Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday, October 1

Tuesday, October 1st
Blue Day
Tutoring today 3:15-5:15
Eligibility will be ran on Thursday.

Hello Parents,
Please see the attachment for helpful information on your children following a tragedy, etc.
Group Counseling information and details will be announced this week.
The Dakota Counseling 24hr hotline is- 605-995-8180
We believe we are on the correct road of recovery, but please contact us if you need anything.   
Mica Foxley- Counselor
Please view the following link for things parents can do following a tragedy & with warning and suicide signs to watch for with your child.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BmZXlPEFGBbxwLmHWPVsvvTrkDjG0XKK/view?usp=sharing

JH & HS FB practice in Woony 4-6

The VB ladies take on Harrold/Highmore at 4:30 in Woony.  Cheer on the team from home at Santel 104 or Blackhawk live ticket.
Enjoy a Pork Loin Sandwich, Chip, Cookie tonight for $4. Extra sandwich for $2. Drink not included.

Coronation is Oct. 7th at 7:00 pm in the gym. King candidates are Aiden Wormstadt, Tater Moody, & Noah Dickson.  Queen candidates are Chloe Ruml, Katie Schmit and Samantha Dean.  The night will include many activities, and the annual watermelon eating contest with defending champ, Mason Moody, defending his thrown.
It may be early, but our student council decided on themes and wanted to get our days for Homecoming this year! 
October 7th- Merica' Monday
October 8th- Time Travel Tuesday
October 9th- Wacky Wednesday
October 10th- Train Insane Thursday
October 11th- Spirit Day Friday

Congratulations to the following newly elected MS student council. Members: Aubrey M, Cami E, Morgan H, Evan E, Aubrey S, Kara W

Any students who would like to attend the football game in WS Friday may be excused only with written parental permission.  The game will start at 3PM.

Prom is also conducting a silent auction for Super Fan Parking for all Sanborn Central home volleyball & basketball games and Longest Yard football yard lines for the homecoming football game on October 11th. Talk to a junior for information or checkout our website at https://sanborncentralprom.weebly.com

Yearbooks were sent home with the kids 9-17.  If you are interested in purchasing an 18-19 yearbook stop in the office.  They are available for $38.00. 

Get the October Calendar

FYI prom has been changed to April 18th with grand march starting at 8PM and dance from 9PM-12

MS Updates
Middle School parents, follow along as your student learns with Middle School Weekly Updates!  Each week you can read what the teachers are covering in their classroom for the following week.  View this weeks MS updates

From the kitchen

Upcoming Breakfast-PB&J Uncrustables
Upcoming Lunch-Rustic Italian Pasta Bake, Steamed Vegi’s, Cherry Crisp, Applesauce
October Breakfast

October Lunch

Calling all Elementary parents!
What: National Invite Your Parents to Lunch Day
When: Wednesday October 16
Where: Sanborn Central School Cafeteria
Please RSVP By Friday October 11th to laura.conrad@k12.sd.us or by calling 495-8133
Take Your Parent to Lunch Day Menu: Wing Wednesday, Carrot & Celery Cup, French Fries, Fresh Red Grapes
Cost $4.25/meal

The X-Country schedule has been updated with leave times listed from Woony.  Please visit the following link.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WQ_KKJ_pEB3R55_CNLKisDNZrKYd6UiB/view?usp=sharing

The volleyball cookie dough will be delivered to the Woonsocket School on October 7th.  It will arrive around 12:30.  It should all be sorted out before practice starts.  We will change practice from SC to Woonsocket so the girls can take it home after practice. 

The Volleyball Schedule has been revised with the following changes.

281 VB Conference Saturday, October 5thhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/105sDY7_enhKBA1OgaI1wU7e9P8F7OIsv/view?usp=sharing

We have added junior high and C games vs. Howard on Oct. 3 at Howard.
Howard plays Mitchell Christian in varsity that night so we will play the preliminary games beginning at 4:00.
We will play a 7th grade match, 8th grade match, and our C team will play a C match and a JV match.
The bus will leave SC at 3:00

On Oct. 14 we will plan on playing a 7th grade match, 8th grade match, C match, JV and Varsity volleyball vs. Howard @ SC beginning at 4:00.  Note the time has been moved up from initial sched.

Information regarding the Wess. Sp invite tourney Saturday, Oct 12th.  SC vs WS at 9:45 at the west gym

DWU VB Little Tiger Youth Camp Saturday Oct 26th for grades K-5
2019 Updated Football Practice Schedule:

Updated Football Schedule:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iYXTaUxeZUjVRs5pvU5xboD2mG-p3BR8/view?usp=sharing

Below is football schedule for this week:
o   JH and HS Practice at Woonsocket – 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
·       Wednesday, October 2nd
o   JH and HS Practice at Woonsocket – 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
·       Thursday, October 3rd
o   JH Game at Redfield – 4:00 pm – Woonsocket and Sanborn Central players will be bussed to 281/34 junction to meet Wessington Springs bus at 2:15 pm.  
o   HS Practice at Wessington Springs – 4:00 pm – 5:45 pm
·       Friday, October 4th
o   HS Game vs Lead-Deadwood – 3:00 pm at Wessington Springs.   Players and managers need to be at WS gym by 1:30 pm.  

Please add to your calendar--------With SDHSAA approval, and the go ahead from our football coaches, a varsity football game has been added to the schedule.  On Oct. 4 (Original Bye Week), the Blackhawk football team will play Lead-Deadwood at Wessington Springs at 3:00PM.    (NOTE: A team on Lead-Deadwood's schedule has dropped the program this season and now they are in need of a game. The 3:00PM start time will allow Lead-Deadwood to get back home earlier)

JH & JV Football Info/Changes/Additions
For an updated schedule (JH-JV) follow the link below.

The JH Team is going to plan on practices on the following Fridays from 4:00-5:30
  • October 11
2019 5th and 6th Girls & Boys Basketball Schedule has been released.

Sept. 22,29th and October 6, 13th and 20th.  Kindergarten-8th boys and girls can partake in a Basketball workout followed by a 3-3 tourney on October 20th.

5/6th schedule
To view the schedule please visit the following link

Itineraries for upcoming band events and a current band event calendar can be found on the band’s google drive folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cjOTxSdW_K7v9L1-dZAvp4MZBj11LGKL?usp=sharing  

The SCW Blackhawk marching band will marching in the Lake Area Band Festival on Friday, October 4th in Chester. Please notify Miss. West if you are interested in chaperoning.
Tuesday, October 1st students will be gone from class 9:40 – 10:30am for a combined rehearsal.
Friday, October 4th will be gone all day for their marching competition in Chester.   We will be leaving around 7:30am, and hoping to be back by 3pm.
View the following link for the detailed schedule.

Friday, October 11th students will depart after lunch for the Woonsocket homecoming parade.

Sanborn Central 9-12 band students:
Katie Schmit
Alexis Kelly
Samantha Dean
Dana Schelske
Dayton Easton
Brighten Hitchcock
Michael Hoffman
Toby Kneen
Brady Larson
Casady Dean
Sydney Salas
Alex Schelske
Evan Easton

The following students will be attending the High School Choral Leadership Workshop at NSU in Aberdeen on Wednesday, October 2nd:  Lucy N, Dayton E, Alexis K, Harley K, Dana S, Reed S, Leighton T, and Kaden N.  The bus will leave Sanborn Central at 6:15 am and Woonsocket at 6:30 am.  Bring money for lunch, water, and All-State folder.
Counselor's corner
Admissions counselors will be meeting with students on the following dates.

LATI - Tuesday, October 8 @ 1:30 pm MTI- Tuesday, October 22 @ 12:30-1:00 USD -Wednesday, October 30 @ 12:30-1:0

Seniors will be taking the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) exam on Wednesday, October 9 in Mrs. Foxley's room. It will begin at 12:30 and will take approximately three hours.
Here is the link to the FFA newsletter.

WANTED! Do you have Halloween decorations that you would like to part with?!?! The SCW FFA Chapter would love to take those off of your hands. We are in need in Halloween decorations for our first annual SCW FFA Community Halloween Carnival on Saturday, October 26th. More information to come about the carnival next week!

Miss Ronning is also looking for boxes of any size.

Save the date...from 4-6 October 26th the SCW/FFA will be hosting a Halloween Carnival and Haunted House, welcome to the families of students and community members grades Pre-K-5th Grade.
Booster Club
The Sanborn Central Booster Club will meet on Wednesday, October 2nd at 7:00 pm in the commons at Sanborn Central. We look forward to seeing there!

Concession Stand workers for the October 7th JH/JV FB game at SC (4:00) are Jeremy & Ashly Uecker, Crystal Allen and Jenni Greenway.

October 11th concession workers will be Missy Hobaugh, Steve & Roxanne Larson, and Stacy and Ivy Senska.  (Varsity FB game with Mt. Vernon/Plank 7:00PM)

October 14th consession workers are Daniel & April Kneen, and Tara Moody.  This is a JH/JV FB game with Mt. Vernon/Plank 4:30 start)

October 14th  for the VB game vs. Howard Melinda Salas, Jennifer Sheldon, Bob & Brenda Schmit, and Kayla Hanebuth will be working concessions (4:00 start.)

If you can not work your scheduled shift please find someone to switch with and let Ashly U 605-770-2221 or Tambi Wornstadt 605-770-3077 know of the changes.

Letcher Community Church Bazaar Sunday, October 13th from 4-7PM  Turkey and all the trimmings will be served Adult meal will be $10 and children to age 10 are $5 Preschool is Free, and take out meals are available for $10.  
Food Giveaway Wednesday, October 2nd 5-gone at the Woonsocket Comm. Center

At the Huron Public Library on Monday, October 7th you can attend an informative meeting about a trip to London and Munich in June of 2021.  Students in graduating classes 2021-2024 in the Huron School District and surrounding areas(including homeschoolers) are welcome to attend.  Bring your parents.  No obligation!

A public concert will be held at the Huron Fine Arts Center at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, October 19th.

Admission is a free will contribution...

Catch the rhythm of urban Brazil with Paula Padiha e Bando.  Paulo's bright music, mischievous humor, and clever lyrics invite audiences to reflect on everything from parents to philosophy.  Come experience the samba that will make you want to dance all the way home!

Wednesday-Oct 2nd
HS & JH FB practice @ Woony 4-6
7-12 VB @ Woony 3:45-5:30
WWTS 3:45-5:30
Sonshine club 4:00-5:20
X-Country Colman/Egan 1:00
HS Choral Leadership Workshop bus leaving at 6:15

Thursday-Oct 3rd

V FB practice @ Woony  WS (4-5:30 5:45)
JH FB @ Redfield 4:00 NO JV
7-12 VB @ W 3:45-5:30
VB vs Howard 7/8/C/JV
Varsity VB practice in Woony
5/6 girls/boys @ SC 3:45-5
tutoring 3:15-5:15

Friday-Oct 4th

7-12 VB @ Woony 3:45-5:30
Lake Area Marching Fest. @ Chester 8-12 band
HS FB @ WS vs Lead-DW 3:00PM
5/6 Girls/Boys practice b-ball 3:45-5

Saturday-Oct 5
VB 281 Tourney (Commons) 10AM vs. James V. at Wolsey

Monday-Oct 7 (Homecoming wk)
V FB practice TBD (4-6)
JH FB vs Stanley Co. @ SC 4:00
JV FB vs. BEE @ SC 5:30
7-12 VB @ Woony 3:45-5:30
Coronation 7:00PM

Tuesday-Oct 8
HS & JH FB practice @ Woony 4-6
VB @ SBA C, JV, V @ 5:15
5/6 b-ball girls @ SC boys @ Woony 3:45-5
tutoring 3:15-5:15
LATI admissions couns. 1:30

The Sanborn Central blog will acknowledge any sports scores and/or information as they are provided from the coaches.  If a game is not posted from a previous event, we have not received information on the results.