Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wednesday, March 12th 2025-Orange Day

 Information for the week of March 10th
The ladies are in route to the State 'B''s this morning. Enjoy every moment, make lots of memories and leave it all on the court ladies! The girls will play Lyman at 7:45 on Thursday at the Huron Arena.
Thursday 5:00PM Player Autograph Signing and Pep Rally with a walking taco and nacho bar served. Everyone is Welcome!
Students wear western gear and fans wear red, white and blue.
  • Students: Western
  • Adults: Red, White, Blue
  • Students: Hawaiian
  • Parents: Hawaiian
  • Students: Blackout, Spirit Day, State Shirts
  • Parents: Blackout, Spirit Day, State Shirts
Thursday State B
Here is the link to purchase state B tickets. pre-purchase state B tickets 

Thank You to Dakota Pro Air today for visiting our school. From 8:15-9:00 they will be with the Ag 1 Class. They will read to the Pre-K in the MS Lab at 9:05 and at 9:35 they will go to read to grades 1-2 in the MS Lab and finish up with Ag III at 10:00. Thank you for giving us time out of your busy schedule Michelle and Heath!

WWTS in Artesian after school
Sonshine Club in Letcher after school

The end of the 3rd quarter is Thursday, March 13th.

The Wellness Committee challenges you  to get up and get a move on. March is a fantastic time to utilize the outdoors and try a new activity!
Wednesday-go for a walk
Thursday-practice 10 minutes of meditation
Friday-write three things down that you are grateful for
Saturday-Spend 30 minutes on a hobby you enjoy
Sunday-digital detox

Save the dates

Friday, March 14th-NO SCHOOL DAY

Parent teacher conference are Wednesday, March 19th from 1-7 with a 12:30 early dismissal.
No School on Thursday March 20th or Friday, March 21st.

Extra Curricular
MS  and HS will have a golf meeting on March 18th in Mr. McCain's room at 11:05

Golfers please hand in your apparel forms by Monday, March 17th.  The check can be made out to Creative Web.

There will be a track meeting for any interested students in grades 7-12th on Monday, March 17th.  More details to come.

2025 Blackhawk track schedule
Track Practice will start for all JH and HS students on March 24th in Woonsocket. 
The first day of practice for spring golf will be on March 31st.

Here is your schedule of 5th and 6th volleyball practices
Due to the boys region basketball game and the weather there is NO volleyball ball practice tomorrow!
3-11-25 Practice @ Woony 3:30-5:00
3-13-25 Practice @ SC 3:30-5:00 Due to the pep rally there will be NO VB practice
3-18-25 Scrimmage @ Woonsocket 6:00-7:30
Please add to the below schedule March 31st game at Iroquois
Spring 5-6th grade Volleyball Schedule 2025
Music News
Important Band Dates:
March 26th: Region V Large Group Contest in Chamberlain: All Day-1:25 performance-lvg SC at 10:00
April 1st: Mitchell Beginning Band Festival All-Day
May 1st: Sanborn Central Spring Concert @ 6:30pm 
May 17th : Graduation: 5-10 Band arrive by 3:30 for tuning; in place by 3:45

Graduation for 5-12 Band:
Woonsocket Graduation on May 16th, please arrive by 6:30 for tuning; in place by 6:45 pm
Sanborn Central Graduation on May 17th, please arrive by 3:30 for tuning; in place by 3:45pm
Here is the list of dates for 2025 CDE's
Monday, March 17th-Tri-Valley W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds-Sioux Falls-Leave SC 7:45
Tuesday, March 25th Districts-4 Locations TBA (Top 4 teams go to state)
April 3-5 FFA State Brookings

Here is a tentative list of students participating
Agricultural Mechanics
1. Gage Hines
2. Evan Easton
3. Benton Eden
4. Teagen Moody
5. Alex Anderson
6. Riley Kneen

1. Brinley Fuller
2. Emilie Lindgren
3. McKenzie Baruth
4. Temperance Salathe
5. Olivia Conrad
6. McKenzie Uecker

Milk Quality and Products
1. Raily Martinez
2. Morgan Eggleston
3. Greta Bott
4. Yuli Garcia

Natural Resources
1. Bryce Larson
2. Grant Edwards
3. McCoy Schulz
4. Clay Moody
5. Payton Uecker
6. Caleb Kneen

Nursery landscaping
1. Cameron Edwards
2. Tori Hoffman
3. Miley Adams
4. Luci Applegarth
5. Madilyn Morris

Veterinary Science
1. Addyson Baruth
2. Tailynn Larson
3. Hudson Fouberg
4. Sophie Kelly
5. Evalynn Olson

1. Carter Edwards
2. Parker Ettswold
3. Eli White
4. Willam Simonds
5. Tanse Moody
6. Cordell Hines

Poultry Evaluation
1. Danielle Brooks
2. Waverly Hagman
3. Shiloh Senska
4. Ryan Eggleston
5. Jason Moran
6. Megan Kogel

Meat Evaluation and Technology
1. Samual Baruth
2. Michael Foos
3. Ian Octavo
4. Cole Wilson
5. Tyler Brueske
6. Landen Jensen

Horse Evaluation and Selection
1. Layton Zoss
2. Aubrey Moody
3. Westen White
4. Ledoux Bracha

Middle School Updates
Week of March 10th
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade

A Note From Mrs. Gassman
middle school parents and guardians! I am writing to inform you about some exciting career exploration opportunities for our incoming 7th and 8th grade students!

With "Our Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Camps" students can take charge of their future and have a blast doing it. Incoming 7th and 8th graders can join our free, five-day career camp this summer. They’ll explore exciting careers, meet professionals and dive into hands-on activities that unleash creativity and ignite passion. With more camps than ever, there’s more reason to join. 

2025 Career Camps Dates and Locations:

June 15-19, 2025 | University of South Dakota + Southeast Technical College

July 6-10, 2025 | Black Hills State University + South Dakota Mines + Western Dakota Technical College

July 13-17, 2025 | Black Hills State University + South Dakota Mines + Western Dakota Technical College

July 13-17, 2025 | Dakota State University + Mitchell Technical College

July 13-17, 2025 | Northern State University + Lake Area Technical College

July 13-17, 2025 | South Dakota State University + Lake Area Technical College

Find the application form here. Each camp will accept roughly 100 participants. The deadline to apply is March 31. Students are expected to be notified of acceptance via email by the middle to end of April 2025. If availability is limited at a particular site, preference will be given to students from school districts categorized as Title I or as having high absenteeism during COVID.  


The Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Summer Camps are a partnership of the South Dakota Board of Regents, South Dakota Technical Colleges, South Dakota businesses and industry, and the South Dakota Department of Education (DOE). The camps are funded with federal dollars available to DOE through the American Rescue Plan Act.

Please email me with any questions or concerns you may have!

From the Kitchen
Find out what's on the menu at


Due to the early dismissal on Wednesday March 19th WWTS is moved to Tuesday March 18th with the bus dropping the kids off after school.

Taco Johns will be staying open later for the State Girls BB tourney-  Wednesday until 11PM and Thursday and Friday until midnight if your looking for somewhere to eat. 






CDE Tri-Valley WH Lyn Fairground
-lvg at 7:45
Golf apparel form due


VB Scrimmage at Woony 6-7:30
Golf meeting in Mr. McCains room at 11:05


PT Conferences 1-7 (12:30 Dismiss)


End of the 3rd quarter
Girls State B's
End of 3rd Quarter
Blackhawk's got talent AM Sanborn
VB practice at SC 3:30-5:00-tentitive
Boys State Basketball


Girls State B-Huron
NO school

Spring Break-NO SCHOOL
Boys State Basketball


Girls State B-Huron

Boys State Basketball