The Mitchell Circus will start today and will be going through May 1st.  MS who need tickets please visit the office.

Tuesday, April 30th and Friday, May 3rd there will be a hunters safety course from 6-9.  Saturday the Hunter Safety Course will take place from 8-12.
If you are having trouble with online registration you can also register at the 4-H building the day of the course.

Friday, May 3rd baseball at home against Sioux Valley (V-JV) with the first pitch thrown at 6PM.  

Friday is Pre-School Screening, therefore there will be no pre-school!

Woonsocket and SC will be holding driver's ed classes together again this year. The instructor is Mitch Korbel. Your cost for the program will be $250 per student: payable to the Woonsocket School District. There are a limited number of spots and priority will be given to the oldest students who submit their form by the deadline of May 6th. The fee includes the classroom session and behind the wheel.

The Sanborn Central Booster Club meeting that was schedule for Wednesday, May 1st has been move toWednesday, May 8th at 8:00 pm in the commons area at Sanborn Central. 

May Breakfast menu...

May Lunch menu...

May Schedule...

May Tutoring...

Due to a scheduling conflict the play has been postponed and will be determined at a later date. Come to the 6 PM performance on "How to Mess up Pretty Much Anything" Monday, April 29th!

Please turn in your Coborn receipts from February, March, & April by May 8th to the office. Post Prom receives 1% of the total eligible receipts turned in. Thank you.


Today soccer games will be in Woony (all) and Tuesday, April 30(all)in Spring at SC.

There will be a joint volleyball meeting for grades 6-11 at Sanborn Central on May 3rd at 11:00am in Mrs. Moody's Room.  Players will leave from Woonsocket at 10:45.

The JV and Varsity Golf meet scheduled for Wessington Springs on Tuesday, April 30th has been moved to Friday, May 3rd.  It will still  begin at 12:00 pm.  It is for JV and Varsity.   9 holes. 

Anyone playing summer baseball between the ages of 13 & 16 as of January 1, 2019 please come and sign up in the office before Wednesday May 1, 2019.

Baseball season is almost here, so that means it is time to start practice. We will have our first practice on Thursday, May 2nd in Letcher. Rookies (8 and under) will practice at 6:00 pm and the Minors (10 and under) will practice at 7:00 pm. If your child didn’t sign up for baseball but wants to play please join us for the first practice in Letcher. There will also be practice on Friday, May 3rd at 6:00 pm for Rookies and 7:00 pm for Minors.

The Lady Blackhawks will be hosting a little Blackhawk camp for girls in grades 1st-6th. The camp will be two hours long with proceeds going to the volleyball fund and will take place in the Woonsocket gym. Mrs. Moody will be handing out camp forms and you can also pick up a copy in the office.  Please visit the following link for more information

All 8-11th volleyball girls need to sign up for gold medal squared volleyball camp by April 30. 

Mr. Flatten will be conducting on off-season training program for Blackhawk athlete’s grades 7-12. Information sheets will be in the office, or can be accessed by visiting...

The FFA Banquet is Thursday, May 9th at 6 pm at Sanborn Central.
FFA members in the following grades are in charge of bringing the following for the banquet meal
Maincourse - Juniors
Salads - Freshmen and Seniors
Desserts - Sophomores
Families - please RSVP to Miss. Ronning so that we know how many will be attending.

Mrs. Johnson's Corner

The Greater Huron Development Corporation is hosting a Career Expo and Job Fair on May 1 from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm.  We have over 30 event registrants to date that include universities, tech schools, and area businesses.  Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss a wide array of educational and career opportunities directly with representatives from various public and private entities.  We will also be giving away a Dell Laptop to one of the attendees after the event

Spring Cleaning Season is upon us.....T-Hugs is in need of any cancer related T-shirts that you may want to get rid of.  Please drop them off at the Sanborn Central Office, Woonsocket School, or Zesto in Mitchell.  These quilters have provided many Chemo Patients with warm loving thoughts during their treatments in Mitchell.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!

Letcher Legion Auxiliary is hosting a Spring salad lunch and silent auction Wednesday May 1st starting at 11:30-1:00 at the Letcher Community Center.  Cost is $5 and $3 for under 12. Come to legion to get good food and see what treasures you can get on the silent auction. If you wish to donate anything have it there by 10:45 . 

Women's fellowship at the Letcher Community Church will take place Thursday, May 9th at 1:30.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Sanborn County 4-H and Sanborn County Farmers Union will 

be holding their Day Camp at the 4-H building on
Tuesday, May 21st.  Information and registration forms will be sent home 
with students in ages 6-13.  Forms are due May 13th and can be returned to SC office or mailed to Pat Carsrud 40062 231st. St., Woonsocket, SD 57385  For more information, contact Pat Carsrud at


Tuesday-April 30 Blue
  • Freeman Trackmeet HS(lvg @ 10:15) 1:00 start
  • Golf @ Springs 10:00
  • Hunters Safely Course (6-9)
  • Soccer Games with Springs @ SC (All)
  • Tutoring
  • Gold metal square VB camp forms due
  • 7:30 AM play rehearsal 
  • Mitchell Circus
  • Pillowcase project presentation
Wednesday-May 1st Orange
  • JH CBH Track @ Kimball 4:00
  • Huron Career Expo.
  • WWTS @ Artesian
  • Duel Credit App. Due
  • Hitch-Tulare VB Forms Due
  • 7:30 Play Rehearsal
  • 13-16 Teener baseball sign up deadline
Thursday-May 2nd Blue
  • Blood Drive
  • Awards Night
  • Tutoring
  • El. Book It
  • Baseball Rookies @ 6 Minors at 7
  • No band lessons in the AM
  • JH 281 track lvg at 9:00 (10:00 start)
Friday-May 3rd Orange
  • Baseball vs Volga (V-JV)6:00
  • Pre-School Screening/NO pre-school
  • Howard Wood
  • Hunter's Safety Course (6-9)
  • Baseball-Rookies 6PM Minors 7PM
  • Joint VB meeting grades 6-11
Saturday-May 4th 
  • Howard Wood
  • Hunters Safety Course (8-12)
  • Soccer games at SC (All)

Tuesday Breakfast-WG Blueberry Bash Waffles
Tuesday Lunch-Taco Burger on WW Bun, Black Bean & Corn Salsa, Tortilla Chips

If there is something you would like included in your e-news feel free to send the information to