Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10, 2017

Friday – February 10, 2017
Blue Day
12:30 Dismiss today!  HS students not in band can leave at 11:30!  MAKE SURE YOU SIGN OUT!!!!
Happy birthday Owen Moran!  June 10th Dayton Easton will celebrate.  Tomorrow is Trent Kingsbury’s birthday.  June 11th is Mrs. Knigge’s.  February 12th is Myles Larson’s Birthday!

This is a reminder that the nurse will be at the Sanborn Central School from 10:30am – 11:30am on Monday, February 13th for administering FREE Tdap and Meningococcal vaccinations to those students 11 years and older.  Parents were mailed information.  Please bring your signed form to the office.

Good Luck to the Basketball teams as Highmore makes the trip to Woony today.  Tipoff is scheduled for 4:00 with JVG/JVB/VG/VB.  The game will be aired on Woony’s Santel Channel 104 as well as the high school cube

Good Luck to the Winterguard Squad as they travel to Minnesota for competition this weekend!

The ​SC School Spirit Club will be hosting Kandygrams for Kiddos for Valentine's Day.   Kandygrams will be sold for $2.  Both can be distributed to students on Valentine's Day or arrangements can be made for pick up/delivery if needed.  Please contact/email Tracy Moody to place orders.   Tracy's email is    Friday – February 10th we would like to have all orders in ~ allowing us to make sure we have all the supplies needed!  However, the generous Mrs. T. Moody said that she will take orders on Monday as well!

We are seeing more and more cases of influenza, pneumonia, respiratory infections, strep etc.  Please do not hesitate to stay home if you are not feeling well and see a doctor!   Influenza (also known as the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The flu is different from a cold. The flu usually comes on suddenly. People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms: 
Fever* or feeling feverish/chills
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle or body aches
Fatigue (tiredness)
Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
* It's important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.

Due to Valentine’s Day there will NOT be Tutoring on Tuesday, February 14th!!!

Friday - February 17th is our extra help day.  Please have all missing assignments in campus and labeled missing by noon on Wednesday, February 15th.  This list will be distributed to students.  Please update this as assignments are turned in as we will print a new list about 1:00pm on Thursday, February 16th and begin calling parents at that time.  Any student with an F or missing assignments will be required to be here from 8-11:00 on Friday, February 17th.

Good Luck to the Varsity Guys as they play Chester in the DWU Classic on Saturday.  This game will be aired on KOOL98

Nothing but net!   Good Luck to the winners of the local Knights of Columbus FT contest (girls and boys) who will compete in DeSmet on Sunday:  Ciara Allen, Payton Uecker, Jaslyn Swearingen, Trey Moody,     Kara Wormstadt, Andrew Zens, Dana Schelske, Brady Larson, Brooke Doering, Tryce Slykhuis, Katie Schmit, and Tater Moody   

Time change for Monday – February 13th - Girls @ JVC - JH tip off at 5:15, followed by JV, then V.

From Mitchell Christian…….At our home game with Sanborn Central/Woonsocket on February 16, Mitchell Christian will hold a Safehouse Fundraiser. Instead of charging an admission fee, we are asking everyone who attends the game to bring donations of cash or personal care items to support the Mitchell Area Safehouse. Last year this fundraiser yielded more than $1,009 and over 350 items, and the Safehouse employees were delighted! This year we hope to donate even more!

SD FFA Scholarship Applications must be postmarked by February 13th.

Using Broken Crayons to Help Heal fundraiser by Trinity Boschee, Mary Frances Bruce and Dilyn Brooks. For their service project for confirmation, they are selling valentines at the basketball games Friday the 10th at 4:00 to raise money for Paisley King, who is a 6 month old little girl (Brooke and Steve King's daughter) who was diagnosed with liver cancer.

On February 12th the DWU basketball teams face off in a double header against Concordia at the World's Only Corn Palace! The #8 DWU Lady Tigers will face #2 Concordia Lady Bulldogs at 2:00 with the #9 DWU Men vs. Concordia Bulldogs (15-8) to follow! These games should be very good so come out and see them! While you're there the DWU CHAOS (chemistry, health, and other sciences) group will be putting on a 50/50 for our loved baby Paisley Ann King! Come out and see some amazing DWU basketball and support this beautiful little girl and her family! Hope to see everyone there!!
KEEP Collective
Fundraiser for Paisley. All my commission earned will be donated to the Kings.
There is a Facebook group-
There is also an online order link that people can order from- [1]
This fundraiser will be open until March 6th.
Courtney Ehlke

The warmer days make one think of that fresh spring air!   Check out all the specials at this Scentsy fundraiser and help Mis. Paisley fight liver cancer!

Found that special dress for the prom yet?  Check out the Deubrook Sale – it closes on February 11th!

St. Wilfrid's Church is having a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 12th from 8:30 to 11:30 in the newly renovated church basement.  Bring Your Valentine and check out our kitchen and dining hall. Free will offering to go to basement renovation fund.

Saturday – February 11th:  Winterguard @ Eclipse       
     Varsity Guys @ DWU Classic 7:00pm vs. Chester
Sunday – February 12th:  GB @ Woony 3:30pm       
      KC District FT contest - DeSmet
Monday – February 13th:  Orange Day – BB @ Woony   
     GB @ JVC - JHG @ 5:15
     SD FFA Scholarships Postmarked   
     Board Meets @ 7:00 am      
     Marla here @ 10:30
Tuesday – February 14th:  Blue Day    No Tutoring   
     JH G/B @ MV 4:00   
      Winterguard @ Alpena
     GB @ SC     BB @ Woony
Wednesday – February 15th: Orange Day   GB @ SC    BB @ Woony    
     WWTS @ Artesian
     Missing Assignments @ Noon
Thursday – February 16th: Blue Day – Tutoring
     G/B @ Mitchell C 4:00 JVG/JVB/VG/VB 
     Winterguard @ SC
     Eligibility/MS Updates/Update missing assignments –Parents called at 1:00
Friday – February 17th:  Extra Help Day – Students 8:00-11:00am         
     JH vs. Mitchell C @ SC 5:30
     G @ SC   B @ Woony
Saturday – February 18th:  JH Round Robin @ SC – 9:00am
Today’s Menu: Chicken Quesadilla – Whole Grain Tortilla Chips & Salsa – Corn – Refried Beans – Salad Bar – Fruit /Milk Choice

Getting ready is the secret to success. – Henry Ford

Feel free to e-mail us items you would like included in our e-news