Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mailing List Conversion


 We are in the process of converting the current email list for the Sanborn Central Rebel e-News to a different system using Google Groups. You should receive an email sometime today inviting you to join the Sanborn Central e-News Google group. Please follow the instructions to join. This is a valid message.

Once you are a member of this Google group, you will still continue to receive the e-News in your inbox. Also, the e-News issues will now be viewable right from the Sanborn Central website. Just click on the e-News link at This will take you to the new Sanborn Central e-News blog at There are also instructions on the right side of the blog on how to subscribe and unsubscribe.

If you have any questions, please contact Sherri at Hopefully this conversion will go smoothly. We appreciate your patience if it doesn’t.