Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year!!
The large Athletic Calendars were available at the Back to School Night for families to pick up. If your family didn't pick one up, and would like one (or know of someone who would like one) please let the office know by Friday, August 24, 2012. Be sure to thank the many sponsors who provide the school with these calendars.
All packet forms are due back at the school no later than Wednesday, August 22.
Individual and class pictures will be taken on Friday, August 17. JV and Varsity football and volleyball pictures will be on Monday, August 20.
Don’t forget to send a note with your child for any changes in bussing other than pick up and drop off at their home location. The school wants to make sure that students get to where they need to be. Bus drivers will not drop a student off at a different location unless they have received a note from the office.
The school’s website will be undergoing some changes in the next few weeks to make it more compatible with the school app that is coming out soon for smart phones. The calendar on the site has been updated and will now contain a lot more information, all in one place, so be sure to refer to it often.
From now until Wednesday, August 22, place your orders online for Blackhawk gear using the following link. Items will ship directly to the school the first part of September for distribution. Proceeds will benefit athletics. www.blue84spirit.com/sd2603
The concession stand is in need of 2 JV parents or any other 2 people to work in the concession stand on Monday, August 27 for a JV football game starting at 5:00 p.m. If you can help, please email Tracy Moody at tracy.moody@k12.sd.us.
Calendar change: Due to the recent storm damage at the Sanborn Central football field, the location for the football game on Friday, August 24 has been changed from Sanborn Central to Woonsocket. The game on Friday, August 31 will now be played at Sanborn Central instead of Woonsocket. This swapping of locations will allow more time for repairs at the Sanborn Central field.
HELP WANTED IMMEDIATELY: SPED paraeducator starting ASAP at Forestburg. Must meet the highly qualified status (high school graduate PLUS 2 years of any kind of postsecondary OR an associate degree of any kind OR pass the PRAXIS test). Full time with benefits. Starting pay is dependent on experience. Contact Superintendent Linda Whitney at 605-495-4183 or linda.whitney@k12.sd.us. Sanborn Central is an equal opportunity employer.
Today is the first day of the 2012-2013 school year. There will be early dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
Coborn’s receipts are due today at the school, or at CorTrust Bank in Letcher or Artesian.
Thursday is the first full day of classes.
Individual and class school pictures will be taken on Friday.
JV and Varsity football and volleyball pictures will be taken after school on Monday in Woonsocket.
Superintendent Whitney has provided the following synopsis of Monday night’s School Board meeting for August:
School Board Meeting Synopsis
August 13, 2012
Approved the agenda, the July 13, 2012 regular board minutes, bills and financial report.
Mrs. Whitney reported on the following:
- Test scores are being made public on Tuesday, August 14, 2012. The final results were quite similar to the preliminary reports given the board in July.
- Asked for temporary senior privileges for the Class of 2013 as they did well on the DakotaSTEP tests last spring. They can start privileges as soon as they get the rules approved and have parent signatures. They will ask the board for final approval at the September board meeting.
- Shared projected enrollment numbers. As of August 13 the count is 191 with an additional 10 preschoolers that are not five years old yet.
- Volleyball and football practice began on August 13. Pictures will be taken on August 17.
- School starting on August 15 with a 12:30 dismissal time.
- Security cameras have been installed on the busses. There are two cameras on each bus, one in the front and one in the back.
- The Commons bathroom tile is installed and looking very nice. The board would like to give a special thank you to the Rebel Booster Club for providing the funds for this project.
- Clean up and repairs continue on the football field after the August 3 wind damage. It was decided to switch home games with Woonsocket. Woonsocket will host the August 24 game and we will host the August 31 game provided the lights are up and ready to go.
Discussion was also held on the 2013 tax request. A final decision will be made at the September meeting.
Discussion was held on the resignation submitted by David Steele as a school board member due to job obligations and the inability to attend board meetings, etc. According to state law, the resignation cannot be accepted until a suitable replacement can be found. The replacement must reside in the former Artesian School District.
Approved contracts for Jenny Easton as SPED paraeducator for $10.05 per hour at Forestburg, Jessica Avery as SPED paraeducator for $9.05 at Upland Colony, and Tracy Moody as 7&8/Asst. VB coach for $2000.
Approved the current bussing arrangements with the Woonsocket School District for open enrolled students.
Adjourned at 7:43pm.
Next meeting is Monday, September 10 at 7:00 at the new Upland Colony school building.